Page 52 Spelling answers A. Apart from
condemning tobacco companies and
raising the price of cigarettes, the
government's anti-smoking
campaign has failed to have any long-term
effects , and the only people
benefiting from it are the Inland Revenue
department . Meanwhile,
persistent smokers are being denied treatment by the NHS.
B .
It is
arguable whether good
pronunciation is more important than good
grammar and
vocabulary .
Conscientious students balance their
acquisition of these skills,
hoping to
achieve both fluency and
accuracy . Teachers should
their students to
practise all the relevant language skills.
C. It is
becoming increasingly
difficult for many to find decent
accommodation in London at a price they can afford. To
put it
simply , most people just don't have the
necessary funds.
Organisations such as
Home Front can offer
advice ,
but it widely agreed that the situation is no longer
manageable . The fact that city councils are building cheap,
temporary housing for lower-paid
professionals is the only official
acknowledgement of this problem.
Page 54 Education answers A. 1. A (we can also use the word
retake ) 2. B, 3. B, 4. C, 5. C, 6. A, 7. C, 8. B, 9. B, 10. C 11. B, 12. A
The British higher education system is formed of universities and colleges, where students can take degrees
in various specialized subjects. Students need a certain level of passes at ‘A’ level to enter a university, and
most universities ask students to come for special entrance exams and interviews. Fees in higher education
are in some cases met by grants, but many students are required to pay for their tuition fees and take out
loans to do this.
B. 1. kindergarten ( we can also use the words
nursery or
playschool ) 2. primary 3. skills / literacy / numeracy
4. secondary 5. discipline (this can also be a verb) / pass (the opposite of this is
fail ) 6. course (we can also use the
programme ) 7. enrol 8. graduated (this can also be a noun -
a graduate ; a student who has finished a course
at university. A student who is still at university is called
an undergraduate ) / degree 9. correspondence (we can also
use the expression
distance learning ) 10. qualifications 11. evening class / day release
C. 1. skills, 2 + 3. literacy / numeracy (in either order), 4. kindergarten, 5. primary, 6. secondary, 7. discipline, 8. pass,
9. qualifications, 10. acquire, 11. health, 12. further, 13. enrol, 14. higher, 15. graduate, 16. degree,
17. higher, 18. evening class, 19. day release, 20. correspondence, 21. mature, 22. opportunity