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@miltonbooks 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management

–Dan Miller is the author of the New York Times bestselling 48 Days to the Work You Love, No More
Dreaded Mondays, and Wisdom Meets Passion.
Get up 15 minutes earlier than everyone else in your house and get into the office 15 minutes before
everyone else. You can solve any problem in your life if you devote 15 minutes of focused thinking to it
first thing in the morning every day.
Craig Ballantyne is the creator of Turbulence Training and is the editor of EarlyToRise.com.
My “Sacred 60” Morning Routine
In the introduction of this book, I shared a story from a time when I was young
and dumb, overworked and out of control, and would leap from my bed to the
shower to my car in under 20 minutes. That was when I sped right past a state
trooper without realizing he was there, until he pulled me over.
Looking back, I can see that not only was I living dangerously, but that
lifestyle was impairing my creativity, ability to think strategically, and overall
Well, no more buttered rolls and flying past cop cars for me! These days my
mornings look something like this: 6:00–6:20 a.m.—Get up, feed the cats, turn
on coffee pot, prep kids’ lunch or breakfast items while drinking coffee, hug kids
out the door to school.
6:20–6:21 a.m.—Guzzle protein shake and water.
6:21–6:22 a.m.—A minute of gratitude.
6:22–6:27 a.m.—Concentrative meditation.
6:27–6:40 a.m.—Turn on podcast, do yoga stretches.
6:40–6:50 a.m.—Resistance training: one muscle group.
6:50–7:00 a.m.—Shower, dress.

7:00 a.m.—Begin work on MIT without interruptions.
I consider this to be a very minimal “hour of power.” During less busy times,
I add 30–60 minutes of cardio while listening to an audio book or podcast.
It’s pretty amazing how different I feel since I’ve started this practice:
I feel better as a parent knowing that I got a touch point of love
with my kids.
I feel full but not sluggish with the protein breakfast, and the water
seems to wake me up.
My “attitude of gratitude” increases and extends my happiness.
I personally don’t notice any benefits from meditation, but I believe
the scientific research behind it, and I’d probably get more from it
if my practice were longer than five minutes.
The simple yoga stretches have been a life changer; pushing 50
years old, I immediately feel pains and tightness throughout my
body if I forget to stretch.
Listening to audio books or podcasts while stretching or doing
cardio means no matter what else happens later in the day, I feel
good knowing I already had some “me” time for learning or
The Morning Routines of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tony
Robbins, and Other Highly Successful People
Obviously, successful people don’t all follow the exact same routine, but it is
amazing how you can easily identify consistent themes.
Most wake up early—6 a.m. or earlier.
They hydrate by drinking a lot of water.
They eat a healthy breakfast, although each has a different
definition of healthy (e.g., fruit and oatmeal, green smoothie,
protein, slow carb).
They exercise.
Many meditate, journal, or read.
In a video spot recorded for Tim Ferriss, Arnold Schwarzenegger shared his
daily morning routine: My morning routine is very simple. I get up every
morning at 5:00 in the morning, and then I go downstairs to the kitchen, start

reading the various different newspapers, and then go on my iPad, do all my e-
mails and stuff like that…go upstairs to the gym and work out 45 minutes to an
hour, do cardiovascular training…Then after that, have my breakfast. Usually,
it's oatmeal, bananas and strawberries and some blueberries in there, I mix it all
up, with some coffee, eat that, go take my shower, and then go to work.
In his audio program The Ultimate Edge, Tony Robbins shares his “hour of
power.” He begins each morning with a series of breathing exercises, followed
by ten minutes of contemplating everything he is grateful for and visualization of
everything he wants in his life. He then spends 15–30 minutes doing some kind
of exercise while repeating incantations. In a recent interview with Tim Ferriss,
Robbins shared that he now practices cryotherapy each morning, too, standing in
a chamber that drops to around -166 F° for a couple minutes.
Shawn Stevenson is a health and fitness expert, bestselling author, and host
of the podcast The Model Health Show. In an interview for this book, Shawn
shared his morning routine:
Energy is everything. We have a certain amount of willpower allotted to us
every day, and we burn through it quickly if our energy is low. I like to do most
of my creative work in the morning, so I make sure that I stack the conditions in
my life to ensure that my energy is high when I get to my laptop. There are
three things that are mandatory for me when I wake up.
First, I take what I call an "Inner Bath" by drinking about 30 ounces of high
quality water. This helps to jumpstart your metabolism by flushing out
metabolic waste products accumulated in your body while you were asleep.
Whether you realize this consciously or not, when you wake up you are
dehydrated. This will help to instantly balance your body out.
Second, I do a short session of exercise—20 minutes or less—like rebounding
(using a mini-trampoline), going for a brisk walk, or doing Tabata (which only
takes four minutes!) This is not done for the purpose of getting 6-pack abs
(although it couldn't hurt), it's done for the purpose of releasing endorphins
that make you feel good and stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine that
help you to focus (and research shows that secreting these hormones in the
morning will actually help you to sleep better at night).
Third, I eat a lower carbohydrate, higher fat, moderate protein breakfast.
Business Insider ran a series where they asked highly successful people to
reveal their morning routines.

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