Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
iseases of the
59: 7 (2016)
acute colonic pseudo-obstruction; Colon
he american society of Colon and Rectal surgeons
is dedicated to ensuring high-quality patient care
by advancing the science, prevention, and man-
agement of disorders and diseases of the colon, rectum,
and anus. this Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee
is charged with leading international efforts in defining
quality care for conditions related to the colon, rectum,
and anus by developing Clinical Practice Guidelines
based on the best available evidence. these guidelines are
inclusive, not prescriptive, and are intended for the use
of all practitioners, healthcare workers, and patients who
desire information about the management of the condi-
tions addressed by the topics covered in these guidelines.
their purpose is to provide information on which deci-
sions can be made rather than to dictate a specific form
of treatment.
it should be recognized that these guidelines should
not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care or
exclusive of methods of care reasonably directed toward
obtaining the same results. the ultimate judgment regard-
ing the propriety of any specific procedure must be made
by the physician in light of all of the circumstances pre-
sented by the individual patient.
large-bowel obstruction in adults is most often caused
by colon or rectal cancer, diverticular disease, or volvu-
lus of the colon.
obstruction from colonic volvulus
results from twisting of a redundant segment of colon
on its mesentery.
the worldwide incidence of colonic
volvulus is variable, with historical evidence indicating
higher rates in parts of india, africa, and middle eastern
countries, and a relatively lower incidence in the united
states, australia, new Zealand, and Western european
Volvulus occurs in the sigmoid colon or
cecum in >95% of cases, with the remainder involving
either the transverse colon or the splenic flexure of the
in the united states and other Westernized
countries, patients with volvulus typically present in
their 6
to 8
decade of life and frequently experience
chronic medical conditions, neuropsychological impair-
ment, or constipation.
in general, sigmoid vol-
vulus affects patients who are older, with more comorbid
medical and neuropsychological conditions, compared
with those with cecal volvulus.
earlier reports,
along with recent evidence from 2 large studies from the
united states, 1 from france, and 1 from new Zealand,
indicate an ≈2:1 predominance of sigmoid volvulus in
men and 3:1 predominance of cecal volvulus in wom-
the evaluation and management of
colon volvulus include endoscopic and/or operative as-
sessment of the viability of the volvulized colon segment,
relief of the colon obstruction, and measures aimed at
preventing recurrence of the problem. Without defini-
tive operative treatment, colonic volvulus tends to re-
cur, with each episode presenting a risk of ischemia and
acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (aCPo), or ogil-
vie syndrome, is hypothesized to result from dysregula-
tion of autonomic impulses in the enteric nervous system
of the colon, creating a clinical picture consistent with
large-bowel obstruction, although no mechanical block-
age is present.
aCPo typically occurs in patients of
advanced age who are hospitalized for medical conditions,
traumatic injury, or a surgical procedure.
aCPo may progress to ischemic perforation of the colon,
and, thus, timely recognition and therapeutic intervention
are essential.
therapeutic interventions in aCPo
are focused on decompression of the colon and include
supportive measures, pharmacologic therapy with neo-
stigmine, colonoscopic decompression, and, occasionally,
operative intervention. this parameter will focus on the
evaluation and treatment of cecal and sigmoid volvulus
and aCPo.
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Colon Volvulus
and Acute Colonic Pseudo-Obstruction
Jon D. Vogel, M.D. • Daniel L. Feingold, M.D. • David B. Stewart, M.D.
Jacquelyn S. Turner, M.D. • Marylise Boutros, M.D. • Jonathan Chun, M.D.
scott R. steele, m.D.
Dis Colon Rectum 2016; 59: 589–600
Doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000000602
© the asCRs 2016
Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
oGel et al:
olVulus anD
an organized search of relevant literature was performed
using the following databases from inception: ovid meD-
LINE (1946 to current), EMBASE (1980 to May 2015), the
Cochrane Database of systematic Reviews (Wiley inter-
face), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled trials
(Wiley interface), and the national Guidelines Clearing-
house ( Retrieved literature was limit-
ed to the english language, but no year limits were applied.
