A) hardware
B) calculator
C) keyboard
D) printer
A) hardware
B) calculator
C) keyboard
D) printer
A) software
B) screen
C) writer
D) processor
We heard a ______ of tires. It was a police-car turning a corner at
top speed.
A) squeal
B) clatter
C) roar
D) splash
The plates and glasses fell to the floor with a ______.
A) whistle
B) rustle
C) crash
D) bang
We live near the airport and there’s a terrible ______ every time
a plane goes overhead.
A) squeal
B) clatter
C) roar
D) splash
The day was very quiet and we could hear the ______ of leaves
in the wind.
A) whistle
B) rustle
C) crash
D) bang
He fell into the water with a great ______.
A) squeal
B) clatter
C) roar
D) splash
I heard a ______. It sounded like a gun-shot.
A) whistle
B) rustle
C) crash
D) bang
It was an enormous, heavy, old, wooden door and it used to
______ loudly when anyone opened it.
A) rumble
B) creak
C) whistle
D) rustle
It was the best football match I’ve ever seen. Both teams played
hard until the final ______.
A) rumble
B) creak
C) whistle
D) rustle
The metal tray fell down the stone stairs with a ______.
A) squeal
B) clatter
C) roar
D) splash
10. I could hear the ______ of thunder in the distance.
A) rumble
B) creak
C) whistle
D) rustle
11. There was no sound except the quiet ______ of the air-
A) hum
B) peal
C) crack
D) tick
12. At every hour on the radio there are six ______ so that people
can check the precise time.
A) squeaks
B) pops
C) pips
D) cracks
13. The champagne cork finally came out with a loud ______.
A) squeak
B) pop
C) pips
D) jingle
14. Be careful. The ice is very thin and I think I heard it ______.
A) hum
B) peal
C) crack
D) tick
15. To celebrate the happy event, all the church bells in the town
began to ______.
A) hum
B) peal
C) crack
D) tick
16. I must oil my bike. There’s a ______ somewhere in the back
A) squeak
B) pop
C) pip
D) jingle
17. The engine of a Rolls Royce is so quiet that even when the car is
going fast you can hear the clock ______.
A) hum
B) peal
C) crack
D) tick
18. The animals had small bells round their necks, which used to
______ when they moved.
A) squeak
B) pop
C) pips
D) jingle
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