Literature Review: Defining and Measuring Patriotism. Scholars have proposed various definitions of patriotism over the years. Early perspectives
characterized it as uncritical affection or loyalty toward one's nation (Schatz, Staub & Lavine, 1999). More recent conceptualizations
paint patriotism as a complex multidimensional construct involving cognitive beliefs, affective feelings, and behavioral expressions
regarding one’s homeland.
Most contemporary researchers differentiate patriotism from similar concepts like nationalism and national identity. National
identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to their nation. Nationalism denotes belief in national superiority and sweeping loyalty to
state interests over other groups. In contrast, patriotism emphasizes positive regard for country withoutnegativity toward foreign
states (Parker, 2010).
Uzbek professor Kodirov (2010) defines patriotism as “love for one’s Vatan (homeland) and desire to serve its interests" (p.
155). This positions patriotism as distinct from nationalism in the Uzbek context as well.
Various measures have been developed by psychologists to assess patriotic attitudes and behaviors. Common methods include
national identity scales, patriotism/nationalism questionnaires, measures of civic involvement, and scenarios gauging willingness to
sacrifice for one’s nation. Some Uzbek researchers have adapted Western measures for use locally, while others crafted culturally-
specific tools to quantify patriotism among Uzbeks (Akramov, 2007).
Multi-item inventories assessing nationalism and constructive patriotism as separate dimensions like the Patriotism-
Nationalism Questionnaire have frequently been utilized (Zadorozhny et al., 2015). Singleton's (2006) 64-item inventory identifying
four aspects of patriotism (political, constructive, symbolic, and blind) has also been influential.
Contextually-specific measures tailored for Uzbek samples are still needed. Developing localized measures with demonstrated
reliability and validity should be a priority for future research on patriotism in Uzbekistan.
Correlates and Outcomes of Patriotism. Myriad studies have examined variables associated with patriotism and its effects on
thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Patriotism consistently shows modest positive links with national identity and pride. It