Development Aspects Impressum Editors

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Water and the Green Economy
Capacity Development Aspects

Photo © Andrew Stawarz

Table of Contents



Overview of the Book


Chapter 1
The transition to the green economy in the Mediterranean region: Water demand management strategies and market efficiency Marta Antonelli, Roberto Roson




A. Introduction


B. The case of the Mediterranean region


C. Water demand management in agriculture


1. Conveying signals of relative scarcity for water resources


2. Increasing water use efficiency in agriculture


D. Capacity-building for water resources management


E. Conclusions




Chapter 2


Towards sustainable and equitable water and environmental services delivery: Capacity development for multiple stakeholders from 11 towns around

Lake Victoria
Maarten W. Blokland

Abstract 14

  1. Background 14

  2. Project design 15

    1. The ownership concept 15

    2. Social inclusiveness 16

    3. Integrated approaches and solutions 16

    4. Partnership 17

    5. Approach 17

  3. Design of the CD interventions 18

    1. Capacity gaps 18

    2. CD programme 19

    3. Target groups 20

    4. Ensuring effectiveness 21

    5. Action planning 22

    6. Validation 23

  4. Implementation and completion 23

    1. Implementation of the CD interventions 23

    2. Training and coaching 24

    3. Further inquiries 24

    4. Top-level consultations 26

  5. Discussion 27

    1. Success factors 28

    2. Lessons learned 29

  6. Conclusions 30

References 31
Chapter 3 33
Capacity development for a changing world
Damian Indij, Bekithemba Gumbo
Abstract 34

  1. Introduction 34

  2. Open networks and a new perspective for capacity development 35

    1. Networks added value for capacity-building in water 36

  3. A knowledge management cycle for green societies 37

  4. Tools for knowledge management 38

    1. Tools to access the knowledge base 38

    2. Tools for knowledge adaptation and sharing 39

    3. Tools for knowledge transfer 39

    4. Tools for knowledge generation 40

  5. Innovative capacity-building tools 40

    1. Virtual courses 41

    2. Online tutorials 42

    3. Knowledge sharing websites: 43

  6. Capacity-building networks and the Green Economy 44

    1. Resources efficiency 44

    2. Social inclusivity 45

    3. Low carbon 45

    4. Water management principles 46

  7. Conclusions 46

References 47
Chapter 4 49
Transfer of environmentally sound technology methodology in Latin American industry: Honduras case study
Ludovic Bernaudat, Yolanda Cachu Pavon
Abstract 49

  1. Introduction 49

  2. The UNIDO TEST methodology 50

    1. The five management tools 50

    2. TEST implementation roadmap 53

  3. TEST implementation in Honduras 55

    1. Capacity development 55

    2. Implementation in the chicken-processing company 56

    3. Implementation in the textile companies 58

  4. Conclusions 59

References 60
Chapter 5 61
Capacity development for safe use of wastewater in agriculture
Dr. Hani Sewilam, Dr. Jens Liebe
Abstract 61

  1. Introduction 62

  2. Potential impacts 63

  3. Capacity development 63

    1. Levels of capacity 64

    2. Dimensions of capacity 65

  4. Global capacity development initiative 65

    1. Development stages 66

    2. Capacity development mechanism 66

  5. The way forward 72

References 73
Chapter 6 75
The N-Park Negalitres Project: A pilot water-saving initiative using green technology and changing water use behaviour Prof. Ngai Weng Chan, PhD

  1. Introduction 76

  2. Background to water resources management in Malaysia 77

  3. The N-Park Negalitres water conservation project 78

  4. Discussion and results 81

    1. The rainwater harvesting project 81

    2. The water-saving fittings in common area toilets 82

    3. Capacity-building aspects of awareness-raising and

water conservation 85

  1. Conclusion 89

Acknowledgements 89
References 89
Chapter 7 91
Drinking water and sanitation services: Lessons from relevant experience
Emilio Lentini
Abstract 91

  1. Introduction 92

  2. Exogenous factors 93

    1. Macroeconomic policy 93

    2. Priority given to the sector 94

    3. Institutional quality 95

    4. Urbanization 95

    5. Payment culture 95

  3. Endogenous factors 96

    1. Institutional organization 96

    2. Industrial structure 96

    3. Property structure 96

    4. Regulatory frameworks 97

    5. Tariff policies 97

    6. Policies for low-income groups 98

    7. Financing policies 98

    8. Contractual arrangements and guarantees 98

    9. International investment protection treaties 98

References 99
Chapter 8 115
The role of water technology in development: A case study in Gujarat, India
Rajiv Kumar Gupta
Abstract 115

  1. Background of water problem in Gujarat 115

  2. Technological initiative for drought proofing 116

  3. Impacts 116

    1. Reduction in fluoride 117

    2. Reduced expenditure 118

    3. Reduction on carbon footprint in water supply 119

    4. Paradigm shift 119

  4. New water governance model 120

    1. Inter-basin water transfer through the Sardar Sarovar Project 120

    2. Increased dam height and storage 121

    3. Hydropower 121

  5. Micro water harvesting 122

    1. Sardar Patel Participatory Concervation Project 122

  6. Drip irrigation: Gujarat Green Revolution Comany Limited 122

  7. Jyotigram Scheme (technological initiative in the power sector

for irrigation needs) 123

  1. Impacts 124

    1. Greening of other rivers 124

    2. Increasing water tables 124

    3. Boost to rural economy 124

    4. Outstanding performance on agriculture 125

  2. Conclusion 127

References 127

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