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DATE:  FEBRUARY 5, 2021   





Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) 



Eighth Session 

Geneva, November 30 to December 2 and December 4, 2020 






adopted by the Committee 







The Committee on WIPO Standards (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”, or “the 

CWS”) held its Eighth Session in Geneva from November 30 to December 2 and December 4, 



The following Member States of WIPO and/or members of the Paris Union and Bern 

Union were represented at the session:  Algeria;  Argentina;  Australia;  Austria;  Bangladesh;  

Burkina Faso;  Canada;  China;  Colombia;  Costa Rica;  Croatia;  Czech Republic;  Ecuador;  

El Salvador;  Finland;  France;  Germany;  Greece;  Hungary;  India;  Indonesia;  Israel;  Italy;  

Japan;  Kazakhstan;  Kuwait;  Kyrgyzstan;  Lesotho;  Lithuania;  Madagascar;  Mexico;  

Morocco;  Myanmar;  Norway;  Pakistan;  Panama;  Portugal;  Republic of Korea;  Russian 

Federation;  Saudi Arabia;  Singapore;  Slovakia;  Spain;  Sweden;  Thailand;  Uganda;  

Ukraine;  United Kingdom;  United States of America;  Uruguay;  Viet Nam;  Zimbabwe (52). 


In their capacity as members of the CWS, the representatives of the following 

intergovernmental organizations took part in the session:  African Regional Intellectual Property 

Organization (ARIPO);  Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO);  European Patent Organisation 

(EPO);  European Union (EU) (4). 


Representatives of the following intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental 

organizations took part in the session in an observer capacity:  Organization Of Islamic 

Cooperation (OIC);  West African Economic And Monetary Union (WAEMU); Confederacy Of 

Patent Information User Groups (CEPIUG);  Health And Environment Program (HEP);  

Independent Alliance For Artists Rights (IAFAR);  International Association For The Protection 

Of Intellectual Property (AIPPI);  International Trademark Association (INTA);  Patent 

Documentation Group (PDG);  Women At The Table (9). 


page 2 




The list of participants appears as Annex I to this report. 

Agenda Item 1:  Opening of the session 


Mr. Daren Tang, the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization 

(WIPO) opened the eighth session of the CWS and welcomed the participants. 

Agenda Item 2:  Election of the Chair and two Vice-Chairs 


The CWS unanimously confirmed Mr. Jean-Charles Daoust (Canada) as Chair and Mr. 

Sergey Biryukov (Russian Federation) as Vice-Chair, according to the established practice of 

the Committee.  For the vacant position of second Vice-Chair, the CWS unanimously elected 

Mr. Siyoung Park (the Republic of Korea) for this session. 


Young-Woo YUN (WIPO) acted as Secretary to the CWS. 


Agenda Item 3:  Adoption of the agenda 


The CWS unanimously adopted the agenda as proposed in document CWS/8/1 PROV.2, 

which appears as Annex II to this report. 


After the adoption of agenda, the Chair invited the regional group coordinators to provide 

their group statement.  The Delegation of Russian Federation, speaking on behalf of the Group 

of Central Asian, Caucasus and Eastern European Countries (CACEEC), expressed their 

appreciation for the work done by the Committee and the Task Forces in complex conditions, 

and that CWS members working closely together has had positive outcomes, particularly for the 

continued development of standards during difficult global circumstances. 


11.  The presentations and written statements given, and working documents from this session 

are available on the WIPO website at:


12.  As decided by the Governing Bodies of WIPO at their tenth series of meetings held from 

September 24 to October 2, 1979 (see document AB/X/32, paragraphs 51 and 52), the report of 

this session reflects only the conclusions of the CWS (decisions, recommendations, opinions, 

etc.) and does not, in particular, reflect the statements made by any participant, except where a 

reservation in relation to any specific conclusion of the CWS was expressed or repeated after 

the conclusion was reached. 

Agenda Item 4 (a):  Proposal for a new standard on Web API 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/2. 


