scope of exclusive legislative power] Law regarding matters subject to the exclusive legislative power of the Federation
shall become federal law in the area in which it applies.
Article 125: [Continued applicability of law within the scope of concurrent legislative power] Law regarding matters subject to the concurrent legislative power of the Federation
shall become federal law in the area in which it applies:
1. insofar as it applies uniformly within one or more occupation zones;
2. insofar as it is law by which former Reich law has been amended since 8
May 1945.
Reference to country's history
Article 125a: [Continued applicability of federal law - Replacement by Land law] 1. Law that was enacted as federal law but that by virtue of the amendment of
paragraph (1) of Article 74, the insertion of the seventh sentence of paragraph
(1) of Article 84, the second sentence of paragraph (1) of Article 85 or of the
second sentence of paragraph (2a) of Article 105, or because of the repeal of
Articles 74a, 75 or the second sentence of paragraph (3) of Article 98 could no
longer be enacted as federal law, shall remain in force as federal law. It may be
superseded by Land law.
2. Law that was enacted pursuant to paragraph (2) of Article 72 as it stood up to 15
November 1994 but which, because of the amendment of paragraph (2) of
Article 72, could no longer be enacted as federal law shall remain in force as
federal law. A federal law may provide that it may be superseded by Land law.
3. Law that has been enacted as Land law but which, because of the amendment of
Article 73, could not be enacted any longer as Land law shall continue in force as
Land law. It may be superseded by federal law.