Department of commercialization of scientific and innovative developments management and control


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Managers have power over other people and their status is determined by that power. They have relationships with superiors, peers, and subordinates, and these relationships can be described as role models.
Ten different roles of management according to Mintzberg precision. Role Description
Based on the analysis of the leader's work, the nature of the activity
Interpersonal role
Chief executive Legal va performance of social duties Actions carried out according to the Regulation
Leader - owner of inclination and activity, selection and training of employees
Work directly with employees
Connecting link (link) Necessary information, dealing with external relations, necessary informationprepares arni (of service).
Correspondence, participation in external meetings, etc
The role of information
Receiver of information Finds the necessary information for the organization and uses it where necessary. Receives external and internal information Receives information and communicates
Disseminator of information Disseminates information received from external sources to its employees and makes a brief analysis Disseminates and summarizes information across organizations
Representative Communicates information on plans, policies, and results of the organization's work and acts as an expert in the field Participates in meetings, gives oral lectures, and conveys information to external companies and individuals
A role related to decision-making
Entrepreneur Searches for internal and external opportunities of the enterprise, develops and launches new projects (that improve the work of the enterprise).
Participates in strategic meetings, prepares documents summarizing existing conditions
Preventing breakdowns Takes corrective action
Participates in the discussion of current and strategic issues
Resource distributor Responsible for distribution of organizational resources
Actions related to budget execution and structure, programming of the work of own employees
Negotiators Responsible for all important negotiations of the organization Conduct negotiations
Managers are constantly changing roles, dealing with challenges and contingencies every day. However, depending on the level of the manager's organization, one type of role may alternate or dominate others in terms of its ability and nature.
All these ten roles determine the extent and content of the manager's work, regardless of the appearance of a specific organization.


Managers should have three types of training regardless of the size and type of organization's work: technical, communicative (that is, communication experience) and analytical. However, the application of this experience varies depending on the level of management, because managers achieve their goals with the help of other people. It is impossible to manage without communicative experience at all levels of management. Analytical experience is needed by managers at the top, technical experience is often needed by the lower level of the hierarchy.
A senior executive, such as a company president or chairman of the board of directors, spends most of his time receiving information, such as industry development and general economic conditions, and making decisions based on this analysis. In addition, senior managers spend time communicating with people to obtain information and communicate their decisions to them. Thus, senior managers mainly rely on analytical and communicative skills and pay little attention to technical skills.
Middle managers act as an intermediary between the top and the direct manager. Planning, decision-making, and solving problems that arise are also part of the duties of middle managers and are conditioned by the performance of upper management tasks and solving problems based on messages from lower management. Middle managers depend on interacting with people and require technical expertise rather than more analytical expertise.
The manager at the bottom of the hierarchy supervises the workers who perform technical tasks in the organization. For example, the shift manager of a large restaurant spends most of his time with kitchen staff and workers. Because he has to explain to the workers what needs to be done, hurry them up, explain the leader's wishes and desires. Thus, the lower management mainly uses technical and communicative skills and is not very keen on analytical skills.
It also happens that some people can start work without having one or none of the technical, communicative, analytical experience of management. However, some experiences may be more difficult to acquire than others. For example, many people have difficulty learning to communicate.


