Bibliography of butterflies

Johnson, Charles Willison

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Johnson, Charles Willison [1863 1932]

1892. See Fox, W. J. & C. W. Johnson, 1892.

Johnson, Frank [? -1949], and William Phillips Comstock

1941. Anaea of the Antilles and their continental relationships with descriptions of new species, subspecies and forms (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera, Nymphalidae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 49(4): 301-343, pls. 8-12 (10 December) [general; A. andria summer form andriaesta, A. aidea floridalis, A. a. f. summer form floraesta, A. troglodyta borinquenalis, A. ecuadoralis, A. venezuelana; Neotropics]

Johnson, Karen

1993. See Willmott, K. R. et al., 1993.

Johnson, Kathleen A.

1991. See Ivie, M. A. et al., 1991.

Johnson, Kurt

1976a. A new species of Callophrys (Mitoura) from Mexico (Lepi-doptera: Lycaenidae). Pan Pacific Entomologist 52(1): 60-62, 1 fig. (22 April) [C. (M.) turkingtoni; host plant]

1976b. Three new Nearctic species of Callophrys (Mitoura), with a diagnostis [sic] of all Nearctic consubgeners (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Bulletin of the Allyn Museum 38: 1 30, 17 figs., 2 tabs. (28 May) [general; Mexico]

1986a. Mitoura millerorum (Clench) and its occurrence in the United States (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 39(2): 119 124, 2 figs. (7 January) [Mexico]

1986b. A new species of Tmolus (Lycaenidae) with notes on the Euptychia westwoodi (Satyridae) mimicry complex. Bulletin of the Allyn Museum 106: 1 11, 5 figs. (30 December) [T. albimimicus; Neotropics]

1988a. A new subspecies of Sandia macfarlandi [sic] from the Sierra Madre Oriente of Mexico (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Insecta Mundi 2(1): 16-20, 3 figs. ("March" [22 April]) [S. m. madreoriente]

1988b. Tergissima and Femniterga, new sister genera of Calycopis Scudder and Calystryma Field from the South Central Andes (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Insecta Mundi 2(1): 28-42, 5 figs., 1 tab. ("March" [22 April]) [new species: T. mosconiensis, T. macphersoni, F. notacastanea, F. judae; Argentina, Bolivia]

1988c. Replacement name for Mitoura siva rhodope Clench (1981) [nec Godman & Salvin, 1887] (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Insecta Mundi 2(1): 76-80, 2 figs. ("March" [22 April]) [M. s. clenchi; Mexico]

1988d. Taxonomy, phylogeny, and biogeography of Asterocampa Röber 1916 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Apaturinae).- Tim Friedlander. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 96(4): 482-485 [review]

1989a. A revisionary study of the Neotropical hairstreak butterfly genus Noreena and its new sister genus Contrafacia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Journal of the New York ento-mological Society 97(1): 11-46, 10 figs., 3 tabs. (29 March) [new species: N. guianivaga, N. luxuriosa, N. pritzkeri, N. galactica, C. rindgei, C. mexicana, C. australis, C. minu-taea]

1989b. Revision of Chlorostrymon Clench and description of two Austral Neotropical species (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 43(2): 120-146, 7 figs. (18 May) [C. patagonia, C. chileana; Neotropics]

[1990]a. A revision of the South American hairstreak butterfly genera Tergissima and Femniterga (Lycaenidae: Thecli-nae). Insecta Mundi 3(3): 195-215, 11 figs. ("September 1989", [3 March 1990]) [new species: T. montanensis, T. shargeli, F. itaituba, F. megana, F. splendida, F. strobilata, F. auria]

[1990]b. The hairstreak butterfly genus Noreena (Lycaenidae, Theclinae) and a new species from Western Peru. Insecta Mundi 3(3): 247-248, 2 figs. ("September 1989", [3 March 1990]) [N. fracta]

1990c. The new hairstreak genus Orcya, a revision of the Neotropical "Thecla" orcynia assemblage (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 98(1): 50-87, 12 figs., 1 tab. (11 April) [new species: O. hewitsoni, O. obliqua, O. supra]

1990d. Penaincisalia, a new genus of "elfin"-like butterflies from the high Andes (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 66(2): 97-125, 10 figs. (16 November) [general; new species: P. penai, P. bimediana, P. aurulenta, P. caudata, P. descimoni, P. downeyi, P. pichincha, P. rawlinsi, P. patagonaevaga; South America]

1990e. High Andean Chlorostrymon (Lycaenidae) and a new species from Mt. Larancagua, Chile. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 44(3): 188-193, 2 figs. (6 December) [C. larancagua]

1990f. The butterflies of Hispaniola. Albert Schwartz. 1989. Florida Entomologist 73(4): 690-691 (14 December) [general; book review]

