Stadtbibliothek Berlin - Mitte N 1 1 < 0 6 4 9 7 7 2 3 4 5 6
A train journey from Turkey to France is delayed by thick snow.
So when a passenger on the train is found m urdered in his bed, it
is the p e rfe ct o p p o rtu n ity fo r Agatha C hristie’s famous detective,
Hercule Poirot, to prove his ability and solve the crime using the
p o w e r o f his brain._______________________________________
Philipp-Schaeffer-Bibl. (456)
Penguin Readers are simplified texts which provide a step-by-step
approach to the joys o f reading for pleasure.
Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter
E a s y s ta rts
200 headwords
L e ve l
300 headwords
L e ve l 2
600 headwords
L e ve l 3
1200 headwords
L e v e l 4
1700 h e a d w o rd s
In te rm e d ia te
Le ve l 5
2300 headwords
Le ve l 6
3000 headwords
British English
Number o f words (excluding activities): 18,985
Cover illustration by Lucy Davey / w w w .theartw
Audio CD pack also available
w w w .p e n g u in re a d e rs .c o m