International Plant Protection Convention TPDP_2013_Jun_21
Consideration of proposals in 2007 call for topics, as requested by the SC Agenda item : 7.1
Consideration of proposals in 2007 call for topics, as requested by the SC (Remaining: Boeremia foveata (syn. Phoma foveata, Phoma exigua var. foveata))
Three subjects for diagnostic protocols were proposed in the call for topics of 2007: Anguina spp. (nematode), Conotrachelus nenuphar (insect), Phoma exigua var. foveata (fungus). The Standard Committee asked the TPDP to review these proposals and make a recommendation. During the 2012 November meeting1, the discipline leads have applied the Criteria for the prioritisation of DPs to the three pests and Anguina spp. and Conotrachelus nenuphar were recommended to be added to the work programme. For Boeremia foveata the TPDP did not reach a consensus in adding to work programme.
Since at it 2012 November meeting the TPDP did not reach a consensus in adding the B. foveata to the work programee, the evaluation against the criteria is now presented again. The Secretariat remind that no additional information on this fungus was presented and the biannual IPPC call for topics is open from 20 May to 31 August 2013 at the International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP)2 where IPPC members and Technical Panels can submit detailed proposals for new topics or for the revision of existing ISPMs to the IPPC Secretariat.
The TPDP is invited to:
Review the criteria for topics for Boeremia foveata and decide if a IPPC diagnostic protocol should be developed for this pest (and, if so, also recommend a working priority).
Boeremia foveata (syn. Phoma foveata, Phoma exigua var. foveata)
(Prepared by the mycology discipline lead in 2012)
IPPC Criteria
Discipline lead review against criteria
Need for international harmonization of the diagnostic techniques for the pest (e.g. due to difficulties in diagnosis or disputes on methodology)
Detection and identification of B. foveata based on classical methods is time consuming and needs a high level of expertise. Several molecular methods have been developed and published. Recently the molecular phylogeny of B. foveata and allied species has been determined, providing a better understanding of B. foveata in the genus Boeremia.
Relevance of the diagnosis to the protection of plants including measures to limit the impact of the pest.
Disease incidence can be reduced by a reduction in tuber damage during harvest, removal of damaged tubers, no harvesting on wet soils, drying of tubers within 4 h after harvesting, respecting the appropriate period for wound healing (extra oxygen at 10-15 degrees C for at least 10 days), no movement of tubers during storage, and chemical treatment of seed tubers (Stachewicz, H., Kartoffelbau. 1998. 49: 6, 236-240).
Early detection of B. foveata in seed potatoes before trade may reduce the spread of the disease.
Importance of the plants protected on the global level (e.g. relevant to many countries or of major importance to a few countries).
According to IMI distribution maps no 727, B. foveata is present in most of the European countries, Australia, Egypt; or present with few occurrence (South Africa). In many countries B. foveata is present with no details, such as Andes region, south Australia, India, Tasmania; or unconfirmed in Canada, USA, Morocco, Russia. (present in Western Siberia (Malyuga et al, Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya. 2003. 37: 2, 73-84).
Volume/importance of trade of the commodity that is subjected to the diagnostic procedures (e.g. relevant to many countries or of major importance to a few countries).
A limited number of countries have a large export of seed potatoes worldwide. This trade of commodity that is subjected to the diagnostic procedures is of great importance for these countries.
Other criteria for topics as determined by CPM that are relevant to determining priorities
The number of publications/reports dealing with B. foveata is relatively low during the last decade.
Balance between pests of importance in different climatic zones (temperate, tropics etc) and commodity classes.
Most records are from Europe, temperate zone. Compared with bacterial diseases, B. foveata is of less importance. The present situation in other climate zones is less clear.
Number of labs undertaking the diagnosis.
In Europe, B. foveata was a Quarantine organism and labs of many countries tested seed potatoes on a routine base in the period 1960-1990. However, as far as known, commodities are not tested on a routine base at present in Europe.
In other parts of the world were the disease is restricted or rare, routine testing of imported commodities is probably more common.
Feasibility of production of a protocol, including availability of knowledge and expertise.
See above, classical and molecular data are available for developing a protocol. Additional studies using recently phylogenetic data are recommended to obtain more advanced validation data of the molecular methods.
Discipline lead conclusion
B. exigua may not have a high priority, it can be managed well with good practice during harvest and storage. However, this is based on the experiences and technical possibilities in Europe. Bacterial diseases as brownrot and ringrot are more destructive.
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