Factors in the Structure of Performance
in Sport Games
Will component, i.e., high psychological stability, ability to overcome unfavourable
competitive states.
Social component, i.e., adequate level of social-interactive skills of cooperation
and communication in a sport group.
Adaptation component, i.e., developed ability to self-control one´s own acts and
behaviour, ability to adapt to the environment,
to change it, to change oneself.
Integrating and controlling component, which coordinates and controls all others
into an integrated act of the personality.
Sport games in modern understanding are highly dynamic and changeable phenomena
and knowledge of their essence requires a deeper analysis and insight into their finest
Nabatnikova (1982) recommends dividing structural factors of sport performance into
three categories according to the importance:
– First category
: factors which directly limit sports performance in a specific sport
and might not be compensated for.
– Second category
: factors which underlie sports performance in a specific sport,
and can be at least partially compensated for.
– Third category
: factors which directly do not underlie general sports performance
but create necessary prerequisites for the development of factors of the first two
Choutka and Dovalil (1991) present the following classification of sport performance,
according to which the majority of sport games belong
in the group of collective
performances, which require a high level of control by the central nervous system
as well as analysers (anticipation, decision under time pressure, sensomotoric
in time and space, claims for a static and dynamic balance,
for variability and application of the trained potential in the constantly changing
conditions of a sports match (Tab. 2.4)). Performance in sports games places a complex
set of requirements on players. It consists of a large number of operations and acts,
which are focused on realization of a certain aim, are logically structured as to time
and controlled by voluntary processes. The majority of
these game activities are
realized in non-standard conditions, thus impeding the posibility of their acquisition
and improvement in the training process.