BOB 1.1 . The concept of the IS-LM model. The general study of the conditions for achieving a common balance in the commodity and money market and the effect of macroeconomic policy measures on these two markets is carried out using the IS - LM model. The IS-LM model was first introduced in 1937 by J.It was proposed by Hicks to comment on Keynes ' macroeconomic concept, and in 1949 A. Hansen's book,” Monetary Theory and fiscal policy", became widely published after its publication. This model is therefore also referred to as the Hicks model or the Hicks-Hansen model. The i s-LM model characterizes the mechanism by which both goods for a short period of time and goods are balanced together in the money market. In this case, the market for goods is understood as the market for both consumer and investment goods. In macroeconomics, we use the aggregate demand - aggregate supply (AD - as aggregate demand – aggregate supply) model to investigate the correlation between the change in the total price level along with the change in the volume of national production, why the volume of national production will grow steadily in certain periods, and in some periods to isolate the decline. This model uses aggregate indicators such as gross demand and supply, the general level of prices. In macroeconomics, the AD-AS model is the primary model for studying fluctuations in production volumes and price levels as well as the consequences of their change, and several other models are proprietary ad-AS models. Various variants of state economic policy can be described using the ad-AS model.Keynes's macroeconomic equilibrium model has clarified the aggregate demand-aggregate supply model for short-term macroeconomic policy purposes, of which it is private. See what the “IS-LM model” is in other dictionaries: Model-and, well. Model m., he. model, German Model, floor. Model. 1. A sample from which mold is obtained for pouring or multiplying into another material. Bass 1. Sharpening the model of dishes, carving, making shapes 15. 11. 1717. Contract with Antonio Bonaveri ... Historical Dictionary of gallicisms of the Russian language - (gross demand and gross supply model) macroeconomic model that takes into account macroeconomic balance in conditions of price fluctuations in the short and long term ... Wikipedia 1) multiplying an object in reduced dimensions; 2) a sitter that serves as a model for painting or sculpture; 3) a sample from which any product is prepared. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907 ... Dictionary of foreign words in Russian Model of the activity of the human psyche, which is used in sociology. This model hypothetically identifies eight functions in the psyche, arranged schematically in four horizontal levels and in two vertical blocks in the form of 2x4 rectangles. ... ... Wikipedia. [de], models, women. (French model). 1. Sample of a kind of product, sample copy (special). Product model. Clothing model. 2. An example of some kind of structure (texn.). Car model. 3. Type, ... ... annotated Dictionary of Ushakov