Management process and its technology.
The management process is understood as a complex and interaction of various repetitive cycles, that is, the issue, operation elements performed by the employees of the management apparatus on the basis of the division of labor of a qualified, functional specialist and operational - technological form.
Management issues are defined as a part of the labor process, a certain form of work, performed by one or more employees, which moves with the adoption of management decisions and leads to a certain goal.
Management issues are defined as a part of the labor process, a certain form of work performed by one or more employees, which is characterized by making management decisions and leads to the achievement of a certain goal.
A control operation is a logically solvable part of a single task performed by an executor, divided into parts and leading to the solution of a problem.
A control procedure is a set of different control operations performed in a certain sequence, that is, according to an algorithm. It reflects the procedure for reviewing and discussing the preparation of parallel and sequential operations performed in the management process.
An element is a part of an operation that is performed by a single worker and performs a single purpose, small, separate task.
As an example, we will try to determine the management issue, operation, order and element by looking at a small case. The firm is asking the bank for money for the construction of a joint production area. The bank agrees. Let's look at the string behavior in this case:
1. We determine the company's solvency from the bank's lending department - a problem.
2. Calculation of the amount to be borrowed - operation.
3. Review of the company's written application for borrowing and discussion of the possibility of meeting this demand - procedure.
4. Transfer of money to the firm in the requested amount — element.
Thus, it is very important to determine the nature, sequence and amount of structural elements in the management technology for the correct organization of each functional process in the management process. At the same time, it is necessary to choose the optimal condition of the technological process (qualification, specialty, etc.).
Classification of management operations and procedures.
The operating procedures that make up the management process technology differ from each other by some features:
1. According to job categories (leaders, specialties, technical workers) they are divided into:
- creative: analysis, comparison, selection, synthesis, calculations, conclusions, perspectives, thinking actions such as decision-making;
- logical: it is performed according to developed algorithms determined by specific instructions and regulations. For example, developing and calculating the accountant's report, the need for materials;
- technical: duplicating documents, delivering mail, signing documents, performing paperwork. These works are distinguished by their high repeatability and simplicity of execution.
2. Operations are divided into the following according to their content and order:
- informative (information), that is, working with information;
- logical — thinking — developing and making management decisions;
- organization of the organizational labor process, administrative command, dispatching work, coordination and control of work execution.
3. The number and complexity of operations can be as follows:
- simple: routines consisting of a few elements and a few operations (20 items);
- complex: operations of 20-30 elements up to 100 operations. For example, the operational day of a bank can be considered as a complex procedure that includes a large number of interrelated operations, including lending, money exchange, cash register, settlement, and control operations.
4. Depending on the degree of return, it differs as follows:
- reversible operations (standard), prone to measurement, analysis, normalization and design (technical).
- irreversible operations are creative operations.
5. They are divided by the level of mechanical armament:
- performed by hand without the use of computer tools;
- mechanized;
- performed using various computing tools — automated.
6. There are three different views of the character that can appear over time:
- in sequence - each subsequent operation is assumed to begin after the completion of the previous operation (for example, transfer of the chief accountant's order to a subordinate);
- execution of various operations and procedures in parallel (for example, specific parallel work of three divisions of the company according to the specific report of the chief accountant);
- parallel — serial — imply partial integration of operations close to each other in time.
7. According to the duration of the development cycle, it is divided into:
- time characteristic: from several minutes to several years;
- to spatial characterization: from unit management to field management.
Management activities are divided into three cycles that can perform various issues, operations and procedures according to their technology:
The first cycle is informative. This is the collection, transmission, processing of scientific and technical, economic, calculation and other information.
The second cycle is logical thinking. Development and adoption of management decisions takes place in this cycle. This research is analysis, technical-economic calculations, scientific-technical developments, perspectives. Specialists and managers are often involved in this cycle.
The third cycle is organizational. The purpose of this cycle is to control the resolution of management issues. These are the selection and distribution of personnel, the delivery of tasks to the workers, giving instructions, organizing and coordinating the work process of management personnel, and monitoring the performance of work. This cycle is carried out by line managers.
Desired management is cyclical in nature and does not depend on the level of the management system. All three cycles are performed at the desired level of management. Differences in the implementation of operations and procedures are known only in the division of labor at all levels.
All managers, regardless of their position and the organization's vision, usually have the same function. Even in the smallest enterprises, during the start-up process of the enterprise, during its operation, managers are engaged in the following:

