I am off on Friday and work Saturday. Look forward to hearing from you. The second type is medial ellipsis and the last type is final ellipsis:
want to check that there’s no leak in the cellar at 61. could you (grovel grovel) check for me and let me know.
The ellipsis can be further divided according to recoverability from the linguistic context. Textual ellipsis is recoverable from preceding context. All the ellipses in my sample of emails were textual. In spoken language, situational ellipses are quite common. Their interpretation “are dependent upon the situational context”76.
Taking the issues that were raised in this thesis into account it is clear that despite the fact the emails tend to have the similar organisation as letters and that any kind of epistolary exchange could be regarded as written discourse, emails are more akin to face-to-face conversation. On this background it can be pointed out that “the distinction between speech and writing is becoming blurred as a consequence of modern technology”77.
E-mail letters contain verbless sentences. As a rule, such proposals are noted in the title of the subject of the letter: Answer to your request; About payment for the first batch of dates.
Since the action is emphasized in business letters, the pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person are omitted, one-part definite-personal sentences become numerous:
Men shartnoma shartlarini qayta ko'rib chiqishni maqsadga muvofiq deb bilaman ...; Taklifimizni ko'rib chiqishingizni so'rayman; Sizdan uzr so'raymiz...; Sizga xabar berishga shoshilamiz...;
In the letters of the 21st century, one-component impersonal offers: Kelgusida kompaniyamiz aloqalarini kengaytirish rejalashtirilgan...; Kelgusi yilda yangi ishlab chiqarish liniyasini ishga tushirish rejalashtirilgan ... .
Business letters are characterized by infinitive constructions, mainly Thus, as part of a complex sentence: Before sending a request, you need to study our catalog in detail.
Impersonal and infinitive sentences reflect the vaguely personal nature of a business letter, focusing on specific actions that need to be performed.
This paragraph proposes a special typology, developed taking into account the multidimensionality of the content of the letter, which consists in the fact that the text of the letter displays various communicative intentions. We emphasize that such a typology is based on the intentional analysis of the texts of letters of the last decade.
When writing an e-mail, the sentence structure of the simplest structure is used. A commonly used sentence structure is:
If we want to use complex sentences, we can make e-mail’s sentences by combining simple ones:
The intentional analysis of a business letter in the study refers to the isolation of communicative intentions that guide the communicator, i.e. the author of the letter, the addressee - the subject of correspondence, influencing partners in written communication in a targeted and purposeful way, i.e. on the addressee, choosing such speech behavior in order to get the desired reaction or answer, thereby relying on the choice of a word, expression, wording for the correct construction of a speech statement.
The communicator enters written communication, having his own, defined and pre-formed and formulated, communicative and pragmatic goals. The intentional organization of the text of a business letter is directly related to the participants in a particular business situation, the functions and goals of communication.