–ov, -ala
to the end of the numerals of measure: ikkov, beshov,
uchala. These Uzbek numerals are given into English by the following
way where the numeral signifies several persons or things taken
definitely and unitedly in the sense of
both two, all three, all four
and sometimes they are given as: two of them- ikkov, five of them –
beshov: Biz beshov
keldik - Five of us came; Ular uchov kelishdi -
Three of them came.
6. In Uzbek percentage in numerals
is formed
by the combination of cardinal numeral with the word
is read as
qirq besh foyiz
, 100% -
yuz foyiz
Similarities and distinctions between English and Uzbek
1. In the English and Uzbek languages numerals are not formed
from other parts
of speech;
2. In the English and Uzbek languages ordinal numerals are
formed by adding affixal morpheme to the end of cardinal numerals on
the morphological level of the language: besh
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