The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the proposed Standard with 

recommendations for processing and communicating Intellectual Property (IP) data with web 

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).  The proposed Standard is intended to facilitate the 

processing and exchange of IP data in a harmonized way over the web.  The CWS was 

informed that in paragraph 12 (c) of the document t

he referenced rule “RSG-148” should be 

corrected with “RSJ-151”. 


The CWS adopted the new WIPO Standard ST.90 with the name 

"Recommendation for processing and communicating intellectual property data using 

Web APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)", as presented in the Annex to 

document CWS/8/2. 


page 3 




The API Task Force proposed having the International Bureau implement a unified 

catalog of APIs which IP Offices (IPOs) present externally.  The catalog is intended to provide a 

portal on WIPO website, for users to identify web services provided by IPOs, with a simple 

search function where possible. 


The CWS approved the proposal for the International Bureau to provide a unified 

catalog available on the WIPO website and report progress at its next session, as 

outlined in paragraph 17 of document CWS/8/2. 


The API Task Force proposed modifying the description of Task No. 56 as the draft 

Standard has been completed, as indicated in paragraph 20 of document CWS/8/2, to continue 

improving the new WIPO standard and related works such as a unified catalog. 


The CWS approved the proposed modification of the description of Task No. 56, 

which now reads: "Ensure the necessary revisions and updates of WIPO Standard 

ST.90; support the International Bureau in developing a unified catalog of APIs that are 

made available by Offices; and support the International Bureau in promoting and 

implementing WIPO Standard ST.90." 

Agenda Item 4 (b):  Proposal for a new standard on multimedia marks 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/3. 


The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the proposed Standard with 

recommendations for the electronic management of motion and multimedia marks.  The 

Standard covers presentation, electronic processing, and publication of applications for motion 

and multimedia marks, whether submitted electronically or on paper.  The Standard is intended 

to facilitate data processing and exchange of information regarding motion or multimedia marks 

among IPOs. 


One delegation proposed several corrections and clarifying edits to the text in the 


  Promoting the bullet under definition 3(g) that starts with "container" to a separate 

definition 3(h); 

  Starting a new sentence in paragraph 19 at the word "including" and clarifying the 

language to remove ambiguity; 

  Deleting the reference to national legislation in paragraph 24; 

  Softening the language in footnote 8 to "Each office could choose, for instance"; and 

  Adding a missing period after "quality" in paragraph 29. 


One delegation proposed removing the word "graphical" from paragraph 11, to broaden 

the types of designs covered by that paragraph. 


The CWS adopted new WIPO Standard ST.69 with the name "Recommendation 

for the electronic management of motion and multimedia marks", with the revisions 

proposed by delegations, with final text as presented in document 




The CWS agreed to discontinue Task No. 49 as the assigned work is now 

considered complete. 

Agenda Item 4 (c):  Proposal for a new standard on trademark legal status data 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/4. 



page 4 




The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the proposed Standard with 

recommendations for the exchange of trademark legal status data.  The proposal follows the 

model of WIPO Standard ST.27 for patent legal status data and WIPO Standard ST.87 for 

industrial design legal status data.  The proposed Standard is intended to facilitate access to 

trademark data by IP information users, IPOs, IP data providers, the general public and other 

interested parties.  This aims to benefit availability, reliability and comparability of legal status 

data for trademarks in registration systems worldwide, including the Madrid System. 


The CWS adopted new WIPO Standard ST.61 with the name "Recommendation 

for the exchange of trademark legal status data", as reproduced in the Annex to 

document CWS/8/4. 


During the session, the Task Force proposed collecting implementation plans with 

mapping tables from IPOs for the new Standard. 


The CWS requested the Secretariat to issue a circular inviting IPOs to assess their 

business practices and IT systems with regard to WIPO ST.61, and submit an 

implementation plan and mapping table for their Office. 

Agenda Item 4 (d):  Proposal for a new standard on design representations 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/5. 


The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the proposed Standard with 

recommendations to create, store, display, manage, publish and exchange electronic 

representations of industrial designs.  The recommendations are intended to maximize re-use of 

electronic representations for applicants filing the same design at multiple IPOs. 


