Back from the dead Worried about= afraid of- xavotir olmoq, qo`rqmoq

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Unit 1

Particularly- ayniqsa

  • Well-known- hammaga ma`lum

  • Receive- qabul qilmoq

  • Willing- xohish

  • Support- qo`llab quvvatlamoq

  • Basic problem- asosiy muammo

  • Remove- olib tashlash

  • Thanks to President`s new policy- presidentning yangi siyosatiga rahmat( kesatiq)

  • Rich nations make world trade rules- boy davlatlar dunyo savdo-sotig`ini qiladi

  • Continue- davom ettirmoq

  • Current world trade agreement- hozirgi dunyo savdo-sotiq bitimi

  • Allow- ruxsat bermoq

  • Use trick- xiyla ishlatmoq

  • Suffer- azob chekmoq

  • Avoid- voz kechmoq

  • Cheap insurance- arzon kafolat

  • Grain- donli ekin

  • Wheat- bug`doy

  • Maize- makkajo`xori

  • Supply- taminot

  • World price- dunyo narxi

  • Programme- dastur

  • The result is that- natija shuki

  • Send- jo`natmoq

  • Necessary- kerak

  • At least necessary- eng keraksiz

  • Amount of food- ma`lum miqdordagi oziq-ovqat

  • Rise- o`smoq

  • In fact- aslida

  • Make them poor- ularni kambag`al qilmoqda

  • Aid- yordam pul va oziq-ovqat ko`rinishida

  • Summit meeting- davlat liderlarining yig`ilishi

  • Cotton- paxta

  • Percentage- foiz

  • Fail- yutqazmoq, yengilmoq

  • In the form of money- pul ko`rinishida

  • Subsidy to farmers- fermerlarga yordam

  • By local farmers- mahalliy fermerlar tomonidan

  • Instead of- ning o`rniga

    Airline security

    1. Learn- o`rganmoq

    2. Dictionary- lug`at

    3. Passenger- yo`lovchi

    4. Pronunciation- talaffuz

    5. Check-in- regstratsiya qilmoq

    6. Airline- havo yo`llari

    7. Vocabulary- lug`at

    8. To board- samolyotga chiqish

    9. Flight- uchish

    10. Secret serviceman- agent

    11. Travel- sayohat qilmoq

    12. Fill in a special form- maxsus shablonni to`lirmoq

    13. Arabic name- arabcha nom

    14. Search- qidirmoq

    15. Become angry- jahli chiqmoq

    16. Appearance- ko`rinish

    17. Check- tekshirmoq

    18. Carefully- diqqat bilan

    19. Gun- to`pponcha

    20. Airport- aeroport

    21. Security- xavfsizlik

    22. Attack- hujum

    23. Guard- himoya qilmoq

    24. Take the gun- to`pponchani olmoq

    25. Carry a gun- to`ponchani ko`tarib yurmoq

    26. Make mistakes- xatolar qilmoq

    27. Second time- ikkinchi marta

    28. At the check-in desk- tekshirish joyi

    29. Book- buyurtma bermoq

    30. History- tarix

    31. Confirm- tasdiqlamoq, isbotlamoq

    32. Civil rights- fuqaro huquqlari

    33. Aggressive- permission- ruhsat

    34. Take the gun onto the plane- samalyotga to`pponcha olib chiqish

    35. Big discussion- katta muhokama

    36. Critics- tanqidchilar

    37. Racist- irqchi

    38. Difficult- qiyin

    39. Ask a question- savol berish

    40. Search a bag- sumkani qidirmoq

    41. Buy a ticket- chipta sotib olmoq

    Super-jet launches sky wars

    1. Compete with- bilan bellashmoq

    2. Aviation- aviatsiya

    3. Version- versiya

    4. Forecast- bashorat qilish/ oldindan bilish

    5. Long- haul- uzoq davom etayotgan parvoz

    6. Airliner- yo`lovchi tashiydigan samolyot

    7. Efficient- samarali

    8. Profit- foyda

    9. Activity- mashg`ulot

    10. Original form- orginal shakl

    11. Successful- muvaffaqqiyatli

    12. Long distance- uzoq masofa

    13. Statement- mulohaza

    14. Flight- parvoz

    15. Weather- ob-havo

    16. Economy- iqtisodiyot

    17. Launch- boshlamoq

    18. Take off- yerdan ko`tarilmoq samolyotga nisbatan

    19. Ride a bicycle- velosiped haydamoq

    20. Believe- ishonmoq

    21. Future- kelajak

    22. Manufacturer- ishlab chiqaruvchi

    23. Because- chunki

    24. New version- yangi versiya

    25. Flexible- moslashuvchan

    26. As well as- shuningdek

    27. Existing product- mavjud mahsulot

    28. Seat- o`rindiq

    29. On the other hand- boshqa tomondan

    30. Theory- nazariya

    31. It is difficult to believe - ishonish qiyin

    32. Super- efficient plane- super samarali samalyot

    33. Forget- unutmoq

    34. It might be possible- ehtimol bo`lishi mumkin

    35. Make a profit- foyda qilmoq

    36. Aviation expert- boshqa bir aviatsiya eksperti

    37. Trip- sayohat

    38. Good model- yaxshi model

    39. Plan- rejalashtirmoq

    40. Combination- birlashma

    41. Sell more plane- ko`proq samolyat sotmoq

    42. Long-range- uzoq davom etadigan

    43. Directly- tog`ridan tog`ri

    44. Profitable- foyda keltiradigan

    45. Succeed- muvaffaqqiyat qozonmoq

    Demand for beef speeds destruction of Amazon forest

    1. Cattle- qoramol

    2. Urgent- zarur

    3. Deforestation- o`rmonlarni qisqartirish

    4. Enormous- katta

    5. Logging- daraxtlarni kesish

    6. Satellite- sun`iy yo`ldosh

    7. Rancher- fermer/ rancho egasi

    8. Slaughterhouse- jonliq so`yiladigan joy/ qushxona

    9. Cut down- kesmoq

    10. Wood- o`rmon

    11. Object- narsa

    12. Information- ahborot

    13. High above the earth- yerdan baland

    14. Region- viloyat

    15. Rainforest- tropik o`rmon, chakalakzor

    16. Demand- talab qilmoq

    17. Beef- mol go`shti

    18. Destruction- buzish

    19. International report- xalqaro hisobot

    20. Forestry research- o`rmonlarni ilmiy organish

    21. The main reason for the loss of forest is cutting down trees- o`rmonning kamayishining asosiy sababi daraxtlarni kesish