the searches are complete through may 2015. the search
strategies were based on the concepts of volvulus, pseudo-
obstruction, and various surgical and diagnostic procedures
using multiple subject headings and text word terms to de-
scribe each concept. for example, the concept of volvulus
is described by terms such as malrotation, torsion, bascule,
and intestinal volvulus, whereas surgical and diagnostic
concepts are described by terms like decompression, col-
ectomy, resection, imaging, and radiography, among many
others. Directed searches of the embedded references from
the primary articles were also performed in selected cir-
cumstances. although not exclusionary, primary authors
focused on all english language articles and studies of
adults. Prospective, randomized controlled trials and meta-
analyses were given preference in developing these guide-
lines. Recommendations were formulated by the primary
authors and reviewed by the entire Clinical Practice Guide-
lines Committee. the final grade of recommendation was
performed using the Grades of Recommendation, assess-
ment, Development, and evaluation system.
(table 1)
Colon Volvulus
1. Initial evaluation should include a focused history and
physical examination, complete blood cell count, serum
electrolytes, and renal function assessment. Grade of
Recommendation: Strong recommendation, based on
low- or very-low-quality evidence, 1C.
Common presentation of symptoms of both sigmoid and
cecal volvulus includes abdominal cramping, pain, nausea,
vomiting, and obstipation.
on physical examina-
tion, there is typically abdominal distension, varying de-
grees of tenderness, diminished or increased bowel sounds,
and often an empty rectum on digital examination.
the duration of symptoms before presentation ranges
from a few hours to several days, with acute presentations
more common with cecal volvulus and indolent presen-
tations more common with sigmoid volvulus.
the frequent presence of comorbid conditions in patients
with colon volvulus, along with the possibility of electro-
lyte derangement and acute renal insufficiency secondary
to vomiting and dehydration, warrants the inclusion of
routine blood testing during the initial evaluation of pa-
tients with suspected colonic volvulus. emergency presen-
tations, with clinical signs of peritonitis or shock related to
colon ischemia or perforation, have been noted to occur
in <25% and 35% of patients with sigmoid and cecal vol-
in general, the history and physical examina-
tion, laboratory blood work, and radiological evaluation
are occurring in parallel to avoid delays.
2. Diagnostic imaging for colonic volvulus is initially
based on plain abdominal radiographs and often in-
cludes confirmatory imaging with a contrast enema or CT
imaging. Grade of recommendation: Strong recommen-
dation, based on low- or very-low-quality evidence, 1C.
Plain abdominal radiographs are often useful in the ini-
tial diagnostic evaluation of patients with suspected co-
lon volvulus. as above, imaging should occur early in the
course of suspected volvulus because they may rapidly
lead to a diagnosis. Radiographic images typically reveal
a distended loop of colon that may resemble a coffee bean
or bent inner tube projecting toward the upper abdomen,
sometimes above the transverse colon, which has been
described as the “northern exposure sign.”
abdominal radiographs may also show distention of the
small bowel with air-fluid levels and decompressed co-
lon distal to the point of volvulus. in a recently published
study, abdominal radiographs were considered suggestive
of diagnosis or diagnostic of cecal volvulus in 27% and
15% of patients and in 31% and 51% of those with sig-
moid volvulus.
in another recent review, lau et al
ported that plain abdominal radiographs were diagnostic
of sigmoid and cecal and sigmoid volvulus in 26% and
66% patients. Plain abdominal radiographs may also re-
veal other conditions that are included in the differential
diagnosis of colon volvulus, as well as complicating fac-
tors, such as pneumoperitoneum or pneumatosis.
in cases in which clinical assessment and plain ad-
nominal radiographs are insufficient to confirm the di-
agnosis of colon volvulus, contrast enema or Ct imaging
may be helpful. a water-soluble contrast enema may help
confirm the diagnosis of cecal or sigmoid volvulus by dem-
onstrating a smooth, tapered point of obstruction known
as a “bird’s beak” at the point of colon torsion.
in the recent report by swenson et al,
contrast enema was
suggestive of diagnosis or diagnostic for cecal volvulus in
44% and 33% of patients and for sigmoid volvulus in 13%
and 78% of patients. in the review by lau et al,
the com-
bination of plain abdominal radiographs and contrast en-
ema images was diagnostic for sigmoid and cecal volvulus
in 90% and 42% of patients. older studies also supported
the use of a contrast enema in cases of suspected cecal or
sigmoid volvulus and have shown that the point of co-
lonic torsion could be identified in ≈70% of cases.
in general, water-soluble contrast medium is preferable to
barium contrast, because the latter could cause a chemical
peritonitis in the setting of a perforated colon.
Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
iseases of the
59: 7 (2016)
Contrast-enhanced Ct imaging is currently the pre-
ferred confirmatory diagnostic study for both cecal and
sigmoid volvulus because it is noninvasive, easily obtain-
able, accurate for both cecal and sigmoid volvulus, and has
the advantage of identification of incidental pathology
that may be missed with plain radiographs or fluoroscopic
contrast studies. in addition, abdominal Ct has proven
useful to distinguish organoaxial cecal volvulus from cecal
bascule and may facilitate the diagnosis of colonic isch-
in the study by swenson et al,
the positive
diagnostic yield of Ct for cecal and sigmoid volvulus was
71% and 89%. other diagnoses that can mimic the pre-
sentation of colonic volvulus, such as obstruction because
of a neoplasm or pseudo-obstruction, can also be evalu-
ated with the above modalities.
Sigmoid Volvulus
1. Rigid or flexible endoscopy should be performed to as-
sess sigmoid colon viability and to allow initial detorsion
and decompression of the colon. Grade of Recommen-
dation: Strong recommendation, based on low- or very-
low-quality evidence, 1C.
in the absence of colonic ischemia or perforation, the
initial treatment of sigmoid volvulus is endoscopic de-
torsion, which is effective in 60% to 95% of patien
Detorsion may be performed by rigid or
flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy in unusual cases in
which the transition point is beyond the reach of a short-
er scope.
after successful detorsion of the sigmoid
colon, a decompression tube should, in general, be left in
place for a period of 1 to 3 days to maintain the reduction,
allow for continued colonic decompression, and facilitate
mechanical bowel preparation, as needed.
in patients with sigmoid volvulus who undergo success-
ful endoscopic detorsion without subsequent interven-
tion, index admission and long-term recurrent volvulus
have been observed in 3% to 5% and 43% to 75% of
With this high risk of recurrent
volvulus and the attendant risks associated with each epi-
sode, operative intervention should be strongly consid-
ered in appropriate patients during the index admission
or soon thereafter.
in a recent study by Yassaie et al,
31 patients with sig-
moid volvulus who underwent successful endoscopic de-
torsion and no further interventions before discharge were
evaluated. Recurrent sigmoid volvulus was diagnosed in 19
(61%) of these patients at a median of 31 days. of these 19
patients, 7 underwent colectomy and 12 had repeat endo-
scopic detorsion alone, of whom 5 (48%) were diagnosed
with a third episode of volvulus at a median interval of 5
months and 3 (25%) required emergent sigmoid colectomy.
in the study by swenson et al,
10 (48%) of 21 of patients
with sigmoid volvulus treated nonoperatively returned with
TABLE 1. The GRADE system: grading recommendations
Benefit vs risk and burdens
Methodologic quality
of supporting evidence
Strong recommendation;
high-quality evidence
Benefits clearly outweigh risk
and burdens or vice versa
RCTs without important limitations
or overwhelming evidence from
observational studies
Strong recommendation, can
apply to most patients in
most circumstances without
Strong recommendation;
Benefits clearly outweigh risk
and burdens or vice versa
RCTs with important limitations
(inconsistent results, methodologic
flaws, indirect, or imprecise) or
exceptionally strong evidence
from observational studies
Strong recommendation, can
apply to most patients in
most circumstances without
Strong recommendation;
low- or very-low-quality
Benefits clearly outweigh risk
and burdens or vice versa
Observational studies or case series
Strong recommendation but may
change when higher-quality
evidence becomes available
Weak recommendation;
high-quality evidence
Benefits closely balanced with
risks and burdens
RCTs without important limitations
or overwhelming evidence from
observational studies
Weak recommendation, best
action may differ depending
on circumstances or patient or
societal values
Weak recommendation;
Benefits closely balanced with
risks and burdens
RCTs with important limitations
(inconsistent results, methodologic
flaws, indirect, or imprecise) or
exceptionally strong evidence
from observational studies
Weak recommendation, best
action may differ depending
on circumstances or patient or
societal values
Weak recommendation;
low- or very-low-quality
Uncertainty in the estimates of
benefits, risks, and burden;
benefits, risk and burden
may be closely balanced
Observational studies or case series
Very weak recommendations;
other alternatives may be
equally reasonable
Table was adapted and reprinted with permission from Chest. 2006;129:174–181.
