Task 3. Reading: Answer the following questions according to the text
The famous Tower of London was built as a fortress by William the Conqueror. Early in the Middle Ages the kings used it as a palace; later on it was turned into a prison, but only distinguished prisoners, including statesmen and princes, were held there. Today the Tower is a national museum, where, among other things, the jewelry of the English kings and queens is on display.
4. It is obvious from the passage that the functions of the Tower of London _____.
A) were all established by William the Conqueror.
B) have always been controlled by the kings.
C) have varied greatly over the centuries.
D) are all of a military nature.
E) have not changed at all since the Middle Ages.
5. We learn from the passage that the Tower _____.
A) was not originally intended to be a fortress.
B) was never a prison for ordinary people.
C) is still a unique example of medieval architecture.
D) was never a residence of English kings.
E) functions today only as a jewelers museum.
6. William the Conqueror’s original purpose in building the Tower
of London _____.
A) was one of defense
B) was to exhibit his valuable jewellery.
C) was strongly criticized later in the Middle Ages.
D) remains unknown even now.
E) is still being debated among historians.
Task 4.Writing: Translate the given text into your native language
What is Economics?
Economics is a social science, not a physical science. (Unfortunately, many economists are confused on this point! They foolishly try to describe human economic activity with as much mechanical precision as physicists describe the behaviour of atoms.) Economics is the study of human economic behaviour: the production and distribution of the goods and services we need and want. This broad field encompasses several sub-disciplines. Economic history; money and finance; household economics; labour studies and labour relations; business economics and management;international economics; environmental economics; and others. A broad division is often made between micro and macroeconomics.This all seems relatively straightforward. Unfortunately, the dominant stream in modern economics neoclassical economics,makes it more complicated than it needs to be. Instead of addressing broad questions of production and distribution, neoclassical economics focuses narrowly on markets and exchange.By trading through markets, they can extract maximum well-being from that endowment – just like school kids experience greater happiness by trading their duplicate superhero cards with one another in the playground. An “efficient” economy is one which maximizes, through trade, the usefulness of that initial endowment – regardless of how output is distributed, what kinds of things are produced, or how rich or poor people are at the end of the day.But some economist prefer to keep things simple and stick with a much broader definition of economics: the study of how humans work, and what we do with the fruits of our labour. Part of this involves studying markets and exchange – but only part. Economics also involves studying many other things: history, technology, tradition, family,power, and even conflict.
Iqtisodiyot nima?
Iqtisodiyot fizika emas, balki ijtimoiy fandir. (Afsuski, ko‘plab iqtisodchilar bu borada chalkashib ketishdi! Ular ahmoqona ravishda insonning iqtisodiy faoliyatini fiziklar atomlarning xatti-harakatlarini tasvirlagani kabi mexanik aniqlik bilan tasvirlashga urinadi.) Iqtisodiyot insonning iqtisodiy xatti-harakatlarini o‘rganadi: tovarlarni ishlab chiqarish va taqsimlash, bizga kerakli va kerakli xizmatlar. Ushbu keng soha bir nechta kichik fanlarni o'z ichiga oladi. Iqtisodiy tarix; pul va moliya; uy xo'jaligi; mehnat fanlari va mehnat munosabatlari; biznes iqtisodiyoti va boshqaruvi; xalqaro iqtisodiyot; ekologik iqtisodiyot; va boshqalar. Ko'pincha mikro va makroiqtisodiyot o'rtasida keng bo'linish amalga oshiriladi. Bularning barchasi nisbatan sodda ko'rinadi. Afsuski, zamonaviy iqtisoddagi neoklassik iqtisodning ustun oqimi uni kerak bo'lgandan ko'ra murakkabroq qiladi. Neoklassik iqtisod ishlab chiqarish va tarqatish bilan bog'liq keng ko'lamli masalalarni hal qilish o'rniga, bozorlar va ayirboshlashga tor doirada e'tibor qaratadi.Bozorlar orqali savdo qilish orqali ular ushbu sovg'adan maksimal farovonlikni olishlari mumkin - xuddi maktab o'quvchilari o'zlarining ikki nusxadagi super qahramon kartalarini bitta karta bilan almashish orqali katta baxtni his qilishlari kabi. boshqasi o'yin maydonchasida. "Samarali" iqtisodiyot - bu mahsulot qanday taqsimlanganidan, qanday mahsulotlar ishlab chiqarilganidan yoki kun oxirida odamlarning boy yoki kambag'alligidan qat'i nazar, savdo orqali ushbu boshlang'ich mablag'ning foydaliligini maksimal darajada oshiradi. iqtisodchi oddiy narsalarni saqlashni afzal ko'radi va iqtisodning yanada kengroq ta'rifiga yopishadi: odamlar qanday ishlashi va mehnatimiz samarasi bilan nima qilishimizni o'rganish. Buning bir qismi bozorlarni va almashinuvni o'rganishni o'z ichiga oladi, lekin faqat bir qismi. Iqtisodiyot, shuningdek, boshqa ko'plab narsalarni o'rganishni o'z ichiga oladi: tarix, texnologiya, an'analar, oila, hokimiyat va hatto ziddiyat.
Task 5. Make a 13-15 slides presentation on the topic: Economics
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