    22. So that- maqsadida

    23. Grassland- o`tloq

    24. Mad cow disease- qoramol kasalligi, nevrologikal kasallik

    25. Destroy the rainforest- tropik o`rmonlarni buzmoq

    26. Increase- o`smoq

    27. Decrease- tushmoq

    28. Rise- o`smoq

    29. Fall- tushmoq

    30. Improve-yaxshilanmoq

    31. Soya- soya

    32. Without urgent action- zudlik bilan qilinadigan harakatlarsiz

    33. Positive step- ijobiy qadam

    34. Huge area- katta hudud

    35. Save the rainforest- o`rmonlarni saqlab qolish

    36. Stop building road - yo`l qurishni to`xtatmoq

    37. Give money to people to keep land as forest- odamlarga yerni o`rmon sifatida saqlash uchun pul bermoq

    38. Logging is the main cause of deforestation- daraxtlarni kesish o`rmonlarning qisqarishining asosiy sababi

    39. Lamb- qo`y go`shti

    40. Chicken- jo`ja go`shti

    41. Pork- cho`chqa go`shti

    42. The percentage of imports increased from 40 to 74- import foizi 40 dan 74 ga oshdi

    43. I do not agree with- bunga qo`shilmiyman

    44. Enormous ranching operation- katta ferma operatsiyasi

    Spare a tear for Argentina

    1. Suffer from malnutrition- ocharchilikdan azob chekish

    2. Wealthy- boy

    3. Frozen- muzlagan

    4. Unemployment- ishsizlik

    5. Bank account- bank akaunti

    6. High inflation- yuqori inflatsiya/pulning qadrsizlanishi

    7. Privatised- xususiylashtirish

    8. Humiliated- kamsitmoq

    9. Tragedy- tragediya

    10. Take money out of the bank- bankdan pul olish

    11. Value- qiymat

    12. Become ill- kasal bo`lmoq

    13. Feel very ashamed- uyalmoq

    14. Private company- shaxsiy kompaniya

    15. Journalist- jurnalist

    16. World Cup- jahon chempionati

    17. Rate- foiz

    18. Begin to rise- o`sishni boshlamoq

    19. Spare- saqlab qo`ymoq

    20. Tear- ko`z yoshi

    21. Great interest- katta qiziqish

    22. Previous- dastlabki

    23. Present- mavjud bo`lmoq

    24. Kidney transplant- buyrak o`tkazish

    25. Economic disaster zone- iqtisodiy xaxfli zona

    26. Defend the currency- pul birligini himoya qilmoq

    27. Feed- boqmoq

    28. Wave- silkitmoq

    29. Balcony- balkon

    30. Crowd- zich, odamlar bilan to`la

    31. Demonstration- namoyish

    32. Peronist - argentinadagi partiya/ ishchilarning huquqini himoya qiladi

    33. Elderly lady- yoshi katta xonimlar

    34. Middle class- o`rta sinf

    35. Indeed- aslida

    36. Imagine- tasavvur qilmoq

    37. Reform- yaxshilanmoq

    38. Hyper-inflation- narx-navoning juda oshib ketishi

    39. Exchange- o`zgartirmoq

    40. State-owned firms- davlat boshqaradigan kampaniyalar

    41. Large section- katta bo`lim

    42. Fix- moslashtirmoq

    43. One to one- birga bir/ aynan bir-biriga mos tushish

    44. Foreign competition - chetdagi davlatlarning musobaqasi

    45. As a result- natijada

    46. Early 90s- dastlabki 90-yillar

    47. Negative side- salbiy tomoni

    48. Compensation- o`rnini bosish

    49. Return- qaytmoq

    50. Cultured country

    51. Working class- ishchi sinf

    52. Football match- futbol o`yini

    53. Lead to revolution- rivojlanishga olib keladi

    54. Ten times over- 10 marotaba ko`proq

    55. They don`t care- e`tibor berishmaydi

    56. Defence- himoya

    57. Introduction- tanishtirish

    58. Satisfaction- mamnun bo`lmoq/ ko`ngli to`lmoq

    59. Population- aholi

    60. Life- hayot

    Axles of evil

    1. Sport utility vehicle

    2. Environmentalist- tabiatshunos

    3. Corner- burchak

    4. Full of- to`la

    5. Truck- og`ir yuk mashina

    6. Navigator- yo`nalishni aniqlovchi

    7. Expedition- ekspeditsiya

    8. Pathfinder- yo`l ko`rsatuvchi

    9. A picture of nature- tabiat manzarasi

    10. Outdoor life- tashqi hayot

    11. Park- mashina qo`ymoq biror joyga

    12. Fake parking ticket- haqiqiy bo`lmagan mashina qo`yish chiptasi

    13. Take a deep breath- chuqur nafas olish

    14. War zone- urush hududi

    15. Military version- harbiy versiya

    16. Make a lot of money- ko`p pul qilish

    17. Car industry- mashina sanoat

    18. Petrol- benzin

    19. Gasoline- benzin

    20. Protester- qarshi chiquvchi

    21. Set on fire- olov qo`ymoq

    22. Smash- sindirmoq

    23. Windscreen- old oyna mashinadagi

    24. No blood for oil- amerikaliklar tomonidan qarshilik ko`rsatiladigan so`z, benzinni ko`p miqdorda ishlatishga qarshi chiqishi

