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The problem of increasing motivation during training at the middle stage

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Topic Games types functions and effect on the development of the language skills of young learners

1.3 The problem of increasing motivation during training at the middle stage

Age - in psychology - a category that means a qualitatively specific stage of ontogenetic development - temporary characteristics of individual development.

Middle school age - the transition from childhood to adolescence, the period of "half-child - half-adult".
For a teenager, this transition is associated with his inclusion in the forms of social life accessible to him. At the same time, the real place that the child occupies in the daily life of the adults around him, in the life of his family, is also changing. Now his physical strength, his knowledge and skills put him in some cases on an equal footing with adults, and in some ways he even feels his advantage. Sometimes he is a recognized "fixer" of mechanisms, sometimes he turns out to be the main domestic "commentator" of social events.
At this age, there is a rapid growth and development of the whole organism. Significantly increases muscle strength. But the development of internal organs occurs unevenly, which leads to various disorders: increased heart rate, rapid breathing. A characteristic feature of adolescence is puberty. The development of the nervous system, mental activity continues.
The worldview, moral ideals, the system of value judgments, the moral principles that guide the student in his behavior have not yet acquired stability, they are easily destroyed by the opinions of comrades, the contradictions of life.
Properly organized education plays a decisive role. Depending on what kind of moral experience a teenager acquires, his personality will develop.
At this age, the child loses the mood with which he went to school, the craving for knowledge, to try something new. And so the teacher has to look for new methods to interest the child, new ways of motivation.
Any training, in its essence, is the creation of conditions for the development of personality. This requires a student-centered approach to learning, the condition for the implementation of which is the differentiation of the learning process and the motivation of learning activities.
Ancient wisdom says: you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. We can seat the children at their desks, achieve perfect discipline. But without the interest, without the interest of the students, we will not be able to achieve the desired result. That is, the whole problem lies precisely in motivation. [16]
Questions arise:

  • What motivates a child to study well?

  • Why do children with the same learning conditions have different outcomes?

  • What should be done to make students learn better?

To answer these questions, you first need to understand the process of motivation, to understand what is motivation?
Motivation (from lat. movere) - motivation for action; a dynamic process of a physiological and psychological plan that controls human behavior, determines its direction, organization, activity and stability; man's ability to satisfy his material needs through labor. [37]
There are several types of motivation:
External motivation (extrinsic) - motivation that is not related to the content of a particular activity, but is due to circumstances external to the subject.
Intrinsic motivation (intrinsic) - motivation associated not with external circumstances, but with the very content of the activity.
Motivation based on positive incentives is called positive. Positive motivation is a powerful factor in the preservation and development of children's health.
Motivation based on negative incentives is called negative.
Stable and unstable motivation. Motivation that is based on the needs of a person is considered sustainable. it does not require additional reinforcement. There are two main types of motivation: “from” and “to”, or “carrot and stick method”.
Pavlov also showed that when information is presented out of interest, a center of its active rejection is formed in the cerebral cortex. To learn how to work outside of interest means outside of feelings, outside of meanings.
The teacher often forgets that much of what he himself considers important and useful is meaningless for the student.
Motivation must be specially formed, developed, stimulated!
Much attention is paid to the issue of increasing motivation, maintaining and developing schoolchildren's interest in the subject "foreign language", both in psychology and in the methodology of teaching this subject. The complexity and versatility are emphasized by many methodologists and, in accordance with this, they offer various approaches to solving this problem. Solution paths are associated with:

  • the creation of a specially designed system of exercises, performing which students would feel the result of their activities;

  • involvement of the emotional sphere in the learning process;

  • the nature of the teacher's pedagogical influences, in particular, the presence of incentives and reinforcements;

  • the use of audiovisual aids in the lessons;

  • using personal individualization;

  • development of a system of extra-curricular activities that enhance the motivational side of language learning.

Motivation also increases through:

  • involvement of students in independent work in the classroom;

  • problematic tasks and situations;

  • use of educational games;

  • regional studies material and, of course, the friendly attitude of students.

According to psychological studies of motivation and interest in teaching a foreign language, the teacher's efforts should be aimed at developing the internal motivation for teaching students, which comes from the activity itself and has the greatest motivating force. [15, 143] Intrinsic motivation determines the attitude of students to the subject and ensures progress in mastering a foreign language. If the student is encouraged to engage in the activity itself, when he likes to speak, read, perceive foreign speech by ear, learn new things, then we can say that he has an interest in the subject "foreign language" and conditions are provided for achieving certain success. From the foregoing, we see that at present there is a sufficient amount of research in the psychology and methods of teaching foreign languages, allowing to use them in further searches for a solution to the problem and to implement a value approach in its consideration. In a holistic consideration of the problem of motivation for students to study foreign languages, researchers proceed from the fact that the following components interact in learning:
1) The student and how he masters foreign language knowledge, skills and abilities: what motives encourage him to work.
2) The teacher and how he teaches.
3) The subject itself is "foreign language" i.e. language and speech units that must be entered into the memory of students.
Thus, when forming a positive attitude of schoolchildren to the subject, it is necessary to take into account the factors emanating from who we teach, how we teach and what we teach.
The use of authentic materials increases motivation in learning. The task of linguistic and regional studies is to familiarize schoolchildren with the country of the language being studied (France), to familiarize them with the system of worldviews, ethical assessments, aesthetic tastes that dominate in society, the formation of a positive attitude, respect for the country of the language being studied, for the way of life of another people. The combination of classroom and extracurricular work creates the conditions for a systematic, consistent and targeted presentation of regional information, the study of certain aspects of the country of the language being studied, relating to its culture (historical events, literature, music, fine arts, sports life, theater and cinema, national holidays and traditions, youth organizations, mass media, environmental issues).
Summarizing what has been said, we can say that skillfully selected material for the lesson enhances students' interest in classes, i.e. contributes to the formation of positive motivation for learning.
In the theoretical part of this thesis, such aspects were considered as: the specifics of teaching written speech in foreign language lessons; general characteristics of difficulties, psychological characteristics of students aged 10-12; the role of play in foreign language lessons.
And when considering psycholinguistic literature, it became obvious to us that the goal of every teacher is not only to teach, but also to arouse the student's interest in learning. Each person needs to know the goal, to see it, to understand what he is doing, not just for nothing, but to get some result. An adult person sets these goals for himself, motivates himself, but a child, in our case, a student, needs to set these tasks for him, and for their successful solution he needs to be motivated.
There are various ways to generate this interest, including the game of these ways we will consider in Chapter II.

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