One delegation proposed a number of comments and suggestions to improve the 

proposed draft standard: 

  Reducing the image file size limit to 2MB instead of 5MB in paragraph 15, to avoid 

situations where a single submission containing several applications and numerous 

design files could reach 5GB in total size; 

  Removing the reference to national legislation in paragraph 6; 

  Changing "It is up to the Office" to "The Office could choose, for instance," in footnotes 

2 and 13; 

  Clarifying edits in paragraph 16 to make clear that section views of a design are in 

addition to at least one complete view; 

  Clarifying the distinction between the types of metadata covered by paragraph 44; and 

  Splitting the first sentence of paragraph 19 into two sentences at the word "including" 

to remove ambiguity. 


The International Bureau proposed edits to address the delegation's comments.  For file 

size limits, 2MB was suggested to be insufficient based on the results of the design 

representation survey.  Only one respondent had a maximum file size of 2MB or less, while 

many respondents accepted files much larger than 10MB.  The value 5MB was chosen as a 

median reflecting the practice of survey respondents.  As an alternate solution, the International 

Bureau proposed adding language to the standard allowing IPOs to limit the total size of a 

single submission to 100 MB, or higher if the Office chooses.  The delegation supported this 



The CWS agreed on revisions proposed by the International Bureau to address 

the delegation's comments, as reflected in document 

CWS/8/Item 5/ST88




page 5 




Several delegations commented on whether to treat Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) as a 

preferred format or alternative format within the Standard.  Some delegations considered it 

unnecessary and that raster image formats would be sufficient for any design.  Other 

delegations considered that certain segments of applicants prefer to use SVG and that having a 

preferred vector image format is desirable for modernization.  Alternate texts were proposed for 

treatment of SVG.  Notably, the following three options emerged from the discussions: 

  Option 1: keep SVG as a preferred format and paragraphs 11 and 12 remain as in 

document CWS/8/5; 

  Option 2: make SVG an alternative format and SVG would be moved from paragraph 

11 to 12; and 

  Option 3: Adopt the proposed standard without reference to SVG in the Standard at 

all, with an editorial note that the Design Representation Task Force will reconsider 

the issue and present a proposal on SVG at the ninth session of the CWS. 


The CWS agreed on the third option, to remove all references to SVG from the 

draft and refer the issue to the Design Representation Task Force for further 



The CWS adopted new WIPO Standard ST.88 with the name of 

"Recommendations for electronic representation of industrial designs", with SVG 

removed for further consideration by the Task Force, and with the other revisions 

proposed by delegations, as shown by the final text presented in document 





One delegation was concerned about the impact if the new Standard is adopted within the 

Hague System and requested a sufficient transition period for Offices if implemented there.  The 

International Bureau clarified that transition periods are normally expected in such situations, 

but that details would need to be worked out in the relevant Hague System Working Group. 


One representative requested information on service providers or experts who could help 

organizations understand and implement WIPO Standards, which can be very complex.   

Another representative also suggested making the list of CWS Task Forces more visible on 

WIPO website, including the list of the respective Task Force member Offices.  


During the session, the International Bureau proposed to revise the description of Task 

No. 57 to reflect the completed and remaining work. 


The CWS approved the proposed modification of Task No. 57, which now reads: 

"Ensure the necessary revisions and updates of WIPO Standard ST.88".   


The CWS requested the Design Representation Task Force to present a proposal 

for treatment of SVG format in ST.88 at its ninth session. 

Agenda Item 4 (e):  Proposal for the revision of WIPO Standard ST.26 (Task No. 44) 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/6 Rev. 

45.  The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the proposal to revise WIPO 

Standard ST.26 from the Sequence Listings Task Force.  The revisions, to be indicated as 

version 1.4, include the following major changes: 

  the inclusion of new data elements in the DTD related to the use of free-text qualifiers 

to facilitate the implementation of WIPO Standard ST.26 either under the PCT or 

national procedures;   

  identification of the free-text qualifiers that are mandatory and language dependent;   


page 6 



  update of Annex I for alignment with the new version 10.9 of the INSDC Feature Table 


  inclusion of a separate table of contents for Annex VI for easier navigation; 

  substitution of "application identification of the earliest priority claim" by the 

"identification of the earliest priority application" in a sequence listing; and 

  update of the location descriptor to comply with UniProt format for locations. 