    25. Argument- fikr, mulohaza

    26. Safety- xavfsizlik

    27. Message- habar

    28. Get on with your life- o`z hayoti bilan yashash , boshqalarga e`tiborsiz holda

    29. Complain- shikoyat qilmoq

    30. Freedom- ozodlik

    31. Driver- haydovchi

    32. Proud- faxrlanmoq

    33. Everywhere- hamma yerda

    34. Soldier- saldat

    35. Care about- e`tobor bermoq, g`amxo`rlik qilmoq

    36. Environment- atrof- muhit

    37. A question of oil- benzin muammosi

    38. Four-wheel-drive- to`rt g`ildiraklik mashina

    39. Gallon- gallon, litrga teng suyuqlik birligi

    40. In comparison- taqqoslaganda

    41. Average petrol-fuelled saloon car

    42. Consume- istemol qilmoq

    43. Together- birgalikda

    44. Rest of the world- dunyoning qolgan qismi

    45. To be an example- na`muna bo`lish

    46. Big effect on- katta ta`sir

    47. Pocket- cho`ntak

    48. Save- tejamoq

    49. Tiny- juda kichik

    50. Unpopular- mashhur emas

    51. Dishonest- vijdonsiz

    52. Right- huquq

    53. Proud of- faxrlanmoq

    54. Controversial- bahs-munozarali

    55. Wealthy- boy

    56. Patriotic- vatnaga muhabbatli, patriot

    57. Reputation- obro

    58. Slogan- shior,davat

    59. Violation- qonunni buzish

    60. Respect- hurmat qilmoq

    61. Genuine - asl, haqiqiy

    62. Civilian- fuqarolarga oid

    63. Jail-qamoq

    64. Consumption- iste`mol

    65. Gas-guzzling- ko`p yoqilg`I istimol qilish

    66. Bete noire- yoqtirilmagan inson yoki buyum

    67. Axles of evil- dushman

    68. Hot button issue- muhokamali problema

    69. Wall-to-wall- butun xonani qamrab olgan, doimo

    70. Provoke- qo`zg`atmoq

    Working the land to feed the people

    1. Solution -yechim

    2. Reform- isloh qilish

    3. Occupy- egallamoq

    4. Absentee- kelmagan odam

    5. Landowner- yer egasi

    6. Peasant- dehqon

    7. Oppose- qarshi chiqmoq

    8. Fertiliser- o`g`it, mineral o`g`it

    9. Pesticide- hashoratlarni o`ldiradigan dori vositalari

    10. Exhausted- kuchli darajadagi charchagan

    11. Soil- tuproq

    12. Seed- urug`

    13. Force- kuch, majburlamoq

    14. Disapprove- yo`qolmoq, ko`zdan g`oyib bo`lmoq

    15. One of the world`s biggest producers of food- dunyoning eng katta oziq-ovqat ishlab chiqaruvchilaridan biri

    16. Chemical- kimyoviy modda

    17. In the same way- bir xil usulda

    18. Biotech company- jonli hujayralardan sanoat va ilmiy jarayonlarda foydalanish kampaniyasi

    19. Hungry- och

    20. Corporation- birlashma

    21. Genetically modified food- genetik yo`l bilan yaratilgan oziq-ovqat, unda genetik zanjir o`zgarishi hisobiga o`simlik tez o`sadi va ko`p hosil beradi, lekin inson salomatiga zarar yetkazadi

    22. Globalisation- globallashuv, hammaga umumiy bo`lgan tizim butun dunyo bo`yicha

    23. Political movement- siyosiy harakat

    24. Give power to the poor people- kambag`al odamlarga kuch-qudrat/hokimyatni berish

    25. Education- ta`lim

    26. Take direct action- to`g`ridan-to`g`ri harakat qilish

    27. No longer hungry- endi boshqa och bo`lmaslik

    28. Alone- yolg`iz

    29. Lose their home- uyini yo`qotmoq

    30. Landless- yersiz

    31. Rural worker- qishloq xo`jaligi ishchisi

    32. Shanty town-xarob mahallalardan tashkil topgan shahar

    33. Migrate- ko`chmoq boshqa davlatga

    34. Government colony- hukumat bosib olgan hudud /kaloniya

    35. Murder- qotillik, o`ldirmoq

    36. Road- yo`l

    37. Hospital- shifoxona

    38. Try to copy big farmers- katta fermerlardan o`zlashtirib olishga urinish

    39. Cash crop- sotish uchun yetishtirilgan hosil

    40. It doesn`t work- bu ish bermaydi/ qo`l kelmaydi

    41. Spend on- sarflamoq

    42. Side effect- salbiy tasir

    43. Become ill- kasal bo`lmoq

    44. Traditional way- doimiy usul

    45. Chemical farming has no future- kimyoviy ferma xo`jaligining keljagi yo`q

    46. Rapidly- tezkor bilan

    47. Remember the way their parents and grandparents used to farm- o`zlarining ota-onalari va bobo-buvilar qilgan fermerlik yo`llarini eslamoq