GRADE = Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation; RCT = randomized controlled trial.
Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
oGel et al:
olVulus anD
recurrent volvulus at a median of 106 days (range, 8–374
days) after discharge. similarly, tan et al
observed recurrent
sigmoid volvulus in 28 (61%) of 46 patients who were dis-
charged after endoscopic reduction alone.
Care should be taken in the selection of patients for en-
doscopic detorsion, and those with signs and symptoms of
bowel ischemia or perforation should not be considered for
endoscopic intervention. in cases in which advanced muco-
sal ischemia, peroration, or impending perforation of the
colon is discovered during endoscopy, the procedure should
be aborted in favor of emergent operative intervention.
2. Urgent sigmoid resection is generally indicated when
endoscopic detorsion of the sigmoid colon is not possible
and in cases of nonviable or perforated colon. Strong
recommendation, based on low- or very-low-quality
evidence, 1C.
urgent operative intervention for sigmoid volvulus is
required in the 5% to 22% of patients in whom endo-
scopic detorsion is not possible and in the 5% to 25%
of patients in whom colonic ischemia, perforation, peri-
tonitis, or septic shock complicate the initial presenta-
in general, resection of infarcted
bowel should be performed without detorsion and with
minimal manipulation to prevent release of endotoxin,
potassium, and bacteria into the general circulation and
to avoid perforation of the colon.
once the vol-
vulized segment of colon has been removed, the decision
to perform primary colorectal anastomosis, defunc-
tioned colorectal anastomosis, or end-descending co-
lostomy should be individualized, with consideration of
both the overall condition of the patient and the colon.
this approach was exemplified in a consecutive series of
patients reported by Kuzu et al in 2002.
in their ret-
rospective study of 106 sigmoid volvulus cases accumu-
lated over 8 years, sigmoid resection with end colostomy
(hartmann procedure, n = 49) or sigmoid resection
with colorectal anastomosis without diverting ostomy
(n = 57) was performed at the discretion of the oper-
ating surgeon. a hartmann procedure was used more
often in patients with a nonviable colon or peritonitis
and resulted in increased postoperative complications
and mortality (8% vs 5%), whereas anastomotic leak oc-
curred in 7% of patients in the anastomosis group.
the largest reported series of patients with sigmoid vol-
vulus, a hartmann procedure was the most commonly
performed emergency operation, with overall morbid-
ity of 42% and mortality of 20%.
although this study
included 952 patients accumulated over 4 decades, the
most recent 10-year period was notable for more selec-
tive use of the hartmann procedure in the setting of a
nonviable colon (mortality = 7%) and resection with
anastomosis when the colon was viable (mortality = 1%).
another nonrandomized study of sigmoid resection with
nondiverted or diverted (blow-hole colostomy) colorec-
tal anastomosis was notable for 12% and 0% anastomotic
leaks and mortality in 8% and 10%.
although there are
insufficient data to support one technique over anoth-
er in emergent cases for sigmoid volvulus, more robust
studies performed in patients with sigmoid diverticular
disease have compared urgent hartmann procedure with
colorectal anastomosis, both with and without proximal
diversion. these studies demonstrated no difference in
mortality or overall surgical postoperative complications
among the various approaches.
ing this limited evidence, end colostomy creation is of-
ten the most appropriate choice for hemodynamically
unstable patients or when concomitant factors, such as
increased asa or acute Physiology and Chronic health
evaluation ii score, hemodynamic instability, coagulopa-
thy, acidosis, or hypothermia, add prohibitive risk to the
integrity of a colorectal anastomosis.
the role of laparoscopic surgery for emergent colorec-
tal operations is still being defined, and there is a paucity of
data specific to emergent laparoscopic sigmoid volvulus sur-
gery. one recent comparison of open and laparoscopic cases
demonstrated a 2-fold increase in anastomotic leak in the
latter group and similar overall postoperative morbidity.
additional published results indicate that the laparoscopic
approach is a suitable alternative to laparotomy in select cas-
es by surgeons who are competent with this technique.
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