The revisions provide updates necessary to ensure the smooth transition to WIPO ST.26 

from WIPO ST.25 by the 

“big-bang” implementation date of January 1, 2022 at national, 

regional and international levels.  The CWS also noted that the PCT Working Group, held in 

October 2020, had already agreed on the necessary changes to PCT Regulations on the 

assumption that the necessary revisions will be approved by the CWS.  


Several delegations requested that training be provided for Offices, examiners, and 

industry to support the transition to ST.26.  Training in languages other than English was also 

requested.  The International Bureau indicated that they plan to provide training materials in all 

10 PCT languages, but that due to resource constraints, assistance with translation from Offices 

is needed to implement this plan. 


The CWS noted the work plan of the Sequence Listings Task Force and the progress in 

WIPO Sequence software tool development.  Several delegations requested that training and 

support materials be provided by the International Bureau in a language other than English.  

The CWS fully supported the initiative of the International Bureau to provide online trainings 

covering both WIPO Standard ST.26 and WIPO Sequence 

for Offices’ staff and patent 

applicants, with several delegations providing statements to this effect.  The Seretariat 

encouraged IPOs to inform the International Bureau of their training requirements by emailing


The CWS approved the proposal for the revised WIPO ST.26, as reproduced in 

the Annex to document CWS/8/6 Rev. 


The CWS encouraged IPOs to share their implementation plan to transition from 

WIPO Standard ST.25 to ST.26. 

Agenda Item 4 (f):  Proposal for the revision of WIPO Standard ST.27 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/7. 


The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the proposed revisions to 

update supplementary data fields of WIPO Standard ST.27 for alignment with the new XML 

schema components for patent legal status data added to version 4.0 of WIPO Standard ST.96 

(Processing of intellectual property information using XML). 

53.  The proposed revisions included the following new data elements: 

  A date for a prior event that is related to the event being recorded; 

  A citation to a relevant rule, regulation, statute, legal provision, or other basis for a 


  A reason the application or IP right is not in force (e.g. withdrawn, abandoned, lapsed);   

  An indicator that prior use rights are or may be attached to this application or IP right, if 

such data is available at the IPO;   

  Data on publication, priority documents, or other related documents;   

  Data on a review procedure that was conducted (e.g. opposition date, language, 

reference number);   

  Data associated with the application: invention title, priority data, classification data;   

  Data about the inventor (e.g. name, location, employer);   


page 7 



  Data on ownership transfers, such as assignment record number;   

  Expanded license data including start and end dates; and 

  Details on fee payments, such as year of payment and payment status (e.g. completed, 

processing, not started). 

54.  One delegation remarked that they supported the revisions as long as the new data 

elements are optional and not mandatory.  The International Bureau confirmed that all 

supplementary data is optional and each IPO may choose what supplementary data fields, if 

any, to provide. 


One delegation proposed merging the three legal status standards (ST.27, ST.87, and 

ST.61) into a single standard, to avoid duplication of information and improve efficiency of 

maintenance.  Several delegations supported this proposal.  The International Bureau 

suggested that this proposal should be raised within the Legal Status Task Force under the 

mandate of Task No. 47. 


The CWS approved the proposed revision to WIPO ST.27 "Exchange of Patent 

Legal Status Data", as reproduced in the Annex to document CWS/8/7. 

Agenda Item 4 (g):  Proposal for the revision of WIPO Standard ST.37 (Task No. 51) 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/8. 