    48. Pressure-bosim

    49. Poultry- parranda

    50. Multinational company- ko`p sistemalik kampaniya

    51. Battle against- qarshi jang

    52. Control the seed company- urug` kampaniyasini boshqarish

    53. There is no place for small family farms- kichik oilaviy fermerlikka bu yerda joy yo`q

    54. Confront- hal qilmoq, yengib o`tmoq

    55. The result is still uncertain- natija hali ham noma`lum

    56. Lose the battle- jangda yutqazmoq

    57. Equality- tenglik

    58. Dominate- ustunlik qilmoq

    59. Interior- ichki

    60. Migrate- ko`chmoq

    61. Have nothing left to lose- yo`qotadigan hech nima qolmadi

    62. Campaigner-yurish qatnashchisi

    63. Spread- tarqalmoq

    64. Ruthless- berahm

    65. Unintentional- atayin emas

    Koreans succeed in cloning human embryos

    1. Stem cells- o`zak hujayra/ko`payish xususiyatiga ega

    2. Embryo- embryon

    3. Organs- organlar

    4. Cloning- klonlash/suniy ko`paytirish

    5. Disease- kasallik

    6. Genetic disease- genetik kasallik

    7. Eventually- nihoyat

    8. Pregnancy- homiladorlik

    9. Liver-jigar

    10. Kidney- buyrak

    11. In favour of- foydasiga

    12. First stage- dastlabki qadam

    13. Medical treatment- davo

    14. Short-term disease- qisqa vaqtda yaxshi bo`ladigan kasallik

    15. Mule- duragay

    16. Development- rivojlanish

    17. Replace- o`rnini egallamoq

    18. Politician- siyosatchi

    19. Treat- davolamoq

    20. Human tissue- inson hujayrasi

    21. In the long run- uzoq davom etadigan

    22. Exactly the same- aynan bir xil

    23. Find out- topmoq

    24. Possible- ehtimol

    25. Research- ilmiy izlanish

    26. Extraction- ajratib olish

    27. Opponent- raqib

    28. Regard- deb hisoblamoq

    29. Substitute- o`rnini bosuvchi narsa

    30. Milestone- katta ozgarish, tamal toshi

    31. Debate- muhokama

    32. Remind- eslatmoq

    33. Announce- e`lon qilmoq

    Drowning in money

    1. Drown- ch`okib ketmoq

    2. Earn- pul ishlab topmoq

    3. Above sea level- dengiz sathidan baland

    4. Island- orol

    5. The third-poorest country- uchunchi eng kambag`al davlat

    6. Unusual- noodatiy

    7. Receive- qabul qilmoq

    8. Global warming- globalniy isish

    9. Become very rich- juda boy bo`lmoq

    10. Internet domain name- internetda ko`p uchraydigan nomlar

    11. Bad news- yomon yangilik

    12. Under the sea- dengiz ostida

    13. Rising sea- dengiz sathining ko`tarilishi

    14. Flood- suv toshqini

    15. Disappear- yo`qolmoq

    16. Documentary film maker- ilmiy kino ishlab chiqaruvchilar

    17. Prodigal- isrofgar

    18. Incredible story- ajoyib hikoya

    19. Resident- doim yashovchi

    20. Strange- begona/ g`alati

    21. Raise our standards of living- yashash standardlarining o`sishi

    22. Asphalt- asfalt

    23. It doesn`t mean- buni anglatmaydi

    24. Sink- cho`kmoq

    25. Natural resources- milliy resurslar

    26. High blood pressure- yuqori qon bosimi

    27. Diabetes- diabet/ shakar miqdorining qonda ortishi

    28. Huge rubbish dump- yirik chiqindi joylari

    29. Tropical paradise- tropik jannat

    30. Protocol- bitim, kelishuv

    31. Waste- chiqindi

    32. Nearby- yaqinida

    33. Cover- qoplamoq

    34. Sentimental- tuyg`uga beriladigan

    35. Turquoise- feruza rang

    36. Sense of social solidarity

    37. In the face of progress

    38. Active- faol

    39. Immigrant- ko`chib kelgan

    40. Go up- o`smoq

    41. Crucial- muhim

    42. Obesity- semizlik

    43. Whirlwind- kuchli bo`ron, tornado

    44. Inhabitant- muqobil yashovchi

    45. Length- uzunlik

    Old Europe reuniting East with West

    1. Crisis- inqiroz

    2. Criticise- tanqid qilmoq

    3. Effect on- ga ta`siri

    4. Apply- hujjat topshirmoq

    5. Warning- ogohlantirish

    6. Replace- o`rnini egallamoq

    7. Enlarge- kattalashmoq

    8. Treaty- shartnoma

    9. Great danger- katta xavf

    10. Wrong- xato

    11. Defence minster- mudofaa vaziri

    12. Prime minster- bosh vazir

    13. Reunite- qayta birlashish

    14. Negative effect on- salbiy tasir

    15. In particular- ayniqsa

    16. Support for- qo`llab quvvatlamoq

    17. Policy on- siyosat

    18. Behaviour- xulq-atvor

    19. At the end of the summit- yig`ilish yakunida

    20. Childish- bolalarcha, sodda

    21. Keep quite- tichlik saqlamoq

    22. Candidate- kadidat, vakil

    23. Rights- huquqlar

    24. Careless- e`tiborsiz

    25. Apply to- amalda qo`llamoq, hujjat topshirmoq

    26. Join- qatnashmoq

    27. Knock the door- eshikni taqilllatmoq

    28. Strong warning- kuchli ogohlantirish

    29. Enlargement- kattalshtirish

    30. Replacement- o`rnini egallash

    31. Plan to change- o`zgartirish rejasi

    32. Worst of all- hammasidan yomoni

    33. Defence secretary- himoya agenti

    34. Five current members- hozirgi beshta azo

    35. In contrast- taqqoslaganda

    36. Division- bo`linish

    37. Accept money- pul qabul qilmoq

    38. Disappointed- ko`ngli qolgan

    39. Referendum- umumxalq fikrini bilish

    40. On the question of the enlargement- kengaytirish masalasi bo`yicha

    41. Future member states- kelajakdagi azo shtatlar

    42Make final decision- so`ngi qarorni qilish

    1. Include- o`z ichiga olmoq

    2. Sign- imzolamoq, belgi

    3. Reply- javob qaytarmoq

    4. Attack on- ga hujum uyishtirmoq

    5. Consult-maslahat so`ramoq

    6. Recognise-anglamoq

    7. Argument with- bilan bellashmoq

    8. Shout at- ga baqirmoq

    9. Explain- tushuntirmoq

    10. Easy to criticise- tanqid qilish oson

    11. Weak- zaif