1991a. Neotropical hairstreak butterflies: Genera of the "Caly-copis/Calystryma Grade" of Eumaeini (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae) and their diagnostics. Reports of the Museum of Natural History, University of Wisconsin 21: [iv] + 128 pp., 87 figs. (15 April) [new taxa: Calystryma quintana, Serratofalca, Klaufera, Gigantofalca, G. stacya, G. duida, Distissima, D. spenceri, D. srandrea, Serratoterga, S. larsoni, S. saopauloensis, Termino-spinissima, T. serratissima, Furcovalva, F. extensa, Cyanodivida, C. fornoi, C. neorcillata, Morphissima, M. scalpera, Fieldia, F. yungas, Femniterga boliviensis, Kroenleina, K. panornata, K. escuintla, Antrissima, A. varicolor, A. misionensis, Reversustus, R. assuensis, Mercedes, Argentostriatus, Iaspis diffusus, Angulopis, Uzzia, U. splendor, U. cotera, Dicya, D. cyanoundulata, Celmia, C. stigmata, Caerofethra, Aubergina, Sipaea, S. sepeina]

1991b. See Smith, D. S. et al., 1991.

1991c. Cladistics and the biogeography of two trans-caribbean hairstreak butterfly genera: Nesiostrymon and Terra (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). American Museum Novitates 3011: 1-43, 85 figs., 4 tabs. (26 June) [general; new taxa: N. celida baorucoensis, N. milleri, N. australivaga, T. andevaga]

1991d. Types of Neotropical Theclinae (Lycaenidae) in the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 45(2): 142-157, 34 figs. (24 October) [general; new names: Thecla lathyi, T. rhaptissima, T. magnapurpurata, T. familiaris]

1992a. Genera and species of the Neotropical "elfin"-like hairstreak butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae). Reports of the Museum of Natural History, University of Wisconsin (Stevens Point) 22(1): 1-135, 205 figs.; (2): 136-279, 241 + 2 figs. (15 May) [new taxa: Thecloxurina (new genus) browni, T. eiseleorum, T. loxurina lustra, T. l. astillero, T. truncta, T. feminina, T. costarica, T. bolivatymna, Pons (new genus) magnifica, P. vittata, P. purpurea, P. saraha, Abloxurina (new genus) contracolora, A. chiaspa, A. balzapamba, A. dissentanea putreensis, Candora (new genus) fallacandor, C. cyanomediana, C. kellya, C. jonesi, C. albalineata, C. contraloxurina, C. triangulara, Pontirama (new genus) brunea, P. lapazensis, P. adriana, P. lorena, P. eiselei, P. tolimensis, P. coquimbiensis, Rhamma (new genus) cuchoensis, R. sabula, R. austoxida, R. comstocki, R. nigrasarotina, R. saroticana, R. inexpectata, R. roberti, R. tarma, R. catamarca, R. chilensis, R. duplicata, R. creara, R. argenta, R. magenta, R. disjuncta, Shapiroana (new genus) shapiroi, S. circe, S. aurifera, S. matusikorum, S. macphersoni, S. minissima, S. herrerai, Paralustrus (new genus) orosiensis, P. paccius, Penaincisalia eiselei, P. planuma, Galba (new genus) elvira, G. fumosa, Radissima (new genus) umbratus colombiensis, R. curitabaensis, R. esolana, Cisincisalia (new genus) moecki, Variegatta (new genus) reducta, Lamasa (new genus) robbinsi, Tigrinota (new genus) jennifera, T. perinota, Ignata (new genus) ignobilis, I. illepida, Arases (new genus) clenchi, A. aurantiaca, A. columbiana, Solanorum (new genus) gentilii, Denivia (new genus) maggae, Cryptaenota; morphology; distribution]

1992b. Replacement name for Fieldia Johnson, 1991, pp. 13-14. In Johnson, K. (Ed.), Taxonomic additions to recent studies of Neotropical butterflies. Reports of the Museum of Natural History, University of Wisconsin (Stevens Point) 23: 1-20, figs. (15 May) [Profieldia]

1992c. A high Andean new species of Terra (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 100(3): 522-526, 2 figs. (15 July) [T. altilineata; Argentina]

1992d. The Palaearctic "elfin" butterflies (Lycaenidae, Theclinae). Neue entomologische Nachrichten aus dem Entomologischen Museum Dr. Ulf Eitschberger 29: 1-141, 99 figs. (August) [new genus: Deciduphagus; Mexico, Guatemala]

1992e. A new species of Orcya from the Maroni River Basin of French Guiana. Journal of the New York entomological Society 100(4): 615-620, 2 figs. [O. snyderi]

1992f. See Schwartz, A. & K. Johnson, 1992.

1993a. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1993a.

1993b. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1993b.

1993c. Notes on the location of certain type specimens of Neotropical Eumaeini (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Reports of the Museum of natural History. University of Wisconsin (Stevens Point) 30: 1-2 (29 March) [general]

1993d. See Llorente, J. E. et al., 1993.

