Blank, C, G, R, S Channel_Type: The length of the channel in meters. If the length is less than zero, except for the special values below, the length of the line/polyline is used.
Note, not used to specify the length of a pit channel (which is assumed to have zero length).
If Length is –99999., the length from the MIKE 11 link channel is used.
B, W Channel_Type: Only used in determining nodal storages if Use_Chan_Storage_at_Node is set to “T” (true). Not used in conveyance calculations.
Node or Pit: Not used.
Blank, C, G, R, S Channel_Type: The Manning’s n value of the channel.
If using materials to define the bed resistance from XZ tables (see Section 3.13.3), Manning_n should be set to one (1) as it becomes a multiplication factor of the materials’ Manning’s n values. It may be adjusted as part of the calibration process.