    12. Unfriendly- do`stona emas

    Parliament brings end to 700 years of hunting

    1. Pack- guruh , to`da

    2. Hunting- ov qilish

    3. Vote- ovoz berish

    4. Barbaric- yovvoyilarcha, shavqatsizlarcha

    5. Illegal- noqonuniy

    6. Hound- ovchi it

    7. Ban- taqiqlamoq

    8. Chasing- quvlamoq, orqasidan yugurmoq

    9. Thick tail- ingichka dum

    10. Make a formal choice- rasmiy tanlov qilmoq

    11. Issue- muammo, masala

    12. Violent - vahshiy

    13. Cruel- zolim

    14. Allow- ruxsat bermoq

    15. Official statement- rasmiy fikr

    16. Order- buyruq

    17. Demonstrate- ko`rsatmoq

    18. Delay- bekor qilmoq

    19. Connected with hunting- ovlash bilan bog`langan

    20. A long debate- uzoq davom etayotgan muzokara

    21. Avoid- voz kechmoq

    22. Vote against- ga qarshi ovoz

    23. Middle way- o`rta yo`l

    24. Strong opinion- kuchli fikr

    25. On both side- ikkala tomonda

    26. Argument about fox-hunting- tulki ovlash bo`yicha fikr

    27. Way of life- hayot tarzi

    28. Equally strong- teng kuchli

    29. Conflict- nizo

    30. Respect- hurmat qilmoq

    31. Executive- ijro e`tuvchi

    32. Legal action- qonuniy harakat

    33. Meanwhile- shu vaqtda

    34. Confusion- chalkashish

    35. Gather information- malumot to`plash

    36. Countryside- qishloq

    Explosion in the suburbs

    1. Riot- qo`zg`alon

    2. Suburb- shahar tashqarisi

    3. Vermin- zararkunanda

    4. Scum-ko`pik, qabih odam

    5. Tense-hayajonli

    6. Immigrant- kochib keluvchi

    7. In an election- saylov

    8. Nervous- jahli chiqqan

    9. Relaxed- xotirjam

    10. Physical cause- jismoniy tasir

    11. Dirty substance- toza bo`lmagan modda

    12. Surface of a liquid- suyuqlikning yuzasi

    13. A crowd of people- odamlar bilan to`la

    14. Unemployment rate- ishsizlik foizi

    15. Amnesty- mahbusni muddatidan oldin ozod qilish

    16. Explosion- portlatish

    17. Racism- irqchi

    18. Poverty- kambag`allik

    19. Police brutality- vahshiylik siyosati

    20. Pessimistic prediction- oxiri yaxshilik bilan tugamaydigan bashorat

    21. Become reality- haqiqatga aylanish

    22. Regularly- doimiy

    23. Time-bomb- vaqtga qo`yilgan bomba

    24. Inhabitant- muqobil yashovchi

    25. Check identity- shaxsiyatni tekshirish

    26. Community- jamiyat

    27. First and second generation- birinchi va ikkinchi avlod

    28. Former colony- dastlabki kaloniya

    29. Lead- eltmoq

    30. At the hand of the police- politsiyaning qo`lida

    31. Reaction- reaksiya

    32. Make things worse- yanada yomonlashish

    33. Calm down- tinchlanmoq

    34. Official reason- rasmiy sabab

    35. Tear-gas- ko`z yoshlatuvchi gaz

    36. Mosque- masjid

    37. Apology- uzur zo`ramoq

    38. Badly parked cars- yomon to`xtatilgan mashinalar

    39. Offer any apology- uzur so`rash

    40. Anti-racist- ratsizmga qarshi

    41. Campaigner-siyosiy harakat yetakchisi

    42. Have the right- huquqi bor

    43. Major factor- asosiy faktor

    44. Report- hisobot

    45. Interior minister- ichki ishlar vaziri

    46. Industrial cleaner- sanoat tozalovchisi

    47. Cause a lot of anger- ko`p jahlga sabab bo`lmoq

    48. Gain- egallamoq

    49. Right-wing voters- o`ng qanot ovoz beruvchilari

    50. Express- ifodalamoq

    51. Transnational- xalqaro

    52. Presidential elections- presidentlikka saylov

    Fur flies as sales take off

    1. Fur- yung

    2. Take off- yechish

    3. Welfare- salomatlik

    4. In favour of- tarfadori bo`lmoq

    5. Cruel- zolim, qo`pol

    6. Protest- qarshi chiqmoq

    7. Charity- hayriya

    8. Soft- yumshoq

    9. Unkind- mehribon emas

    10. A large number of people- ko`p sonli odamlar

    11. On the other hand- boshqa tomondan

    12. In sale- chegirmada

    13. Advertise- reklama qilmoq

    14. Mink coat- norkadan qilingan palto

    15. Shocking photograph- hayratlanarli surat

    16. Suddenly- to`satdan

    17. New generation- yangi avlod

    18. Win- g`alaba qilmoq

    19. In public- jamiyatda

    20. Specialises- mutaxassisi bo`lmoq

    21. Electrocution-elktr toki bilan o`ldirish

    22. Fashionable- zamonaviy

    23. Show reality- haqqoniylikni ko`rsatish

    24. Make fur more popular- yungni yanada mashhur qiladi

    25. Extinct- yo`qolmoq

    26. No longer existing- endi boshqa mavjud emas

    27. Die out- o`lmoq

    28. Supermodel- supermadel

    Global warming threatens to kill off a million species

    1. Global warming- dunyoning isib ketishi

    2. Threaten- qo`rqitmoq

    3. Kill off- o`ldirmoq

    4. Species- turlar

    5. The earth is getting warmer- yer isib ketyabdi

    6. Burn coal- ko`mir yoqish

    7. Oil- yog`

    8. Produce- ishlab chiqarmoq

    9. Carbon dioxide- karbanat angrid

    10. Methane- metan

    11. Nitrous oxide-azot oksidi

    12. Greenhouses gases- karbanat angrid

    13. Heat of the sun- quyosh issiqligi

    14. Earth`s upper atmosphere- yerning yuqori atmosferasi

    15. This makes the earth warmer- bu yerni isitadi

    16. Process- jarayon

    17. A group of scientist- bir guruh olimlar

    18. Natural world- tabiy dunyo

    19. Dangerous- qo`rqinchli

    20. Animal species will become extinct by 2050- 2050-yilga qadar hayvon turlari yo`qoladi

    21. Conservation- asrash

    22. Terrifying- qo`rqinchli

    23. It is too late to save many plants and animals- ko`plab o`simlik va hayvonlarni saqlab qolishga juda kech

    24. Because of the greenhouse gases that are already in the atmosphere- allaqachon atmosferada mavjud bo`lgan karbanat angrid tufayli

