Bibliography of butterflies

Shahabuddin, Ghazala, and John W. Terborgh

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Shahabuddin, Ghazala, and John W. Terborgh

1999. Frugivorous butterflies in Venezuelan forest fragments: abundance, diversity and the effects of isolation. Journal of tropical Ecology 15(6): 703-722, 4 figs., 3 tabs. (November) [general]

Shanower, Thomas G.

2001. See Peter, A. J. & T. G. Shanower, 2001.

Shapiro, Alexandra M.

2003. See Hay-Roe, M. M. et al., 2003.

Shapiro, Arthur Maurice [1946- ]

1977a. The life history of Reliquia santamarta, a Neotropical alpine pierine butterfly (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 86(1): 45-50, 7 figs. (14 July) [host plant; egg, larva, pupa; ecology; Colombia]

1977b. The life-history of an equatorial montane butterfly, Tatochila xanthodice (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 86(1): 51-55, 7 figs. (14 July) [host plants; egg, larva, pupa; ecology; Colombia]

[1978]a. Notes on the disappearing humid Neotropics. Wings 4(2): 4-6 ("December 1977", [February 1978]) [Tatochila xanthodice (Lucas); Colombia]

[1978]b. Evidence for obligate monophenism in Reliquia santa-marta, a Neotropical-alpine pierine butterfly (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Psyche (Cambridge) 84(2): 183-190, 2 figs. ("June 1977", [28 March 1978]) [Colombia]

1978c. Developmental and phenotypic responses to photoperiod and temperature in an equatorial montane butterfly, Tatochila xanthodice (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Biotropica 10(4): 297-301, 1 fig. (December) [Colombia]

1979a. Notes on the behavior and ecology of Reliquia santamarta, an alpine butterfly (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, with comparisons to Nearctic alpine Pierini. Studies on neotropical Fauna and Environment 14(2/3): 161-170, 5 figs. (September)

1979b. The life history of the autodice and sterodice species groups of Tatochila (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 87(3): 236-255, 6 figs. (18 October) [general; Argentina, Chile, Colombia]

1980. Convergence in pierine polyphenisms (Lepidoptera). Journal of natural History 14(6): 781-802, 8 figs., 8 tabs. ([22 October]) [general; South America]

1981a. The pierid red-egg syndrome. American Naturalist 117(3): 276-294, 3 figs., 7 tabs. (March) [Heliconius]

1981b. Physiological and developmental responses to photoperiod and temperature as data in phylogenetic and biogeographic inference. Systematic Zoology 29(4): 335-341 (6 April) [Pieridae; South America]

1982a. Notas sobre los estadios inmaduros de la mariposa plateada, Argyrophorus argenteus Blanchard (Lepidoptera: Satyridae). Revista de la Sociedad mexicana de Lepidopterología 7(1): 29-31, 8 figs. (25 February) [Argentina]

1982b. Survival of refrigerated Tatochila butterflies (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) as an indicator of male nutrient investment in reproduction. Oecologia 53(1): 139-140, 1 tab. (April) [South America]

1982c. The biological and systematic significance of red fecal and meconial pigments in butterflies: A review with special reference to the Pieridae. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 20(2): 97-102, 1 fig. (20 September) [general]

1983a. A new record of Vanessa virginiensis "ab. ahwashtee" from Northern California (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 20(3): 176-178, 2 figs. (15 April) [Vanessa carye (Hübner)]

1983b. A reared gynandromorph of Tatochila (Pieridae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 20(4): 240-242, fig. 2 (15 April) [Argentina]

1983c. An apparent "intersexual" Colias eutytheme (Pieridae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 20(4): 241, 244, fig. 4 (15 April) [C. flaveola Blanchard, C. weberbaueri Strand; South America]

1983d. Two homoeotic Pieris rapae of Mexican origin (Pieridae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 20(4): 242-244, figs. 3, 5 (15 April)

1983e. Errores en plantas huésped de mariposas mexicanas como una extrapolación de la literatura estadounidense. Revista de la Sociedad mexicana de Lepidopterología 8(2): 47-48 (15 Augsut) [general]

1983f. See Kellner, C. V. & A. M. Shapiro, 1983.

