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Chapter 9 129
Eco-Tanks for Asian cities: Lessons learned in sustainable transfers of green technologies for localized capacity-building
Sara Castro, Nicolas Ploviez
Abstract 129
Introduction 130
Transferring eco-efficiency and the challenge of “greening“
developing countries 131
Transferring technology for improved sanitation in Asian communities: UNITAR’s city-to-city cooperation projects for Eco-San 135
UNITAR and CITYNET’s Eco-Tank Project for Negombo ,
Palembang and San Fernando 137
Challenges and key lessons learned 147
Contextualized challenges according to project city 150
Conclusion 152
References 154
Chapter 10 157
Watershed management of Sereng River Basin:
Part of the Brantas River Basin System, East Java, Indonesia
Salmah Zakaria
Introduction 157
The proposal 159
Non-structural measures 160
Bio-pores (biopori) 160
Land terracing 160
Gully plug 161
Regreening (afforestation) and reforestation 161
Structural measures 161
Capacity-building 162
Other activities of the villagers 163
Requests from the villagers 163
Biogas plant and water treatment 163
Conclusion 165
Acknowledgement 165
References 165
Chapter 11 167
David Coates, Mark Smith
What is natural infrastructure and why manage it? 167
Key components of natural water infrastructure 169
Plants as land-cover 169
Soils 169
Wetlands 170
Changing paradigms for water management 170
Examples of natural infrastructure solutions to meet
water-related challenges 172
Using natural infrastructure to manage water quality 172
Using natural infrastructure to manage water quantity 174
Sustaining broader system-wide ecosystem services 176
Integrating natural and built infrastructure approaches 177
Examples of capacity-building approaches 178
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