beginning or at the end of the sentence. When it is of particular
importance to express the moment something happened we’ll put it at
the beginning of the sentence. These adverbs are: never, lately, just,
recently, during, yet, soon, sometimes, usually, so far, hozir,
boya, hali, endi, oldin, burun, avval, bultur, tunov kun, yaqinda,
hamisha, hanuz, hamon, bugun, indin , keyin, so’ng , dastlab, har kuni,
qishin-yozin, erta-indin: We have
bought a new flat. I haven’t
seen him
mehmonlar keladi.
Adverbs of place
show where the action or some state takes place.
It is usually placed after the main verb or object, or at the end of the
sentence. These adverbs are: here, there, nowhere, everywhere, out, in,
above, below, inside, outside, into, oldinda, uzoqda, yaqinda, pastda,
nari, quyida:
They looked for him
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