1984a. Hunting white butterflies. Explorers Journal 61(4): 148-153, figs. (February) [Reliquia santamarta Ackery, Tatochila xanthodice (Lucas); Colombia]

1984b. A recessive lethal "wingless" mutation in Tatochila (Pie-ridae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 22(4): 262-263, 1 fig. (15 March) [Chile, Argentina]

1984c. Population biology of tropical insects. Young, Allen M. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 23(1): 112 (15 June) [general; book review]

1984d. Butterflies of South America. D'Abrera, Bernard. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 23(2): 172-174 (31 December) [general; book review]

1984e. Polyphenism, phyletic evolution, and the structure of the pierid genome. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 23(3): 177-195 (31 December) [general]

1984f. Experimental studies on the evolution of seasonal polyphenism, pp. 297-307, 5 figs., 3 tabs. In: Vane-Wright, R. I. & P. R. Ackery (Eds.), The Biology of Butterflies. London, Academic Press. [Tatochila spp.; Chile, Argentina]

1984g. The genetics of seasonal polyphenism and the evolution of "general purpose phenotypes" in butterflies, pp. 16-30, 7 figs. In: Wöhrmann, K. & V. Loeschke (Eds.), Population biology and evolution. Berlin, Springer-Verlag. [Pieridae; South America]

1984h. Photoperiodism and physiological ecology of a relict equatorial alpine butterfly. National geographic Society Research Reports 17: 793-800, 1 fig. [Reliquia santamarta Ackery; Colombia]

1985a. A melanic Colias euxanthe stuebeli from Peru (Pieridae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 24(1): 87, 1 fig. (15 September)

1985b. Phenetics and ecology of hybridization in buckeye butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Hafernik, H. E., Jr. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 24(1): 89-91 (15 September) [general; review]

1985c. The genetics of polyphenism and its role in phylogenetic interpretation of the Tatochila sterodice species-group (Pieridae) in the Andean-Neantarctic region. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera Supplement 1: 24-31, 1 fig. (after October) [South America]

1985d. Behavioral and ecological observations of Peruvian high-Andean pierid butterflies (Lepidoptera). Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 20(1): 1-12, 6 figs. [general; Hylephila boulleti peruana Draudt, Hylephila sp., Pyrgus sp.]

1986a. The life history of Tatochila distincta distincta, a rare butterfly from the puna of Northern Argentina (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 94(4): 526-530, 9 figs. (16 October)

1986b. See Courtney, S. P. & A. M. Shapiro, 1986a.

1986c. Intergradation of Tatochila autodice and T. blanchardii (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in North-western Patagonia. Journal of natural History 20(6): 1309-1320, 7 figs., 1 tab. ([1] December) [Chile, Argentina]

1986d. See Courtney, S. P. & A. M. Shapiro, 1986b.

1986e. r-K selection at various taxonomic levels in the pierine butterflies of North and South America, pp. 135-152, 3 figs., 3 tabs. In: Taylor, F. & R. Karban (Eds.), The evolution of insect life cycles. New York, Springer-Verlag. [general]

1988. Butterflies in Mesoamerica. Ecology 69(3): 875-876 (June) [book review]

1989a. See Franco, A. et al., 1989.

1989b. See Geiger, H. et al., 1989.

1989c. Ignorance in high places. Paleobiology 15(1): 61-67 [book review]

1989d. Homosexual pseudocopulation in Eucheira socialis (Pieridae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 27(3/4): 262, 1 fig. (10 December) [Mexico]

1989e. Observaciones acerca de las mariposas fueguinas. Praxis (Ushuaia) 1(9): 43-45, 1 pl. [general; ecology; behavior; Argentina]

1990a. See Porter, A. H. & A. M. Shapiro, 1990.

