Tuflow and estry manual Version 3

Read MI Table Links == 50

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Read MI Table Links == <.mif/.mid_file> 50

Read Materials File == 51

Relative Resistance == [ {RELATIVE} | MATERIAL ] 51

S Channel Approach == [ PRE 2004-06-AA ] 51

Storage Above Structure Obvert == [ {CHANNEL WIDTH} | ] 51

Trim XZ Profiles == [ ON | {OFF} ] 52

XS Database == 52

[ BG | CS | NA | VG ].... ! Fixed Field Flags 60

BG Data == 60

CS Data == 60

NA Data == 61

VG Data == 61

Read MI IWL == <.mif/.mid_file> 69

Set IWL == 69

BC Database == <.csv_file> 77

BC Event Name == 77

BC Event Text == 78

EB Data == 78

Read MI BC == <.mif/.mid_file> 78

Cell Size == 9

Grid Size (N,M) == , 9

Grid Size (X,Y) == 9

Orientation == , 9

Orientation Angle == 10

Origin == , 10

Read MI Location == <.mif/.mid_file> 10

Read TGA == <.tga_file> 18

Read TGF == <.tgf_file> 18

External Bndy == , , , 27

Read MI [ MAT | IWL | CnM | FRIC | WrF | FLC ] == 28

Read MI Code [ {} | BC ] == 28

Read MID [ CODE | MAT | IWL | CnM | FRIC | WrF | FLC ] == 28

Read MID Grid == 29

Set [ CODE | MAT | IWL | CnM | FRIC | WrF ] == 29

Write MI Domain == <.mif/.mid_file> 29

Write MI Grid == <.mif/.mid_file> 29

Allow Dangling Z Lines == [ ON | {OFF} ] 38

Default Land Z == 38

Interpolate ZC [ {} | ALL ] [ {} | LOWER ] 38

Interpolate [ ZHC | ZUVC ] [ {} | ALL ] [ {} | AFTER ] 39

Pause When Polyline Does Not Find Zpt == [ ON | {OFF} ] 39

Read MI Z Line [ {} | RIDGE or MAX | GULLY or MIN | HX ] [ {} | CC ] [ {} | THICK ] [ {} | ADD ] == 40

Read MI Zpts [ {} | ADD | MAX | MIN ] == 41

Read MID Zpts [ {} | ADD | MAX | MIN ] == 41

Set Zpt == 42

Write MI Zpts == 42

ZC == MIN(ZU,ZV) 42

Read File == 51

Stop 51

BC Database == <.csv_file> 9

BC Event Name == 9

BC Event Text == 10

Global Rainfall Area Factor == [ {1.0} | ] 10

Global Rainfall BC == 10

Global Rainfall Continuing Loss == [ {0} | ] 10

Global Rainfall Initial Loss == [ {0} | ] 10

Read MI BC == <.mif/.mid_file> 10

Read MI SA [ {} | Rainfall ] == <.mif/.mid_file> 11

Unused HX and SX Connections == [ {ERROR} | WARNING ] 11

Apply All Inverts == [ ON | {OFF} ]

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

If set to ON, applies the upstream and downstream inverts specified in the 1d_nwk layer to all channels (ie. also for B, Blank and W channels), except where a value of –99999 is specified. Introduced for Build 2005-05-AN.

Conveyance Calculation == [ {CHANGE IN RESISTANCE} | ALL PARALLEL ]

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

If set to CHANGE IN RESISTANCE, the parallel channel analysis splits the cross-section into separate parallel channels based on wherever there is a change in resistance (due to different relative resistance, material type or Manning’s n values).

If set to ALL PARALLEL, a parallel channel is created for every X (distance across section) value. This approach does not cause conveyance reducing with height warnings.

Introduced in Build 2005-05-AN.

Create Nodes == [ {ON} | OFF ]

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

If no node is found snapped to the end of a channel a new node is automatically created. The ID of the node is the first ten characters of the channel ID with a “.1” or “.2” extension. “.1” is used if the node is at the start of the channel and “.2” if at the end. If more than one channel is connected to the created node, the channel ID that occurs first alphanumerically is used.

