Societies have revised their statutes and met
all the standards of the guidance document
as verified by the Joint ICRC/IFRC Commission
for National Society Statutes, while another 71
National Societies are in the process of revising
their statutes.
According to the information available to the
Statutes Commission, half of
all National Societies (96) still need to initiate a
review to meet the IFRC decision requesting that
all National Societies do so by end of 2024.
The pool of specialists
to support National
Societies in the revision of their statutes was
further strengthened during 2022. A number of
resources have been developed and collected
to support National Societies in their statute
revision process, including National Society
illustrations, guidance on the statutes revision
process, and an e-learning course divided into
an introductory module and practical examples,
among others.
part of the Ukraine operation, several
positions related to
National Society devel-
opment in emergencies
were identified and
supported. This function was clearly identified
as one of the main priorities for any emergency
by the several real-time reviews of the operation
in response to the Ukraine crisis.
Since the
launch of the re-engineered
Building Fund
(CBF ) between August
2021-December 2022,
the fund disbursed
4.8 million Swiss francs to support addressing
the needs of 93 National Societies (48 per cent
of National Society members) through different
types of funding assistance.
The allocations addressed in a balanced way
the current focus areas supported by the fund,
namely, integrity, transparency and accounta-
bility; financial sustainability; volunteering and
youth development; and systems development
and digital transformation.
This work has included allocating 59 individual
National Society grants (3.5 million Swiss francs)
and supporting a group of National Societies in
developing basic digital maturity through a bulk
allocation of 1.5 million Swiss francs. Individual
grants have had a maximum funding ceiling of
100,000 Swiss francs.
By December 2022, 23 National Societies had
completed their initiatives, and
reported on their achievements.
Preliminary results and testimonials received
from the National Societies in 2022 indicate a
deep appreciation for how the re-engineered
Capacity Building Fund has contributed to their
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