Planning function
Planning is the process of developing the organization's goals and determining the best ways to achieve them.
There is no doubt that planning is the main function of management and other functions depend on it. A planning manager tries to determine the organization's goal and find the best ways to achieve it. It analyzes the budget, work order, industry and economic information, and resources. An important feature of planning is the careful evaluation of initial data. It is recommended to develop new methods of enterprise activity as the enterprise develops according to the conditions of the past.
Goals and objectives
The mission of the organization is its main goal. The goal is implemented as an answer to the following question: "What does this organization want to do?" the formation of a motto or task determines the scope of the enterprise's activities, expresses the organization's purpose in words, which in turn leads to the embodiment of the passion of the organization's employees in one direction. For example, what is the slogan of the Motorola company:
The goal of the Motorola company is to satisfy the needs of the society by satisfying the consumers of the products and providing services at the lowest price.
The process of planning a company's mission should be complemented by specific goals and issues. Goals are the long-term goals of the organization. The problem is that it is a short-term goal. However, these two terms are often used synonymously. A system of directed measures to achieve set goals and issues is called a plan. Goals and issues are divided into several interrelated steps.
A ladder of goals
Managers set clear measurable, objective, motivating, visible goals for the organization for a certain period of time in order for them to work effectively. The development of effective goals creates a sense of awakening, establishes a clear standard and goals of enterprise activity, and creates a state of expected results.
Senior managers are designed to solve high-level problems and are fully involved in the company. These goals should cover 8 main areas: market, innovation, human resources, financial resources, productivity, social responsibility, income.
Middle managers implement tactical objectives, which are designed to solve departmental problems and specify the results needed to achieve the organization's strategic goals. Lower-level managers implement operational goals related to solving current problems and describe the results needed to achieve the organization's tactical and strategic goals.
It should not be forgotten that the goals do not mean the result, it is only a means for its implementation. That is, even if you fully realize the set goal, this event is important for the realization of the personal goal of the top management of the organization, and for the realization and increase of tactical goals. It enables the implementation of operational goals and, in turn, helps the implementation of strategic goals.
A ladder of goals
Managers set goals for the organization and define the scope of activities to be implemented.
Without planning this activity, it is very unlikely that the goal will be achieved. Each level of the goal corresponds to the level of plans needed to achieve the specific existing goal.
Strategic plans are directed actions to achieve strategic goals. Strategic plans are usually long-term, defining behavior for 2 to 5 years. These plans are developed by senior managers in consultation with the board of directors and middle managers.
Tactical plans are plans aimed at achieving tactical goals and supporting strategic plans. These plans are developed by the middle managers in discussion with the lower managers before going to the top management.
Operational plans are plans aimed at achieving operational goals and supporting tactical plans. Operational plans usually cover a period of less than 1 year. These plans are developed by lower level managers in consultation with middle managers.
Organizational functions
Organizational function, like planning, requires analytical experience from the manager.
Organizational work (organization) is the process of allocating resources to carry out plans. At this stage, the manager should be able to envisage all aspects of the activities performed by the employees, that is, downloading the company's computer software, truck drivers, sending letters, and all the technical tools and equipment used by the employees in their activities.
The main problem that a manager may face during organizational work is the distribution of work options that meet the goals of the organization, including suitable positions (searching and selecting people), and thus filling the staff.
Staffing is the process of selecting suitable employees for suitable positions.
Another important part of this work is to determine the amount of money paid for the work of employees, to help them gain experience and to be able to evaluate the quality of their work.
Too many companies use teams rather than individuals as building blocks for their organizations. Team - a team of two or more employees working to solve a specific task can be seen at any level of the organization. They can be formal and permanent (created in a permanent organizational structure), informal and temporary (created for active involvement in the company's work), and there can also be intermediate teams. Commands are powerful management tools: they allow employees to directly participate in decision-making and provide feedback, making services more satisfied with their work. Thus, the conditions for receiving the most information from employees and workers for the manager are shown. In this way, the teams will achieve an increase in the level of satisfaction with their work, productivity, and product quality. Moreover, increasing the responsibility of workers increases organizational agility. Some experts point out that it is difficult to achieve success in corporations with the presence of "personality" (organized in the spirit of a team, rather than as a well-known superior). They believe that a team is more valuable to an organization than a single celebrity. rather than as a well-known superior). They believe that a team is more valuable to an organization than a single celebrity. rather than as a well-known superior). They believe that a team is more valuable to an organization than a single celebrity.
Usually, the organizational structure of the enterprise is determined at the top level of management, and the staff of the top level is determined. Middle management performs the same function, but only within one department. Line managers are rarely involved in organizational structure, yet they have significant organizational responsibility, such as recruiting and training new employees.
Organizational process is very complex because this activity tends to change constantly. Old employees leave and are replaced by new ones. Outdated equipment requires upgrading. Consumers' wishes change, so the goal of the organization cannot remain unchanged. Emerging political and economic changes, in turn, can lead to the reduction of states, reorganization, and even expansion of production. Every month (or even a week) any structure can take on a new look, so management's organizational issues never end.
Leadership function
Certain positions and interactions with people (due to the organizational process) are filled by people with different experiences, personal interests, goals, and aspirations. In order to create a working team that unites the employees and the organization, the manager should occupy the third area of ​​management activity, i.e. leadership.
Leadership is a complex function that requires people to be motivated and motivated to work effectively. While leading the people under his command, managers must give tasks, order something, give orders, evaluate the work of workers and correct the mistakes they make. A manager can use his communicative experience while performing the leadership function.
Leadership is an interconnected process.
First of all, it includes the motivation to create the incentive to work to the fullest in the workers.
Second, the leadership must reflect the ability to coach. This ability should be demonstrated when introducing the worker to a concrete task, explaining it with concrete examples, and reflecting his own attitude to work.


