Objects in a GIS 2d_bc layer used to define the grid’s cell codes using Read MI Code BCas an alternative to Read MI Code. The code value is set using the f attribute (see Table 4 .25).
The boundary lines are snapped to “CD” regions so that if the boundary location is adjusted, the boundary line and code region can move together. See Read MI Code [ {} | BC].
An object in a GIS 2d_bc layer can elected to be ignored by using the “IG” type.
“R” – Repeat previously specified boundary (fixed field input only)
HT, QT, VT:“S” – Fit a cubic spline curve to the data (HT, QT, VT only)
HX: “S” – Set the head as the Static head from 1D node (ie. potential energy head). This suppresses the adjustment of the 1D node head by a dynamic head (see Syme 1991), and is recommended to use this flag for 2D HX lines alongside 1D channels flowing through a 2D domain. Has no effect if the Adjust Head at Estry Interface command is set to “OFF”.
For 2D HX lines perpendicular to the flow, it is recommended to not use this flag.
“V” –is a reserved flag for possible future releases – do not use.
SX: “Z” – Adjust the ZC elevation at each cell at/along the 2D SX object to below the 1D node bed elevation where ZC is higher. The ZC elevation is set to the wet/dry depth below the 1D node bed. Note: As of Build 2002-08-AG, an error occurs if the minimum ZC elevation plus wet/dry depth at/along a SX object is not below the connected 1D node bed. Also see SX ZC Check.
SX: “U” – indicates that the 2D domain receives the flow (in or out) from the 1D domain, but does not set the water level at the 1D node. This allows pumps (modelled as a “QH” or other Q boundary at the 1D node) to discharge into or extract water from the 2D domain.