mind and soul
come from the inner part of a human being. The
is the spiritual nature of mankind. The
is man’s
faculty of
thinking, reasoning and applying knowledge. These two nouns are
distinguished in the following way:
feminine gender masculine gender
soul mind
So the analyses of the given above examples show that gender of
nouns is a lexical or semantic category in English.
Majority of modern Indo-European
languages possess lexico-
grammatical category of gender. The category of gender is manifested
in the ability of nouns to assimilate pronouns and adjectives with their
forms. In Russian the grammatical category of gender is widely used.
Every noun has the meaning of gender, that is masculine, feminine and
neuter. The category of gender in Russian has the formal character with
nouns denoting concrete and abstract objects, with nouns denoting
or animals, it has a semantic character, for example, звезда,
месяц, молоко, надежда, любовь, доверие, мать, отец, тетя, дядя.
Sems of gender, case and number are expressed in affixal morphemes
of nouns. The morpheme -ем in the noun «месяцем» includes sems of
objectness, singularity, masculine gender and case, the morpheme «-
ой» in the noun «звездой»
includes sems of objectness, singularity,
feminine gender and case. Comparison of the two affixal morphemes
clears out that in Russian the difference in gender is expressed
materially. As we have seen the affixal morpheme -
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