Organizational structure is one of the main elements of organization management. This structure is determined by the distribution of goals and management issues between departments and organizations. In essence, the management structure is an organizational form of division of labor for the adoption and implementation of management decisions. Thus, the organizational structure of management is defined as a set of managed units that are strictly subordinate to each other and can ensure interdependence between the managing and managed systems. The following elements are distinguished in the management structure of the organization: links (departments), management levels (steps) and vertical and horizontal relationships.
Management units are characterized by structural divisions that perform specific management functions, as well as some specialists. Management units also include managers who adjust and coordinate the activities of several structural units. The organization of the management unit is based on the performance of certain management functions by the department. Communication between sections is horizontal.
Management level means a set of management systems dealing with a certain level in the organization's management system. The level of management is vertically dependent and subordinate to each other according to the following hierarchy: top management makes decisions that are communicated and clarified to lower levels for managers. It is from this reasoning that the pyramidal ridge of management appeared.
The structure unites human material resources and organizes the relationship between them. While giving a general description of the organizational structure, it is possible to cite several cases indicating its importance:
1) The organizational structure of the firm ensures coordination of all functions of the manager;
2) The organizational structure clearly defines rights and responsibilities;
The organizational structure determines the quality of the manager's guidance and team work. All management structures can be mechanistic and organic to one degree or another. Such a division is based on the relationship between the internal parts of the organizational structure, which allows us to determine the essence of the structure of the structure.
From this point of view, the organizational structure is determined by the combination of three parts: complexity, formalization, centralization. High-level horizontal differentiation Low-level differentiation strong hierarchical communication cooperation (horizontal and vertical) regulated commitment adaptive obligations (depending on the need) high-level formalization low-level formalization of communication formalized informal communication channels centralized decision-making.
The organization can include a single firm or several companies that are united in what is called a participation system (to adequately control the organization's activities).
In the market economy, the organization that works with the wide use of debt capital is considered the most viable.
Because of this, it appeared that the responsibility of the organization was limited. Such communities combine funds of legal entities and citizens for the purpose of economic activity.
Joint ventures are established on the basis of the capital of domestic and foreign partners, which carry out economic activities, manage the organization and distribute income. The creation of joint ventures is aimed at providing the economy with modern equipment and technologies, material and financial resources, filling the market with quality products, and solving the problems of product competitiveness.
A joint-stock company is an organizational form that combines the funds of organizations and citizens for the purpose of economic activity. The team will have a charter fund. A statutory fund has a certain number of shares, the same according to their price, and is entitled to property liability in accordance with its property. The total nominal value of the shares constitutes the statutory fund.
Holding companies are created for the purpose of owning control packages of securities (mainly industrial companies). In this case, the control function takes the main place, as it is possible to control the industrial company and control the whole chain of this company (which includes other companies and credit (debt) - financial organizations).
There are also organizational forms that are distinguished by the level and structure of centralized management, the amount and content of functions. Therefore, the organizational structure of the organization and its management are not fixed and absolute, they change gradually and become more complicated depending on the changes in the external environment.


Depending on the form of interdepartmental communication of the organization, the organizational structure can be divided into: linear, functional, linear - functional (staff) and matrix.
Linear organizational structure of management. This is a simple, simple management structure of management, which is characterized by the fact that at the beginning of each structural unit, there is a leader who has all the powers and has the character of a single governor for his subordinates, and who can embody the function of management in his hands - a single governor.
In linear management, each link and each subordinate has one leader, through whom all commands (instructions) of the other level pass through a single channel. In this case, the management units are responsible for all the results of the leader's activities. Because each of them performs all tasks, develops and makes decisions related to the management of existing objects. Evaluation of the performance of a linear control structure has a triangular form. In a linear management structure, decisions are sent in a "top-down" chain, and the head of the lower level of management is subordinate to the head of a higher level, due to which a unique hierarchy of leaders is created in the existing organization (for example, the head of the section, the head of the department, the director of the warehouse or the foreman (master), engineer, head of the shop,
In this way, the principle of single administration is implemented. Its meaning is that the subordinates only follow the orders of one leader. The higher management body cannot give one or another order to the workers without department heads, because another boss is "my" boss. The linear structure of the department can be expressed as follows.

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