In addition to the external interviews with a leading bank and financial institutions management, the peculiar in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were held among Azercell directors and mid-level management. The principal objective of these discussions is to assess the market conditions and define the further integration strategy of the company as a response to aggressive competition and market saturation. During the discussion, the meticulous evaluation of the last three years of financial metrics and the influencing factors to the company positions were evaluated. It was ubiquitously agreed that despite restraining leading position Azercell position mitigated due to the aggressive competitions. According to the external market analyses, Azercell is considered as the best cellular operator due to the flawless network coverage. However, in order to keep the leading position, the high network quality is not enough, and Azercell must be the leading operator in term of innovations. The new market strategy of Azercell is to build up the digitalized services for the customers, and in line with this outline, Azercell must enlarge the mobile value-added services range. The development of the new mobile financial service is accepted positively. After getting the confirmation of management, the individual in-depth interviews and group meetings were held with Finance, Commercial, and Technical team management. The commercial team management considered the new MFS as a new trigger for customer retention, and in a longer perspective, the company can use this as add-on service in the campaign products and implement different segmented offers. Considering the current positive collaboration with financial institutions company finance team sustained strengthening the productive cooperation with banks offered to proceed the project development in the shortest time.
During in in-depts interviews with Technical management, the company technical capabilities for further development the 4G coverage expansion stage and company promptitude for the system upgrades were discussed. It was defined that the implementation of MFS will not require any additional system upgrade, and the company can handle it with internal resources, and no additional OPEX costs will be required. The company can add the required configuration in the billing system and proceed the impeccable the data interchange with bank technical system.
Table.9 Internal Interview