1.3. Explain part – tushuntirish qismi Format letter yozishda letter turiga va qo’yilgan talalbga qarab explanation – tushintirish qismi turlicha yoziladi.
Demak bir chetdan ko’rib chiqamiz.
Bizga odatda letter mavusi va 3 ta talab qo’yiladi. Masalan quyidagicha.
Topic: You just saw the advertisement of a course in a newspaper and you are willing to attend the course. Write a letter to the institute: in your letter you should
You should write at least 150 words Ushbu letter sizdan institutda tashkil qilingan kurs haqida gazetada o’qilgan reklama asosida uinstitut raxbariyatiga xat yozishingiz kerak.
Siz yozgan xat quyidagi ma’lumotlarni o’z ichiga olgan bo’lishi lozim.
O’zingizni tanishtirishingiz kerak
Va bu kurs haqida ko’proq ma’lumot so’rashingiz kerak
Yozayotgan xatimizda kamida 150 ta so’z bo’lishi kerak. Shu jihatini ham hisobga olishi kerak.
Endi shu xatni yozib ko’ramiz.
Dear: Sir / Madam I’m writing this letter in order to ask some information about the course I found out in newspaper your institute. My name is Nazirov Zaynibiddin and I’m a graduating student of Economy college and this is my final year at collage. As I’m going to continue my bachelor’s degree in Tashkent State Financial Institute, I need to learn english and math for my entrance exams. A couple of days ago, I saw an advertisement about the English course will be held in the following semester. Undoubtedly there are a number of English courses in language centers in this city but for me the course in your institute is comfortable for some reasons. For example; the most important one is the teachers. As it is written on the newspaper. I think I can learn more effectively by the help of these native teachers.