CO-OPERATIVE MOVEMENT IN INDIA Introduction: Co-operation is life for modern commerce and industry. It represents the third sector where two sectors are predominant namely private and public. It has the longest history
Meaning: The term Co-operation has been derived from Latin word “Cooperari” which indicates “Co” means “together” and “operari” means “working”. Therefore, cooperation means working together.
Definitions:1.”Co-operation is an economic system with social content” – Prof.P.H 2.”A system of social organisation based on principles of unity, economy, democracy, equality and liberty” – Mr. Watkins Features of Co-operation The Co-operatives are characterized by following main features:
1.Membership is voluntary: Membership not only voluntary but also open to all irrespective of differences in caste, color, creed, race community, religion and gender etc. No scope for discrimination or force.
2.Management is fully democratic: All members of the co-operative are treated equally. Everyone has equal rights and liabilities, opportunities, etc. The main principle behind the working is ‘one individual, one vote’.