What do you dislike about your study?
I didn’t like getting up early in the morning when I was studying
Javobi: As a student, safely say that I dislike School very strongly mainly because the teachers pile so much work on to us that we hardly get 5 hours of sleep a night during an average school week. You see, when I go to bed, to wake up early because my classes usually start at 8 a.m. top it off, facts are boring and relevant to our future career. So it causes a lot of stress, and my fellow students reluctant to study
Talaba ekanligimdan, men Maktabni juda yoqtirmasligimni aniq aytish mumkin, chunki o'qituvchilar bizni juda ko'p ishlayotgani uchun, biz o'rtacha o'quv haftasida kuniga 5 soat uxlaymiz. Ko'ryapsizmi, men erta uyg'onish uchun yotar ekanman, chunki darslarim odatda ertalab soat 8 da boshlanadi, faktlar zerikarli va kelajakdagi kasbimiz bilan bog'liq. Shunday qilib, bu juda katta stressni keltirib chiqaradi va mening hamkasblarim o'qishni xohlamaydilar
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