1990b. The biology of Colias blameyi (Pieridae) the "Green Sulphur" of the Argentine Puna. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 28(1/2): 14-25, 12 figs. (25 July) [egg, larva, pupa; host plants]

1990c. A new specimen of Vanessa braziliensis "ab. dallasi" (Nymphalidae) from Argentina. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 28(1/2): 126-128, 1 fig. (25 July)

1990d. The life histories and behavior of the Patagonian-Fuegian white butterflies Hypsochila microdice and H. galactodice (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 98(4): 461-473, 15 figs., 1 tab. (14 November) [Argentina]

1991a. The biology and zoogeography of the legume-feeding Patagonian-Fuegian white butterfly Tatochila theodice (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Journal of the New York ento-mological Society 99(2): 251-260, 8 figs. (29 May) [egg, larva, pupa, imago; host plants; ecology; Chile, Argentina]

1991b. The zoogeography and systematics of the Argentine Andean and Patagonian pierid fauna. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 28(3): 137-238, 4 pls., 24 figs., 4 tabs. (15 September) [general]

1993a. Convergent evolution in western North American and Patagonian skippers (Hesperiidae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3/4): 162-174, 4 figs. (1 December) [general; Argentina]

1993b. The proposed magellanic type-locality of Colias imperialis Butler (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Acta entomológica chilena 18: 77-82 (18 December) [Chile]

1994a. Why are there so few butterflies in the high Andes? Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 31(1/2): 35-56, 2 pls., 2 tabs. (1 July) [general; biogeography; South America]

1994b. La genética fisiológica y la sistemática, pp. 145-155. In: Llorente, J. E. & I. Luna (Eds.), Taxonomía Biológica. México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [Reliquia santamarta Ackery, Tatochila; South America]

1996. From darkness to light to flight: Monarch - The miracle butterfly, by Jules H. Poirier. 1995. News of the Lepi-dopterists' Society 38(2): 58-59 (April) [Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus); book review]

1997. See Porter, A. H. et al., 1997.

1998. Impactos antropogénicos sobre la fauna de mariposas (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) de Patagonia austral y Tierra del Fuego. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia (Ciencias naturales) 25: 117-126, 1 tab. ("1997", January 1998) [general; Argentina, Chile]

1999a. See Underwood, D. L. A. & A. M. Shapiro, 1999a.

1999b. See Underwood, D. L. A. & A. M. Shapiro, 1999b.

1999c. See Nice, C. C. & A. M. Shapiro, 1999.

2001. The spirit of butterflies: Myth, magic, and art, by Maraleen Manos-Jones. 2000. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 43(1): 16, 27, 1 fig. (15 March) [general; book review]

2002. Mariposas argentinas: Guía práctica e ilustrada para la identificación de las principales mariposas diurnas y nocturnas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, by Andrés E. Barga. 2000. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 55(3): 126-128 (26 February) [general; book review]

2003. See Forister, M. L. & A. M. Shapiro, 2003.

2004a. [Two book reviews]. Quarterly Review of Biology 79(1): 107-109 (March) [Pronophilini, Hypocystini; biogeography; South America]

2004b. [Three book reviews]. Quarterly Review of Biology 79(3): 315-316 (September) [general; Argentina]

2005. See Underwood, D. L. A. et al., 2005.

2006a. Use of an exotic weed as an oviposition substrate of the high Andean pierid Phulia nymphula. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 60(2): 100-101 (31 July) [Argentina]

2006b. A melanic Colias eurytheme from northern Califonia. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 48(3): 77, 92, 2 figs. (26 September) [Colias ponteni Wallengren]

2006c. See Gompert, Z. et al., 2006.

2007. Your field guide is lying to you (unless it's mine). News of the Lepidopterists' Society 49(3): 88-89 (10 October) [general; distributions]

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