Classification of English vowels Suvanova Hulkara Davronovna
Classification of English vowels UZSWLU Tashkent 2019 The principles of classification The classification of vowels is based on four main principles. They are: The vowel classification according to the tongue position The movement of the tongue can be in two directions: The vowel classification according to the horizontal movement of the tongue The vowel classification according to the vertical movement of the tongue
1. Rounded [ u, u:, ɔ:, ɔ]
2.Unrounded [ i:, i, e, a:, ʌ, æ, ә:, ә ]
Vowel classification according to the length of vowels
1. Long vowels [ i:, a:, u:, ɔ:, ә: ]
2. Short vowels [ e, u, i, ɔ, ʌ, æ, ә ]
1. Lax vowels [ i, e, u, ɔ, ʌ, æ, ә]
2. Tense vowels [ i:,а:,u:, ɔ:, ә:]
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