The automatic creation of nodes can be switched off using the OFF option. This option may be desirable for models developed prior to Build 2002-08-AC when nodes were mandatory.

Depth Limit Factor == [ {1} | ]

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

Sets the depth limit for detecting instabilities. By default, if the water level exceeds the highest elevation in a CS or NA table more than ten times, this is regarded as an instability and the simulation stops.

Specifying a value greater than one extends the cross-section hydraulic properties and nodal storages above the highest elevation. For example, if a value of 2 is specified, this will allow water levels to reach twice the depth where depth is the difference between the highest and lowest elevations in the table.

Cross-section hydraulic properties above the highest elevation are calculated based on the flow width remaining constant at the width of the highest elevation in the table. If ESTRY calculated the hydraulic properties from a cross-section profile, it uses the effective flow width as shown in the .eof file (it does not use the storage width) – this preserves the effect of any variation in relative roughness across the cross-section. All other hydraulic property sources use the storage width, and any relative roughness effects are ignored once the water level exceeds the highest elevation. Also note that the wetted perimeter remains constant above the highest elevation; ie. it is not increased on the vertical as the flood level rises. Cross-section properties of bridge channels are not affected by this command.

Nodal storage properties extend upwards by keeping the surface area constant above the highest elevation in the table.

Flow Area == [ {EFFECTIVE} | TOTAL ]

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

Sets the default method for calculating flow area at a channel cross-section when ESTRY calculates the hydraulic properties from a cross-section XZ profile table. The default is effective area, which means that the flow area is the sum of the areas divided by the relative resistance factor. Total area ignores the relative resistance factor when calculating area, but uses it to set the wetted perimeter and hydraulic radius values. Either method gives the same channel conveyance. If the relative resistance across the profile is not specified or constant at a value of one, effective and total area are the same.

The effective area method produces a velocity that applies to the main channel (where the relative resistance is set to one). The total area approach produces a velocity depth and width averaged, and typically underestimates the main channel velocity. The recommended approach is to use effective area.

See Section 3.13.6 for a more detailed discussion.

M11 Network == <.nwk11_file>

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

Sets the active MIKE 11 network file as <.nwk11_file>. The file is used to extract link cross-section and other information using the Branch, Topo_ID and XSect_ID_or_Chainage attributes as discussed in Table 4 .10. Topo_ID must be set to “$Link”.

This command must be specified before the relevant Read MI Network command. The command maybe used at any point to reset the active MIKE 11 network file.

Minimum NA == [ {0} | ]

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

Sets the minimum surface area (m2) in all NA tables. The default value is zero. This command is useful for stabilising 1D nodes that have very small storages, particularly at shallow depths. If using this command, care must be taken not to excessively add additional storage to the model that causes the model results to be distorted. Generally, adding an appropriate amount of storage for stability reasons does not distort results, however, it is strongly recommended that sensitivity tests are carried out to cross-check the effect of any additional storage, and that any adverse effects are corrected.

Momentum Equation == [ PRE 2003-08-AD ]

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

Sets the treatment of the effective flow width above the top of a cross-section to that prior to Build 2003 08 AD to provide backward compatibility. After this build, the effective flow width at the top of a cross-section is stored and used to extend the effective flow area above the highest point in the cross-section. Prior to this build, the top storage width was used for the effective flow width for flows above the top of the cross-section. This may only affect results where relative resistance varies across a cross-section, and flow occurs above the top of the cross-section, and effective flow area is being used.

Pit Channel Offset == [ {10} | ]

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

Sets the display, not actual, length of pit channels in 1D output and the 1d_nwk check files. The channel is displayed on a north to south alignment.

Read MI Network == <.mif/.mid_file>

(1D & 2D/1D. Mandatory)

Reads node and channel locations and attributes from a GIS 1d_nwk layer as described in Section 3.12. Any number of 1d_nwk layers may be read by repeating this command. If accessing external cross-section databases such as MIKE 11 .txt file, the XS Database command must be specified before this command to set the active cross-section database.

