dou ngoing or in the private sector Yes.
W Mm Mm Yeah But just going back to
w So does that mean that urn
what you've just said about the
unemployment is er high in Sweden at the
recession there seems to be quite a few
countries m the world at the moment
p Yes in fact u hen you hear the word
Japan for instance, that are experiencing .1
Sweden you sometimes connect it with
bit of a downturn in the economy Do you
low unemployment figures
but in fact
foresee any improvement in of the
today we have had quite high
recession through out the globe' Do do
unemployment especially among young
you see that'
people and academic people yes
Yes I see in in some parts, there of course
w I see So the recession has hit the er
if you look at these trade areas as the
ordinary Swede fairly harshly'
European market
p Yeah, that's right
W Right
w Mm Um One thing about Sweden that
and recently we have heard about the
I've always well um believed is that there "
the the er, agreement in America
is a particularly high taxation rate Is that
W Right
some people m Australia for
p Yes, but since 2 or 3 years ago that had
example don't understand that this would
been changed not only the income
made it a little bit harder for Australian
taxation, also for example for taxation on
companies to export to these areas m
America because there will be a trade war
w Right
w Yes
p and just to move the country much
But the important thing is not only the
more towards the EC ' 'cos we are had in
facts always, sometimes it's the
EC plan enrolment for a couple of years
expectations So, I see some expectation in
the world today, yes even if we have
w Right
especially in
Europe we have some wars
p so we intend to be a part of the EC in
there as you know in the Eastern Europe
95, yes
and that's affect the whole economy but
v Right I don I know if you re aware but in
the expectation is much more important
Australia people are constantly
than the effects
complaining about our high taxation rate I
w Yeah I'm not quite clear what you mean
don't think it s quite as high as Sweden's
by expectations Can you'
What do people think about taxation in
Expectations if you today if you have
seen the statements and comments in the
p Generally Well as most people as you said
newspaper about this agreement in the
hate the uord tax
It s not so funny when
W Yes
the tax bill comes Um, but in fact 1 will
in America you see that most people arc-
I'm not really er agree with you about that
quite positive even if they know that it
because 1 think Sweden have the lower
will in some cases hit Australia in a bad
taxes mm than Australia in fact
Especially v\ hen you if you have, a, in a
w This is um NAFTA
higher level of wages
NAFTA Yes Right And But the the
w Oh right What is the rate in Sweden'
dynamic effects are are forecast or
p Well It s not no it's not over 50% It had
expected to be more important than these
smaller effects on special businesses in
w 80%'
Australia and throughout the world So
p Quite often quite often it's just 35 or 30%
Which 1 Ihink
is quite alright
w So There'll be long term gams
w Right Mm I'm not really aware of how
Right long term gains and with it big big
much it is in Australia but 1 thought it was
communities, like, or big areas with free
something like 39 or 40 %
trade, will create a high competition, and
p Well okay
then more movement of people and better
v 1 think so 1 m not really sure I'm not an
allocation of resources
w Right Well that sounds as if um there
p Well okay It depends if you talk about
could be some improvement there
median or average figures it's working
We would hope so Yes
pretty good
I think Australians are waiting for an
improvement in our economy as well.
P. You’ve hit the recession. One of the first
countries who hit the
recession and that have
been with us a long time. Stucked because you
have had other your business
pa mers have hit the recession later on. So
yl have had been hi. a little bit harder
tnan we have had. That's right.
Yes Thai's a shame isn't ,t. Oh well we
hope, I hope we can all come out of this
safely and er we all do well in the end.
Okay. Thank you very much. It was nice
talking to you.
P. Thank you.
W. Good
Thai's the end of Phases 4 and 5 and the end
of the interview.
European Community (now the
European Union)
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