Measuring instruments are subject to primary, periodic, extraordinary, inspection and expert comparison.
The primary comparison of measuring instruments is a comparison made during the production or repair of a measuring instrument, as well as during the import and sale of a measuring instrument in bulk.
Each copy of the measuring instrument is subjected to an initial comparison. Selective comparisons are allowed in the serial production of measuring instruments. The rules for the selective primary comparison and the procedure for conducting it are specified in the methodology for comparing these measuring instruments.
Each copy of the measuring instrument is subjected to an initial comparison. Selective comparisons are allowed in the serial production of measuring instruments. The rules for the selective primary comparison and the procedure for conducting it are specified in the methodology for comparing these measuring instruments.
Periodic comparison of measuring instruments Comparison of measuring instruments at regular intervals during the period of use. Interval comparisons for periodic comparisons are carried out within the calendar terms specified in the comparative regulatory documents of the State Periodic Comparison of Reference and Working Comparison Cards (contracts) of working measuring instruments, depending on the stability of one or another measuring instrument. and can be installed from one month to several years.
Extraordinary comparisons are made for measuring instruments in operation and stored in the following cases:
Extraordinary comparisons are made for measuring instruments in operation and stored in the following cases: