Development Aspects Impressum Editors

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Project sustainability

During the last field visit in December 2011, the company confirmed that the vari- ous management tools introduced are now embedded in daily operations. The EMA is now routinely updated in order to monitor the continuous improvements generated by the EMS. Following the recommendations from the international ex- pert on wastewater treatment, the company purchased a highly efficient grease separator which will allow it to remove most of the organic material from the

wastewater prior to the pond oxidation treatment. Therefore, it is to be expected that the pollution indicator will further improve. Additionally, the fats collected will be transformed into biofuel and generate much savings on the company’s electricity bill.

Finally, the project team was informed that the company had initiated the rep- lication of the TEST introduction at the other production sites of the group, the second largest chicken producer in Honduras.

  1. Implementation in the textile companies

  1. Situation at project start

Both textile companies operate on the same site and each has its own wastewater treatment plant. The treatment plants were already ISO 14001 certified at the beginning of the project. This, plus the fact that the plants are of a much larger size than the chicken-processing company, meant that the project team faced initial reluctance from the management of these textile industries. However, after the initial presentations on the project’s aim and the assurance of the confidentiality of the collected data, these difficulties were rapidly overcome.
Generally, as the effluent treatment plants were accredited, their operation was already highly efficient, but improvement could be made on the effluent gen- eration from washing and dyeing processes.

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