C back call calling good here It’s moment reception speak take that This omplete the telephone conversations with the words in the box

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  1. C
    Back call calling good here It’s moment
    reception speak take that This

    omplete the telephone conversations with the words in the box.

A I M E E Hi, can I 1 _speak____ to Marijana Corbic, please?
R E C E P T I O N I S T Yes, who’s 2 ___________ ?
A I M E E 3 _________ Aimee Fribourg.
R E C E P T I O N I S T Just a 4 _________ , please. … I’m sorry, but Marijana isn’t 5 ________ .
A I M E E Oh, OK.
R E C E P T I O N I S T Do you want me to 6 ___________ a message?
A I M E E Yes. Could you ask her to 7 ________ me?

M A T T Hello.
B E T H Hello, is 8 ________ Matt Craven?
M A T T Yes.
B E T H Hello, Mr Craven. 9 _________ is Beth Cooke from Cooke and Co.
M A T T Who?
B E T H Beth Cooke. From Cooke and Co. Is this a 10 __________ time to talk?
M A T T Listen, the 11 _______ ’s really bad here. I’ll call you 12 _______ later.

2. Would the following be correct (C) or incorrect (I)?
1 Instead of saying Can I speak to Marijana Corbic,
Aimee said Can I talk to Marijana Corbic? CORRECT / INCORRECT
2 Instead of saying It’s Aimee Fribourg,
Aimee said I’m Aimee Fribourg. CORRECT / INCORRECT
3 Instead of saying Marijana isn’t here,
the receptionist said Marijana isn’t there. CORRECT / INCORRECT
4 Instead of saying Could you ask her to call me?,
Aimee said Could you ask her to ring me? CORRECT / INCORRECT
5 Instead of Hello, is that Matt Craven?,
Beth said Hello, is this Matt Craven? CORRECT / INCORRECT
6 Instead of I’ll call you back later,
Matt said I’ll call you later. CORRECT / INCORRECT
3 Complete the web postings from childhoodbeliefs.com with used to or would.
Where both are possible, use would.
1 I _used to _ believe that if you turned the TV off when someone was on the screen, they would die!
I ________ wait until there was a scene without people before turning it off.
2 When I was little, I ______ think that there were little tiny men that lived in traffic lights that
turned them red, yellow and green. I thought they ______ watch to see if there were any
cars before changing the lights
3 I _______ believe that songs were performed by little bands that lived in my radio. I thought
they __________ wait until the name of their band was announced and then start playing!
4 I __________ think that because it was winter in Australia when it was summer in the UK, it
was December in Australia when it was June in the UK! I ________ be jealous on 25 June,
because I thought people in Australia were celebrating Christmas!
5 I _________ believe that when the shop on my street closed at the end of the day, the
shopkeeper ________ take all the things off the shelves and take them home … only to bring
them back the next morning and put them back again!

4. Most gadgets come with an instruction manual. Do you always read the
instructions? Why? / Why not?

5 The instructions below are for a printer. Match the instructions to the pictures.


Open printer cover to remove packing materials from inside.


Pull tab to remove clear tape from print cartridges.


Plug in power supply.


Insert print cartridges. Push cartridges forward until they


Turn printer on.

click into place.


Raise paper tray. Slide paper guide to the left. Load paper.


Close top cover.


Open top cover.


Connect USB cable.

6. Find verbs in the instructions with the following meanings.
1 to take something away remove___
2 to put something into something else ____________
3 to make something move smoothly over a surface ___________
4 to lift something to a higher position __________
5 to connect to the electricity ____________
6 to make a short, sharp sound ______________
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