1993e. Neotropical hairstreak butterflies: New sister genera of the "Electrostrymon/Angulopis" grade of Eumaeini (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae). Reports of the Museum of natural History. University of Wisconsin (Stevens Point) 32: [i-ii], 1-76, [1-12], pls. 1-4, 11 figs. (13 December) [general; new taxa: Gigantorubra (new genus) simplica, G. mininota, G. clintoni, G. solitaria, G. bahia, G. exotissima, G. ornamentata, G. melanorubra, G. adamsi, G. necbadaca, G. argenomontana, G. shueyi, G. tafiensis, Crimsinota (new genus) giganta, C. perplexissima, C. youngi, C. cyanorubra, C. argentina, Ziegleria (new genus) bernardi, Z. mexicana, Z. cyanissima, Z. hoffmani, Z. compendina, Nicolaea (new genus) gagarini, N. macroma, N. micronota, N. pertainea, N. honduriana; Central and South America]

1993f. Hairstreak butterflies of the genus Argentostriatus (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae). Reports of the Museum of natural History. University of Wisconsin (Stevens Point) 36: [i-ii], 1-19, pl. 7, 4 figs. (13 December) [general; new species: A. roraimaevagus, A. wolfii, A. eitschbergeri, A. mysticus; Central and South America]

1993g. Hairstreak butterflies of the genus Tigrinota (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae). Reports of the Museum of natural History. University of Wisconsin (Stevens Point) 37: [i-ii], 1-21, pl. 7, 3 figs. (13 December) [general; new species: T. catamarciana, T. chaosa; South America]

1993h. See LeCrom, J. F. & K. Johnson, 1993.

1993i. A new Neotropical genus of branded angulopine-like hairstreak butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae). Reports of the Museum of natural History. University of Wisconsin (Stevens Point) 40: [i-ii], 1-7, pl. 9, 1 fig. (13 December) [Rindgea; new species: R. umuarama, R. pyxis; Brazil, Colombia]

1993j. See Constantino, L. M. et al., 1993.

1994a. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1994a.

1994b. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1994b.

1994c. See Hedges, S. B. & K. Johnson, 1994.

1995a. A new species of Gigantofalca from Argentina (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 49(1): 31-38, 4 figs. (2 March) [G. calilegua]

1995b. See Austin, G. T. & K. Johnson, 1995.

1995c. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1995a.

1995d. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1995b.

1995e. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1995c.

1995f. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1995d.

1995g. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1995e.

1995h. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1995f.

1995i. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1995g.

1995j. See Benyamini, D. et al., 1995a.

1995k. See Benyamini, D. et al., 1995b.

1995l. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1995h.

1995m. See Benyamini, D. et al., 1995c.

[1996]a. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1995.

1996b. See Benyamini, D. & K. Johnson, 1996.

1996c. See Austin, G. T. & K. Johnson, 1996.

1996d. See Torres, R. et al., 1996.

1997a. See Le Crom, J. F. & K. Johnson, 1997a.

1997b. See Salazar, J. A. & K. Johnson, 1997.

1997c. See Constantino, L. M. & K. Johnson, 1997.

1997d. See Le Crom, J. F. & K. Johnson, 1997b.

1997e. See Salazar, J. A. et al., 1997.

1997f. See Le Crom, J. F. & K. Johnson, 1997c.

1997g. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1997a.

1997h. See Bálint, Z. & K. Johnson, 1997b.

1997i. See Austin, G. T. & K. Johnson, 1997a.

1997j. See Austin, G. T. & K. Kohnson, 1997b.

1998a. See Bálint, Z. et al., 1998.

1998b. See Austin, G. T. & K. Johnson, 1998.

[1999]a. See Bálint, Z. et al., [1999].

1999b. Vladimir Nabokov and The Lepidopterists' Society: a centenary tribute. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 41(2): 41-45, figs. (15 May) [Lycaenidae; history]

1999c. See Boyd, B. & K. Johnson, 1999.

1999d. Vladimir Nabokov's tropical lepidoptery: a window on the past, a warning about the future. Lepidoptera News 1999(3): 1, 4-8, 2 figs. ("30 November" [13 December]) [general; conservation]

2000a. See Canals, G. R. & K. Johnson, 2000.

2000b. See Faynel, C. & K. Johnson, 2000.

2000c. Monarch experts gather in New York: Sound alarm on Monarch situation in Mexico. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 42(4): 96-97, 102-103, 6 figs. (15 November) [Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus); conservation]

2000d. See Bálint, Z. et al., 2000.

2001a. Monarch watch 2000. Monarch experts call Monarch situation in Mexico critical. Lepidoptera News 2000(3): 1, 7-10, 6 figs. (31 January) [Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus); conservation]

2001b. Some comments on the sociology of lepidopterists. Lepi-doptera News 2001(3): 7-9 (28 November) [general]

2001c. See Bálint, Z., D. Benyamini et al., 2001.

2001d. See Bálint, Z., C. S. Guppy et al., 2001.

2001e. Recognizing Vladimir Nabokov's legacy in science: Where we are today; where we go from here. Nabokov Studies 6: 149-161. [Polyommatinae]

2002. Monarch Watch 2001. Scientists at New York's annual "Monarch Watch" emphasize deforestation and Bt-corn dangers. Lepidoptera News 2001(4): 1, 6, 3 figs. (20 May) [Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus); conservation; Mexico]

2003a. See Faynel, C. et al., 2003.

2003b. See Bálint, Z. et al., 2003.

2005. Regarding the Neotropical Butterfly Checklist. Association for Tropical Lepidoptera Notes 2005(4): [1], [3]-[4] (30 December) [general; book review]

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