    25. If we control greenhouse gases now, we could save many more plants and animals from extinction- agar biz hozir zararli gazlar nazorat qila olsak, biz ko`plab o`simlik va hayvonlari yo`qolib ketishdan saqlab qolgan bo`lamiz

    26. Mountainous areas- tog`li hududlar

    27. A better chance of survival- yashab qolishninh yaxshiroq imkoniyati

    28. Uphill- tepaga

    29. In greater danger of extinction- yo`qolib ketish xavfida

    30. True results- haqiqiy natijalar

    31. At the same rate as today- bugun bilan bir xil foizda

    32. All life forms- hamma hayot shakllari

    33. Stop the heat of the sun reaching the earth- yerga kelayotgan quyosh issiqligini to`xtatmoq

    34. Rich bilogy- boy biologiya

    35. Global warming continuous- dunyoviy isishni avom etishi

    36. Move long distance- uzoq masofaga harakat qilish

    37. A flat area- past tekislik

    38. Rare- nomyob, kamdan-kam

    France to ban pupils` religious dress

    1. Ban - taqiqlamoq

    2. Religious- diniy

    3. Secular- dinni davlatdan ajratmoq

    4. This means that- bu shuni anglatadiki

    5. Official state religion- rasmiy davlat dini

    6. Recently- yaqinda-

    7. Commission- kamissiya

    8. Necessary- kerak

    9. Protect secularism- dinni davlatdan ajratishga qarshi chiqish

    10. Recommendation- tavsiya

    11. First of all- dastlab

    12. People will not be allowed to wear religious symbols- odamlar diniy simbollarni kiyishga ruxsat berilmaydi

    13. Public buildings- jamoat binolari

    14. Include- o`z ichiga olmoq

    15. Head-scarves- boshni o`raydigan

    16. Skullcap- do`ppi, ruhoniylar kiyadigan

    17. Large Christian crosses-katta xritian xochlari

    18. All public service employees- hamma jamoat xizmat ishchilari

    19. Treat everyone in the same way- hammani bir xil baholamoq

    20. Health service- sog`likni saqlash xizmati

    21. It is not possible to say- buni aytib bo`lmaydi

    22. Healthcare worker- sog`likni saqlash ishchilari

    23. Follow rule- qonunga bo`ysunish

    24. Hygiene- gigeina

    25. Holy days- muqaddas kunlar

    26. Religious holiday- diniy tatil

    27. In multicultural societies- ko`p madaniyatli jamiyat

    28. Britian-Britaniya

    29. Seems strange- g`alati tuyuladi

    30. A special law- maxsus qonun

    31. Especially- maxsus

    32. Main aim of the law- huquqning asosiy maqsadi

    33. It doesn`t matter- buni farqi yo`q

    34. Ethnic group- etnik guruh

    35. Chairman- rahbar

    36. Fundamentalist- dindor odam

    37. Moderate- zamonaviylashtirmoq

    38. Church and the state are separate- cherkov va davlatni ajratilgani

    39. Respect of difference- farqni hurmat qilmoq

    40. To solve a problem- muammoni yechmoq

    41. Duty- majburiyat

    Bali bomber to face firing squad

    1. Courtroom- sud zali

    2. Judge- baho bermoq, xulosa chiqarmoq

    3. In front of him- uni old tomonida

    4. Turn round- aylanmoq

    5. Cheering-baqirish

    6. Clapping- qarsak chalish

    7. Weep- yig`lamoq

    8. Public seat- jamoat joyi

    9. Victory sign- g`alaba belgisi

    10. Shout- baqirmoq

    11. A radical islamist- mutlaqo islamist

    12. Village car- qishloq mashinasi

    13. Guilty of- aybdor

    14. Take part in the bombing- bomba portlatishga qatnashmoq

    15. Seem happy- baxtli tuyulmoq

    16. Sentence him to death- uni o`limga mahkum qildi

    17. Murder- qotil

    18. Smile- kulmoq

    19. Two of her staff- uning jamoasidan ikkitasi

    20. Blow up- portlamoq

    21. Death penalty- o`lim jamoasi

    22. A martyr-shahid

    23. Attact- hujum qilmoq

    24. Ally-sherik

    25. Especially- ayniqsa

    26. Chemical- kimyoviy

    27. Preparation- tayyorlanish

    28. Terrorist attack- teroristlarning hujumi

    29. Extraordinary- o`zgacha

    30. Crime against- ga qarshi jinoyat

    31. Justify- isbotlamoq

    32. Crime against humanity- insoniylikka qarshi jinoyat

    33. A foot soldier- piyoda askar

    34. Justification- isbot

    35. Right to kill other people- boshqa odamlarni o`ldirish huquqi

    36. Connect- bog`lamoq

    37. Terrorist group- terorist guruh

    38. Comprehension-tushunish

    39. Survive- tirik qolmoq

    40. Explode-portlamoq

    41. Defend- himoya qilmoq

    42. Nuclear weapon- atom qurol

    43. World`s biggest economy-dunyoning eng katta iqtisodi

    American`s crude tactis for Iraq war

    1. Crude- haqoratomuz, ishlov berilmagan

    2. Tactis-

    3. A possible war- mavjud urush xavfi

    4. An attack on- ga hujum

    5. To make the world a safer place- dunyoni xavfsiz joyga aylantirish

    6. Provide- taminlamoq

    7. Thirsty car drivers- chanqagan mashina haydovchilari

    8. Torture- azob, qiynoq

    9. In different parts of the world- dunyoning turli xil qismlarida

    10. Give permission- ruxsat bermoq

    11. Oilfield- neft joylashgan hudud

    12. Look for- izlamoq

    13. Win the war- jangda g`alaba qilmoq

    14. Invite- taklif qilmoq

    15. Modernise- zamonaviylashtirmoq