58.  The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular a proposed revision of WIPO 

Standard ST.37 to address updates required by releases 3.2 and 4.0 of WIPO ST.96 for XML 

components.  The proposed revisions to the main body of WIPO ST.37 include: 

  Update the reference to WIPO ST.96 as “Recommendation for the Processing of 


Property Information Using XML (eXtensible Markup Language)”; 

  Replaced all instances of ‘IP office’ in the Main body with the acronym defined: ‘IPO’ 

for consistency; and  

  Update paragraph 38 of the WIPO ST.37 Main Body to include a further example of 

file naming where the authority file data set covers more than one period of time. 

59.  The proposed revisions also include the following updates to Annex III of ST.37, XSD for 

Authority File: 

  Indicate a specific version number of WIPO ST.96 in the editorial note of Annex III; 


  Update the import statement of XSD so that it references the new flattened schemas 

for V4_0. 


The CWS approved the proposed revision to WIPO ST.37, as described in 

paragraphs 11 and 12 of document CWS/8/8.  Several delegations encouraged others to 

provide their authority file data sets to be published as part of the WIPO Authority File 

web portal. 


The CWS also noted a decision by the PCT Minimum Documentation Task Force to use 

WIPO ST.37 as the basis of capturing bibliographic information concerning patent publication 

collections provided by International Authorities.  However several new data elements will need 

to be recommended within WIPO ST.37 in order to ensure that it satisfies the requirements set 

out in Objective C of the PCT Minimum Documentation Task Force work plan. 


The CWS requested the Authority File Task Force to present a proposal for 

necessary revisions to WIPO ST.37 at the next session of the CWS, in light of the 

proposal by the PCT Minimum Documentation Task Force. 


page 8 




The International Bureau recommended that IPOs provide their authority file datasets by a 

specific date each year to streamline validation and publication of authority files compliant with 

WIPO ST.37.   The CWS noted the recommendation, along with the suggested submission date 

of March 1.  The regular date should ensure that IPOs are reminded of their commitment to 

provide at least annual updates.  The Secretariat will issue a circular in the month proceeding to 

further remind IPOs of this new deadline. 


The CWS approved the date March 1 for the provision of annual authority file 

updates by IPOs and requested the Secretariat to issue a circular in February 2021 

inviting IPOs to update their authority file information. 

Agenda Item 5 (a):  Publication of the survey results on numbering systems of IP Offices 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/9 Corr. 


The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the results of the survey on 

numbering systems used by IPOs for published documents and registered rights, which capture 

the practices of 50 Offices.  The previous survey in 2001 had responses from 58 countries and 

organizations.  Despite the similar numbers, there were substantial differences in respondents.  

Thirty of the 2020 respondents also provided data in 2001.  Another two respondents in 2020  

correspond to a 2001 respondent that no longer exists.  The remaining 26 respondents from 

2001 did not provide data in 2020. 


The International Bureau proposed to publish the 2020 survey results alongside the 2001 

survey results in Part 7.2.2 of the WIPO Handbook, because the two surveys present practices 

of many different IPOs that would not be reflected otherwise.  Combining the 2001 results with 

the 2020 results would be misleading, as readers would think that data from the 26 countries 

that only responded in 2001 is up to date, when it may not be. 


One delegation requested the chance to update their data in the survey before 

publication.  The International Bureau remarked that other Offices made the same request 

before the meeting and proposed that the CWS invites IPOs to provide their further inputs to the 

survey by the end of 2020.   


The CWS approved publication of the results of the survey on IPO numbering 

systems as proposed by the International Bureau, along with further information that 

IPOs will provide by the end of 2020. 

Agenda Item 5 (b):  Publication of the survey results on public access to patent information 

(PAPI), part 1 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/10. 

71.  The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the results of the survey on the 

content, practices, functionalities and future plans of IPOs with respect to patent information 

available to the public, which 60 Offices responded to.  Fifty three respondents (88 per cent) 

said their Office provides patent information online.  The most common types of information 

provided online were priority data, legal status, published applications, granted applications, and 

their official gazette.  A majority of respondents update their online patent information daily, 

weekly or biweekly (between 60 and 70 percent depending on the type of information), while 

monthly updates (15 to 20 percent) and real-time updates (10 to 15 percent) are also common.  

