Taqrizchilar: i.f.n., dotsent U.V.G’afurov i.f.n., dotsent Sh.E.Mustafakulov Bekmurodov A.Sh., Karrieva Ya.K., Nematov I.U., Nabiev D.H., Kattaev N.T. Inostrannie investitsii. Uchebnoe posobie. – T.: Iqtisodiyot, 2010. – 166 str. V dannom uchebnom posobii izlagayutsya ponyatie ob inostrannix investitsiyax i ix znachenie, formi i vidi
inostrannix investitsiy, investitsionnie protsessi v usilenii globalizatsii i ekonomicheskix integratsiy, osobennosti
pravovogo polojeniya inostrannix investorov, nauchno-metodicheskie osnovi privlecheniya inostrannix investitsiy,
sovremennie formi i metodi stimulirovaniya privlecheniya inostrannix investitsiy, osnovnie napravleniya povisheniya
privlekatelnosti ekonomiki Respubliki Uzbekistan dlya inostrannix investorov, osnovnie aspekti razvitiya
vneshneekonomicheskuyu deyatelnost s pomoshchyu inostrannix investitsiy v Respublike Uzbekistan, straxovanie
inostrannix investitsiy i riski, opredelenie ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti inostrannix investitsiy, privlecheniya
finansovogo-ekonomicheskogo krizisa.
Dannoe uchebnoe posobie rekomendovan dlya studentov visshix uchebnix zavedeniy. A takje uchebnim
posobiem mojet polzovatsya uchitelya, nauchnie sotrudniki, aspiranti, i soiskateli, interesuyushchiysya inostrannimi
Retsenzenti: k.e.n., dotsent U.V.G’afurov k.e.n., dotsent Sh.E.Mustafakulov Bekmurodov A.Sh., Karrieva Y.K., Nabiev D.H., Nematov I.U., Kattaev N.T. Foreign investments. Textbook. - T.: Iqtisodiyot, 2010. - 166 p. In this textbook presents the concept of foreign investment and their implications, forms and types of foreign
investment, the investment processes of globalization and increasing economic integration, particularly the legal status
of foreign investors, scientific and methodological foundations for attracting foreign investment, modern forms and
methods of promoting foreign investment , the main directions of improving the attractiveness of the Uzbek economy to
foreign investors, the main aspects of foreign trade through foreign investment in the Republic of Uzbekistan, foreign
investment and insurance risks, the definition of economic efficiency of foreign investment, attracting foreign
investment in small business and private enterprise in the world financial economic crisis.
This textbook is recommended for students of higher educational institutions. A textbook may also enjoy the
teachers, researchers, graduate students, and applicants, interested in foreign investments.