    16. This might be a good thing- bu ehtimol yaxshi bo`lishi mumkin

    17. Choice- tanlov

    18. Reduce- qisqartirmoq, kamaytirmoq

    19. Healthy- sog`lom

    20. Supply- taminlamoq

    21. Energy policy- energiya siyosati

    22. Share- ulush, ulashmoq

    23. Modernise- rivojlantirmoq

    We need a total ban on ivory sales

    1. Illegal- noqonuniy

    2. Poacher- brakonyer

    3. Ban- taqiqlamoq

    4. Compensation- o`rnini qoplash

    5. Habitat- yashash joyi

    6. Tusks-fil tishi

    7. Moratorium-taqiqlash

    8. Regulated- tartibga solingan

    9. Ivory-fil suyagidan qilingan

    10. Pointed teeth-ko`rsatkich tish

    11. Made of- dan qilingan

    12. Official agreement- rasmiy rozilik

    13. Temporary period- vaqtinchalik davr

    14. In this case- bu holatda

    15. Natural resources- tabiiy resurslar

    16. Receive- qabul qilmoq

    17. Fall dramatically- keskin tushmoq

    18. Announce- elon qilmoq

    19. Unregulated- tartibga solinmagan

    20. Domestic sale- ichki savdo

    21. Destruction- buzilish

    22. A limited legal trade- chegaralangan qonuniy savdo

    23. Old stocks- eski zahari

    24. Protected elephant population-himoya qilingan fil turi

    25. Poach-ruxsatsiz ov qilmoq

    26. Annual ivory expert quota-yillik filsuyagi expert qilish normasi

    27. Leather-teri

    28. Do not make sense-ma`no anglatmaydi

    29. Wildlife- yovvoyi hayot

    30. Earn money- pul topmoq

    Aid agencies warn of Iraq pull-out

    1. Warn-ogohlantirish

    2. Pull-out- tark etish

    3. Hostage-asirga olingan odam

    4. Troop-qo`shin

    5. Aid agencies-yordam beruvchi agentlik

    6. Kidnap- o`g`irlash

    7. Militant-bosim o`tkazadigan

    8. Withdraw- chekinmoq

    9. Keep them as a prisoner- maxbus sifatida saqlamoq

    10. Remove- olib tashlamoq

    11. Take away- barbod qilmoq

    12. Extreme-keskin,kuchli

    13. Violent method- vahshiy usul

    14. Kidnapper- odam og`irlovchi

    15. Organisation- tashkilot

    16. Italian prime minester-italiyaning bosh vaziri

    17. Aid workers- yordam beruvchi ishchilar

    18. Deputy- deputat

    19. Mentioned- aytib o`tilgan, nazarda tutilgan

    20. International- xalqaro

    21. Work for an organisation- tashkilot uchun ishlamoq

    22. Goods- mahsulotlar

    23. Cut off- olib tashlash

    24. Army base- harbiy baza

    25. As a result of - ning natijasida

    26. Lorry driver- yuk mashina haydovchisi

    27. Islamic religion protects

    28. Transport- tashimoq

    29. Translate- tarjima qilmoq

    30. From one language to another- bir tildan ikkinchi tilga

    31. Parliament- parlament

    32. Connection- aloqa

    Health crisis looms as life expectancy soars

    1. Life expectancy- hayot davomiyligi

    2. Retirement age- pensiya yoshi

    3. Pension- pensiya

    4. Retired- pensiyaga chiqqan

    5. Specific- maxsus

    6. On average- o`rtachada

    7. Absolute limit- mutlaqo chegara

    8. No limit- chegara yo`q

    9. Live longer- uzoqroq yashamoq

    10. Pay pension- pensiya to`lamoq

    11. Social cost- ijtimoiy narx

    12. Official forecast- rasmiy pragnoz

    13. Lifespan- hayot davomiyligi

    14. Longest human lifespan- eng uzun hayot davomiyligi

    15. Human life- inson hayoti

    16. Do the shopping- bozorlik qilish

    Where men are men …. and women don`t know the recipe for equality

    1. Different- har xil

    2. Enjoy cooking- pishirishdan rohatlanish

    3. As a present- sovg`a sifatida

    4. Recipe- retsep

    5. Equality- tenglik

    6. Advertisement- reklama

    7. Ask men to help- erkaklardan yordam sorash

    8. Wives- xotinlar

    9. Include- o`z ichiga olmoq

    10. Washing-up- idish yuvish

    11. Cleaning- tozalash

    12. Ironing clothes- kiyimlarni dazmol qilish

    13. Serve-xizmat ko`rsatmoq

    14. Rest of the family- oilaning qolgan qismi

    15. Comfortable- qulay

    16. Full-time- to`liq stavkada ish

    17. Large building- katta bino

    18. Cafeteria- oshxona

    19. Arrive home- uyga yetib kelmoq

    20. Relax- dam olmoq, hordiq chiqarmoq

    21. Fair- adolatli

    22. Have something more important to do- qilishga muhimroq ishi bo`lmoq

    23. Go out with friends- do`stlar bilan aylanishga chiqish

    24. Make phone call- telefon qo`ng`irog`I qilish

    25. On the other hand- boshqa tomondan

    26. Terrace- ayvon

    27. Washing-line- yuviladigan kiyimlar ilinadigan dor

    28. Begin to change- o`zgartirishni boshlash

    29. Unisex fashion- ommabop moda

    30. Meet to talk- gaplashish uchun ko`rishmoq

    31. Tradition- milliy

    32. Stand on- tikka turmoq

    33. Rose- atirgul

    34. Special celebration- maxsus kun

    35. Male friend- o`g`il bola do`st

    36. One side of the square- kvadratning bir tomoni

    37. Prepare- tayyorlamoq

    38. Ironing- dazmollash

    39. Cleaner- tozalovchi narsa, soda, sovun; farrosh,himchistka

    40. Carry- ko`tarmoq

    41. Bring-olib kelmoq

    42. Paint- bo`yamoq

    43. Housework- uy ishi

    44. Receive- qabul qilmoq

