3.9Simulation Control Files 3.9.1TUFLOW.exe Control File (.tcf File)
The TUFLOW Control File or .tcf file sets simulation parameters and directs input from other data sources. It is the top of the tree, with all input files accessed via the .tcf file or files referred to from the .tcf file. An example of a simple .tcf file is shown further below.
The final .tcf file must reference:
one .tgc file using Geometry Control File for each 2D domain;
one .tbc file using BC Control File for each 2D domain;
a .ecf file using ESTRY Control File if there are any 1D domains; and
a .tmf file using Read Materials File if material (land-use) polygons are being used.
Other mandatory or most commonly used commands are: BC Database; End Time; Map Output Data Types; Map Output Interval; MI Projection; Output Folder; Start Time; Store Maximums and Minimums; Time Series Output Interval; Timestep; Write Check Files; Write Empty MI Files;
The Read File command is extremely useful for placing commands that remain unchanged or are common for a group of simulations in another file (eg. the MI Projection command will be the same for all runs within the same study area). This reduces the size/clutter of .tcf files and allows easy global changes to a group of simulations to be made.
Other commonly used or useful commands are: BC Event Name; BC Event Text; Cell Wet/Dry Depth; Cell Side Wet/Dry Depth; Instability Water Level; Read MI FC; Read MI IWL; Read MI PO; Screen/Log Display Interval; Set IWL; Start Map Output; Start Time Series Output; Viscosity Coefficient; Viscosity Formulation; Write PO Online.
If using UltraEdit, the commands and comments appear colour coded for easier viewing (see Section 3.19).
# This is an example of a simple .tcf file
! Comments are shown after a "!" or "#" character.
! Blank lines are ignored. Commands are not case sensitive.
! Set the geographic projection
MI Projection == CoordSys NonEarth Units "m" Bounds (-10000.000,-10000.000) (10000.000,10000.000)
BC Control File == ..\model\boundaries.tbc ! boundary control file
Estry Control File == model.ecf ! linked ESTRY model control file
Geometry Control File == ..\model\topography.tgc ! topography control file
Start Time (h) == 0.
End Time (h) == 12.
Timestep (s) == 5
Bed Resistance Values == MANNING N # Manning’s n formulation used
Read Materials File == ..\model\n_values.tmf ! .tmf is for Tuflow Materials File
Appendix A lists and describes .tcf commands and their parameters.
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