“WHAT’S MY ATTITUDE” PROFILE ACTIVITY Complete the following activity. Read all the statements in each category and then
rank them from 1 (least like you) to 6 (most like you). Try to use each number just
once in a category. If you read a statement that you feel is absolutely not like you,
place a “0” next to the statement. You can use the “0” option more than once in
each category.
1. GENERAL a. ___ Watching my savings grow gives me great pleasure.
b. ___ Wandering around stores puts me in a good mood.
c. ___ Making my own financial decisions makes me happy.
d. ___ Being free of rules and stereotypes is my dream.
e. ___ The more money I have, the more I’ll be able to do what I want.
___ I work hard and I want to be valued for the work I do.
2. LIFESTYLE a. ___ I spend money when I need something rather than when I want it.
b. ___ Spending now is definitely more important than saving for the future.
c. ___ Having things that I want is my goal.
d. ___ Possessions tend to drag me down so I don’t own much.
e. ___ Saving money gives me the freedom to do things that cost money in the future.
___ Having things helps people know who I am.
2. EATING OUT a. ___ When I eat out with others, everybody pays for his own food.
b. ___ I order whatever I want.
c. ___ I like to buy food for others because I have the money.
d. ___ I prefer paying my own way.
e. ___ I like to pay for others to impress them.
___ Paying for others helps me feel good about myself.
3. SHOPPING a. ___ I know a real deal when I see one because I shop around.
b. ___ I like everything I try on; it’s hard not to buy it all.
c. ___ Name brands fill my closets and drawers.
d. ___ I like to make my own fashion statements.
e. ___ When I go shopping, I buy something that will help me accomplish my goals.
___ I go shopping to make myself feel good.
4. SAVING a. ___ I have a secret stash of money just in case I need it.
b. ___ Saving money is hard for me. I always have something I want to buy.
c. ___ When I take charge of my money, I feel in control.
d. ___ Saving money is easy because I’d rather be doing things that don’t cost a lot.
e. ___ The more money I have saved, the more options I have open to me.
___ Having a large amount of savings makes me feel valuable.
5. GIFTS a. ___ It’s easier to give gifts to others than to buy them for myself.
b. ___ I love buying the perfect gift for someone.
c. ___ I buy expensive gifts because it means more.
d. ___ Handcrafted/homemade gifts have more meaning; people think they are special.
e. ___ The gifts I give others lets them know that I like them or I want them to like me.
___ The price of my gift earns me respect for being able to afford it.