Read MI Table Links == <.mif/.mid_file>

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

Reads links to tabular input of cross-section profiles, cross-section hydraulic parameters, nodal surface areas and bridge loss coefficients. The first attribute is the filename (can include a file path) of the .csv or similar file containing the table. This attribute can, for example in MapInfo, be setup as a hotlink allowing the file to be opened in a spreadsheet via the GIS.

See Section 3.13.3 for details.

Read Materials File ==

(1D Only. Optional)

Reads a text file containing Manning’s n values for different materials. Same format as that used for 2D domains – see Read Materials File.

Relative Resistance == [ {RELATIVE} | MATERIAL ]

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

REDUNDANT as of Build 2003-03-AA and will cause an unrecognisable command error as of Build 2003-07-AA.

Prior to Build 2003-03-AA, sets the default for treating the optional third column of 1d_ta XZ data. The default is to use relative resistance factor. If set to MATERIAL, any values in the third column are treated as a material value, which must occur in the 2D materials file (see Read Materials File). This setting can be overruled for individual cross-sections using the “R” and “M” flags (see Table 4 .13). Refer to discussion in Table 4 .13 for more information.

S Channel Approach == [ PRE 2004-06-AA ]

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

Provided for backward compatibility of S channel types. The S channel algorithm after Build 2004-06-AA has improved treatment when the downstream end is dry. The new approach utilises that used by G channels.

Storage Above Structure Obvert == [ {CHANNEL WIDTH} | ]

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

Defines how the surface area is to be contributed to the NA table above the obvert of B, C and R channels. The default, CHANNEL WIDTH, provides backward compatibility for models prior to Build 2005-05-AN. This approach uses the top width of B and R channels and the diameter for C channels (see Section

If a value (m2) is specified, the channels width by half the channel length is applied (provided the Use_Channel_Storage_at_Node attribute is true) between the invert and obvert, and the value specified applies above the obvert. For C channels, the correct flow width in the section is applied (rather than the diameter), and the C and R channels the No_of_Culverts attribute in the 1d_nwk layer is also used. Use this option where the storage contributed by B, C and/or R channels is significant (eg. pipe model). Note, the reason a storage value of zero is not automatically used above the obvert is that a node cannot have zero storage. A value of zero can be used provided storages at the nodes is contributed by other channels, or a pit storage is applied or commands such as Minimum NA are used. If the only channels connected to a node are B, C and R channels, the NA table is extended vertically by 5m above the highest obvert. Should water levels exceed this height, use Depth Limit Factor to extend the table further.

Trim XZ Profiles == [ ON | {OFF} ]

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

Trims the XZ profile extracted from ISIS .dat files so that the treatment at the ends of the cross-section profile is similar to that used by ISIS. If set to OFF the whole XZ profile is stored with the sections of the profile before and after the left and right markers disabled. However, the active end of the cross-section profile will extend to midway between the first/last disabled point and the last/first active point at either end of the profile. If set to ON, the points before and after the left and right markers are not stored, and the cross-section extent is not extended to midway to the first/last points nearest the left and right markers.

To have similar compatibility with ISIS, this command should be set to ON.

XS Database ==

(1D & 2D/1D. Optional)

Sets the active cross-section database as . The extension of the file determines its format as follows:

  • .txt indicates a MIKE 11 .txt processed data import/export file. The file must contain processed cross-section data; any raw data is ignored.

  • .dat indicates an ISIS data file containing XZ cross-section profiles – also see Trim XZ Profiles.

  • .pro indicates an ISIS processed cross-section data file.

  • other file formats including a generic .csv format are planned to be incorporated.

The assignment of cross-sections is carried out using the Branch, Topo_ID and XSect_ID_or_Chainage attributes as discussed in Table 4 .10.

This command must be specified before a Read MI Network command. The command maybe used at any point to reset the active cross-section database.

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