MATERIALS AND METHODS Amino acids are one of the most important units in human, animal and plant organisms [12]. Proteins formed from amino acids are one of the most important components of all living cells [13].As effective drugs, amino acid-based drugs are prescribed for the treatment of many pathological processes, as well as for health and preventive purposes. With a lack of amino acids, many vital processes in the body slow down. Studying the amino acid composition of plants is of scientific and practical importance.The purpose of this work is to qualitatively and quantitatively study the amino acid composition of portulaca oleracea L. plant.Identification of amino acid derivatives according to the YuSSX method was carried out. Phenylthiocarbamyl derivatives of amino acids were obtained based on reaction with phenylthioisocyanate according to the method of Steven A, Cohen Daviel. Identification of amino acid derivatives was carried out according to the YuSSX method. YuSSX conditions: Agilent Technologies 1200 chromatograph with DAD detector, column 75x4.6 mm Discovery HC C18. Solution A: 0.14M CN3SOONa + 0.05% TEA rN 6.4; Solution V: Cl3CN. Flow rate 1.2 ml/min, absorbance 269 nm. Gradient B %/min: 1-6%/0-2.5 min; 6-30%/2.51-40 min; 30-60%/40, 1-45 min; 60-60%/45.1-50 min; 60-0%/50, 1-55 min. Below is their chromatogram [14].
RESULTS Amino acids studied in Rortulaca oleracea L. Figure 1
Table 1 presents a comparative analysis of the qualitative and quantitative composition of amino acids in Portulaca oleracea plant based on Figure 1.
DISCUSSION. As can be seen from the table, portulaca oleracea L. contains 20 different amino acids, and amino acids cysteine, arginine, lysine, valine, asparagine, alanine, glutamic acid, and proline dominate in terms of quantity.
CONCLUSION.Using Portulaca oleracea L., which is rich in medicinal properties and amino acids, as a raw material, food additives for the prevention and treatment of various diseases can be used to strengthen human health and prolong life.Фойдаланилган адабиётлар
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