yesterday –
Men bog’da
kecha ishladim ( modifies the time of the action); She
often makes grammar mistakes – U
tez-tez grammatik xatolarga yo’l
qo’yadi (modifies the frequency of the action).
Adverbs can modify noun phrases, prepositional phrases, or whole
clauses or sentences: I’ve bought
only the fruit ( modifies the noun
the fruit ) -Men
faqatgina meva sotib oldim ( in Uzbek the
faqatgina modifies the noun , where the affix –
gina expresses
diminution); He drove us
almost to the university (modifies the
prepositional phrase
to the station ) - U bizni
deyarli universitetgacha olib bordi ( in Uzbek the adverb
deyarli modifies the noun in the dative
case –
ga ) ; We must
certainly be polite - Biz
albatta xushmuomala
bo’lishimiz lozim ( modifies the sentence as a whole).
Adverbs formed by the affix
-ly can have the category of the
degrees of comparison: in this case function words
more and
most are
used before the adverb: more slowly< most slowly; this way of
expressing the category of the degrees of comparison of adverbs is
performed on the morphological level of the language analytically: by
the combination of the function word with the notional one: quietly<
more quietlyseriously< more seriouslymore slowly to help us to undersand. With short adverbs which do not end in
–ly comparative and superlative forms are identical to adjectives:
hard-harder-hardest, fast-faster-fastest, late-later-latest: Akbar works