Reference Material: 1. Date, C.J. (2004) Database Systems, Addison Wesley Pub. Co. ISBN -
2. Connolly R. and P.Begg(2003) Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management, Addison-
Wesley Pub. Co ISBN – 0321210255 3. Elmasri, R. and Navathe, S.B (2004) “Fundamentals of Database Systems” Addison-Wesley Pub. Co ISBN – 0-201760355 4. Rigaux, P. Scholl, M. and Voisard, A.(2001) “Spatial Databases: With
Application to GIS” Morgan Kaufmann; 2nd edition ISBN -
HEC — RS&GIS Curricula 2005
3: Global Positioning Systems Course Structure: Lectures: 2 /
Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 3