... o Develop and evaluate topics of study in terms of conceptual soundness, significance, and intellectual integrity
... o Adapt strategies and environments to meet the specific needs of all children, including those with disabilities, developmental delays, or special abilities
... Use individual and group guidance and problem-solving techniques to develop positive and supportive relationships with children, to encourage positive social interaction among children, to promote positive strategies of conflict resolution, and to develop personal self-control, self-motivation, and self-esteem
... Establish and maintain physically and psychologically safe and healthy learning environments for children
... o Demonstrate understanding of the influence of the physical setting, schedule, routines, and transitions on children and use these experiences to promote children's development and learning
... o Demonstrate understanding of the developmental consequences of stress and trauma, protective factors and resilience, and the development of mental health, and the importance of supportive relationships
... Use informal and formal assessment strategies to plan and individualize curriculum and teaching practices