Sets the grid’s cell size in meters. This overrides any value specified in the .tcf file. The cell size must be specified either using this command or in the .tcf file.
Grid Size (N,M) == ,
(One GRID SIZE command is mandatory)
Sets the dimensions of the grid based on the number of rows and columns. Must be integer values.
Grid Size (X,Y) == ,
(One GRID SIZE command is mandatory)
Sets the dimensions of the grid using a distance along the grid’s X axis () and Y axis (). The number of columns and rows is rounded to the nearest integer, therefore, and do not have to be an exact multiple of the cell size.
Orientation == ,
(One ORIENTATION command is mandatory if Read MI Location not used)
Sets the geographical orientation of the grid using another point along the bottom of the grid. , defines any point on the grid’s X-axis relative to and (see above).
Orientation Angle ==
(One ORIENTATION command is mandatory if Read MI Location not used)
Sets the geographical orientation of the grid using an angle. The angle is in degrees relative to east (eg. X-axis directly north would be 90).
Origin == ,
(Mandatory if Read MI Location not used)
Sets the geographical origin of the grid, the origin being the lower left corner of the lower left cell. is the X coordinate in meters and the Y coordinate.
Read MI Location == <.mif/.mid_file>
(Mandatory if Origin and Orientation commands not used)
Sets the geographical origin and orientation of the grid based on the first line, polyline or region found in .mif/.mid_file. The orientation is based on the first point in the line or region being located at the bottom left corner of the grid.
If a line or polyline is used the second point is located anywhere along the bottom of the grid to set the orientation of the grid – it does not determine the length of the grid along the X-axis (use Grid Size (N,M) or Grid Size (X,Y) to set the size of the grid). If using a polyline it must only have two points (vertices) otherwise TUFLOW stops with an error.
If a region is used it must have four sides digitised clockwise. The second vertex is located at or close to the top left corner of the 2D grid. The distance from the first to second vertices determines the length of the grid’s Y-axis. The third vertex is not used. The fourth vertex is located at the bottom right corner of the grid. The distance from the first to fourth vertices determines the length of the grid’s X-axis. The grid’s orientation is determined from the line passing from the first vertex to the fourth vertex. The region approach was incorporated at Build 2002-10-AG.