Head of chair of the department:
PhD. Panjiyeva N N.
Date:_____________ Sign:_____________
SUBJECT: The main foreign language being studied
THEME: Manner and Mannerism
Lesson type: Practical
Auditory: 3rd course students
Level: B2/C1
Total time: 80 minutes
Materials: Handouts
Learning official terms
Using translation techniques
Using large range of vocabulary in speech
P edagogical methods: students-centered, audio lingual, grammar translation
- Use your laptop
- Homework
Warming-up: Home tasks of the previous lesson. Checking practical results of
video and audio materials.
Time: 15 minutes.
Discussion: Discuss the previous material with your students. Analysing using body language in their speech
Time: 20 minutes.
A ctivity 1: Close-reading and vocabulary
Hand out ONE should be presented to all of the students in the classroom and
make the students write down all the words.
O r you can use the url link here.
Time: 10 minutes.
Activity 2: Analyze two letters and translate them in written or on laptop.
Hand out TWO should be presented to all of the students in the classroom and make the students read all information below.
Time: 10minutes.
Activity 3: 10 minutes Editing / Proofreading.
Students should read the material and find the differences of the target vocabulary ( manner, mannerism, demeanor, conduct