Q131. If you could give a me aningful gift to a family me mbe r, what would it be ? Q132. Explain your le arning style : visual, auditory, kine sthe tic, e tc Q133. What do you think are some of the cause s and what are some of the solutions to the proble m of obe sity in today's socie ty? Q134. Do you think that se e ing viole nce in vide o game s or movie s cause pe ople to be have viole ntly? Q135. Should childre n be allowe d to e at only the foods the y want? Q136. Should childre n be give n the fre e dom to dre ss anyway the y Q137. Would you save your mone y at a bank or at your home ? Why? Q138. If you could choose your own study hour, how many hours would you study? Q139. Do you think it's important for childre n to le arn how to swim at an e arly age ? Q140. Should olde r childre n le arn to cook so the y can he lp pre pare the family me als some time s? Q141. Which skill do you think is more important in fore ign language le arning? Q142. Which is your favorite e thnic (Kore an, Me xican, Fre nch, e tc.) food? Q143. Laughte r and joy are e sse ntial aspe cts for a he althy life . Why? Q144. Whe n you fe e l sad, what are some things you do to he lp yourse lf fe e l be tte r? Q145. Do you think it’s a good ide a to loan mone y to frie nds? Q146. Is it important to have e xpe nsive but be autiful things such as fancy cars and de signe r labe l clothe s? Q147. What is your favorite type of e xe rcise ? Q148. Whe n you choose a frie nd, which quality is more important in that pe rson: hone sty or physical appe arance ? Q149. If the re was a fire or some othe r type of disaste r in your house , what would you take with you? Why? Q150. Who is your be st frie nd? Why is he /she important to you? Q151. If you could be famous for some thing, what would you want to be ?