inchi- fif
th , olti
nchi -
th , o’n
inchi - ten
th ;
some of the English ordinal numerals are
formed on the lexical level of the language:
first, second ;
3. In the English and Uzbek languages cardinal numerals as
adjectives can be substantivized and be used in the function of the
ikki karra
ikk i to’rt-
two and
two is four;
4. In the English and Uzbek languages numerals are used with
numeratives :
o’n ikki yashar qiz -
a twelve years old girl;
5. Uzbek collective numerals are used in the function of the subject:
ovi bog’da o’tirishibti. In English in this case the numeral doesn’t
receive any affixal morpheme, it doesn’t change its form:
Three were
absent from the lesson. In Uzbek in this case the numeral receives the
affixal morpheme of the category of possession ( egalik kategoriyasi:
i, ikkov
ingiz , uchov
imiz) ;
6. In the English and Uzbek languages cardinal numerals can be
used in the function of the object: Birni kessang
o’nni ek(proverb)-
How many books have you bought from this shop? -I have bought
three ;
7. In the English and Uzbek languages ordinal numerals are used
in the function of the attribute:
To’rtinchi kurs talabalari pedagogic
amaliyotga chiqishdi -A
fourth year students went to school on
pedagogical practice;
8. In the English and Uzbek languages cardinal numerals can be
used in the function of the nominal predicate: Uch karra o’n
o’ttiz . In
English in this case the numeral is used in the function of the nominal