    Bridge cannot span the divide

    1. United- birlashgan

    2. Separate- ajratmoq

    3. Attend- qatnashmoq

    4. Remarkable- ajoyib

    5. Destroy- buzmoq

    6. Optimistic- ko`tarinki kayfiyatda

    7. Remove- olib tashlamoq

    8. Divided- ajratilgan

    9. Seriously- jiddiy

    10. No longer exist- endi mavjud emas

    11. Power- kuch,qudrat

    12. Take away- olib tashlash

    13. Unusual- noodatiy

    14. Very surprising- hayratlanarli

    15. Introduce- tanishtirmoq

    16. Span- muddat

    17. Divide- bo`lmoq

    18. Bridge-ko`prik

    19. Mobile telephone system- mobil aloqa sistema

    20. Live on the east bank- sharqiy sohilda yashamoq

    21. Famous old stone bridge- mashhur eski tosh ko`prik

    22. As the symbol of the division- bo`linish ramzi sifatida

    23. A new single council- yangi yagona maslahat berish xizmati

    24. Firefighting service- o`t ochirish xizmati

    25. Ambulance- tez yordam

    26. Join together- birgalikda qo`shilish

    27. Remarkable- ajoyib

    28. On a separate floor- alohida qavatlarda

    29. Different educational programme- turli xil ta`limiy dastur

    30. Reopen- qayta ochilish

    31. Perfect copy- mukammal nusxa

    32. As a symbol of hope- umid ramzi sifatida

    33. A concrete bridge- sement ko`prik

    NASA gladly loses a spacecraft

    1. Gladly- minnatdorlik bilan

    2. Spacecraft- kosmik kema

    3. Comet- kameta

    4. Solar system- quyosh sistemasi

    5. Orbit- orbita

    6. Copper- mis

    7. Crater- yaratuvchi

    8. Mother-ship- asosiy boshqarma

    9. Enourmous- yirik

    10. A Reddish-brown metal- qizg`ish jigari metal

    11. Chemical symbol- kimyoviy belgi

    12. Space- koinot

    13. Path- yo`lak

    14. Dust- chang

    15. Volcanoes- vulqonlar

    16. Explosion- portlash

    17. Leave a large round hole- katta aylana teshik qoldirish

    18. Consist on- tashkil topmoq

    19. Space mission- koinot missiyasi

    20. Hit- urmoq

    21. Mention- aytib o`tmoq

    22. Mystery- sirli

    23. Across the sky- osmonni kesib o`tmoq

    24. Have a bright tail- yorqin dumi bo`lmoq

    25. Orbit of the furthest planet- eng uzoq planetaning orbitasi

    26. Crash into- ga urilmoq

    27. Take a photo- rasm olmoq

    28. Surface- yuza

    29. Close-up picture- yaqindan olingan surat

    30. Delighted- xursand bo`lgan

    31. Deep impact- chuqur tasir

    32. Independence day- mustaqillik kuni

    33. Firework- mushakbozlik

    34. Display- namoyish qilmoq

    35. Washing machine- kir yuvish mashinasi

    36. Cloud of ice- muzli bulutlar, planetalar mavjud

    37. Distant coment -uzoq kameta

    38. Observe- kuzatmoq-

    39. Telescope- teleskop

    40. For the first time- birinchi marotaba

    41. Around the world- dunyo bo`ylab

    42. Hold the secret- sirni saqlamoq

    43. In the field of view- ochiq kuzatsa bo`ladigan hudud

    44. The first artificial jet- dastlabki suniy uchuvchi jihoz

    45. Solid- qattiq

    46. Really exciting- haqiqatdan ham hayratlanarli

    47. Liquid- suyuqlik

    Gun lobby fires shot for free speech

    1. Lobby- guruh

    2. Free speech- erkin nutq

    3. Own- egalik qilmoq

    4. Amendment- tuzatish

    5. Election-saylov

    6. Individual- yakka

    7. Broadcast- efirga uzatmoq

    8. Balanced- teng

    9. Support- qo`llab quvatlamoq

    10. Get around- sayohat qilmoq

    11. Agreement- bitim

    12. Offer help- yordam taklif qilish

    13. Receive- qabul qilmoq

    14. Gun-owners- to`pponcha egasi

    15. It is the right of every individual

    16. To buy and keep a gun- to`pponcha sotib olish va uni saqlash

    17. Radio station- radio stansiyasi

    18. Special interest group- maxsus qiziquvchilar guruhi

    19. Freedom- erkinlik

    20. Constitution- konstitusiyasi

    21. Publicity- ommalashuv

    22. Own new organisation- yangi tashkilotga egalik qilmoq

    Portuguese nurse who ran abortion clinic jailed

    1. Nurse

    2. Run abortion

    3. Jail

    4. Trial

    5. Perform

    6. Accuse of

    7. Sick

    8. Fine

    9. Strict abortion laws

    10. Morphine

    11. Large tent

    12. Follow

    13. Judge

    14. Accused women

    15. With their own bodies and lives

    16. People are still punished for having abortion

    17. Do not have the right to decide

    18. Pregnant

    19. Nearby

    20. Do not have enough money to travel

    21. Personnel

    22. Chemist

    23. Taxi driver

    24. Jewellery

    25. Wedding rings

    26. Necklaces

    27. Earrings

    28. Rest of the money

    29. Public opinion

    30. Poor districts

    31. Arrest

    32. International support

    33. Organise

    34. Victims

    35. Significant factor

    36. Suicide

    37. Ignore

    38. A number of death

    39. Admission

    40. As a matter of public health

    41. Try to find money

    42. Punish

    43. Operate

    44. Theft

    45. A new cure

    46. Broken window

    47. Legally available

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