1. Introduction Since the end of the 19th century, most of the wars and alliances in the world have
been based on the desire to own energy resources. In the modern world, the
distribution of energy resources, and the establishment of cooperation in the field
of energy directly affect the nature of interstate relations. Energy-rich countries use
it not only as an economic tool in their foreign policy, but also as an instrument of
geopolitical influence. The needs of the countries with limited energy resources
increase the effectiveness of such geopolitical instruments. The main purpose of the
study is to determine the place of the energy factor in Iranian-Armenian relations,
and studying the main areas of cooperation between the two countries in the field
of energy and the problems affecting it. Another point is determining the need for
energy cooperation with Iran, along with the post-Soviet Republic of Armenia's
energy-rich Republic of Azerbaijan and its traditional ally Russia.
The characteristics of energy diplomacy between the two countries have been
assessed mainly on the basis of the theory of realism. As it is known, according to
the theory of realism, the main goal of any state is to ensure national interests, and
other goals are of secondary importance (Ar
ı, 2017, p. 100). Iran's energy
diplomacy towards Armenia can be assessed from this perspective. The research
was conducted mainly on the basis of historical-chronological descriptions and
methods of comparative analysis of periods.
The study aims to fill the gap in the
literature about the Caucasus aspect of Iranian energy diplomacy and the scientific
evaluation of the reasons for cooperation with Armenia in the field of energy. The
study aims to fill the gap in the literature about the Caucasus aspect of Iranian
energy diplomacy and the reasons for cooperation with Armenia in this field.