Fifty five Offices (92 percent) provide patent information in English, with most also providing it in 

one or more native languages. 


The CWS approved publication of the PAPI survey results on the WIPO website 

as reproduced in the Annex of document CWS/8/10. 


page 9 



Agenda Item 5 (c):  Publication of the survey results on the use of 3D models and 3D images in 

IP data and documentation 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/11. 


The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the results of the survey on use 

of 3D models and 3D images by IPOs, which are informing discussions of the 3D Task Force to 

develop a new Standard on digital 3D objects.  Thirty IPOs responded to the survey.  Thirteen 

respondents (43 percent) indicated that they have at least some experience with digital 3D 

objects, most commonly for trademarks (30 percent) and designs (23 percent) but also patents 

(13 percent).  The majority of IPOs that used 3D objects do so for application filing and storage, 

while few used it for examination, publication, or search.  Some Offices expressed interest in 

using 3D objects for search and data exchange in the future. 


The CWS approved publication of the 3D survey results on the WIPO website as 

reproduced in the Annex of document CWS/8/11. 

Agenda Item 6:  Consideration of the Work Program and Tasks List of the CWS 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/12. 


The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the updated information on the 

CWS Work Program and Tasks list agreed on at the seven session of the Committee in 2019. 


The CWS requested the Secretariat to incorporate the agreements reached at the 

eighth session into the CWS Work Program and the CWS Work Program Overview, as 

described in paragraph 2 of document CWS/8/12. 


After updating the list of tasks with the agreements reached at this session, the status of 

Tasks is as shown in Annex III to this report. 

Agenda Item 7 (a):  Report by the ICT Strategy for Standards Task Force (Task No. 58) 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/13. 


The CWS noted the content of the progress report on Task No. 58 reported by the 

International Bureau as the leader of the ICT Strategy for Standards Task Force, including the 

result of prioritization of 40 recommendations which is reproduced in the Annex to document 

CWS/8/13 based on results of the survey within the Task Force.  The CWS also noted the work 

plan of the ICT Strategy for Standards Task Force, which includes the preparation of a draft 

strategic roadmap for consideration at the ninth session of the CWS. 


One delegation requested that Offices share their experiences with DOCX conversion 

tools, to ensure consistency between tools and maintain the quality of XML data produced. 


One delegation noted that only seven IPOs in the Task Force responded to the previous 

questionnaire on prioiritizing the 40 recommendations.  The delegation requested that more 

IPOs take the survey to better inform the Task Force discussions, including preparation of the 

draft strategic roadmap. 


Taking into account the suggestion and support by delegations, the CWS 

requested the International Bureau to invite all Offices to respond to the survey on 

priority of 40 Recommendations and to report the results of survey at its ninth session. 

Agenda Item 7 (b):  Report by the XML4IP Task Force (Tasks No. 41, No. 53 and No. 64) 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/14. 



page 10 




The CWS noted the content of the document reported by the International Bureau as the 

leader of XML4IP Task Force, in particular the release of WIPO Standard ST.96 version 4.0 in 

June 2020, which contains new schema components for geographical indications and copyright 

orphan works data.  The CWS also noted that the International Bureau plans to provide a 

centralized repository for sharing Offices’ implementation schema of WIPO ST.96 and a 

platform for developers to share their experience as requested by the CWS.   


The CWS also noted the results of the WIPO ST.96 implementation survey conducted 

within the Task Force.  Out of the eleven responses, six Offices were in favor at this stage of 

communicating PCT data with the International Bureau in WIPO ST.96 format, in a similar 

manner to data exchange in the Madrid and Hague Systems. 


One delegation inquired how long it would take for PCT to implement ST.96 components.  

The International Bureau remarked that there is no decision on the implementation of ST.96 in 

the PCT System and it would likely take a few years if the PCT decides to implement it. 


The Task Force proposed discontinuing Task No. 53 as complete since WIPO ST.96 

version 4.0 includes schema components for geographical indication data.  Any necessary 

revisions to these components will be made by the XML4IP Task Force under the framework of 

Task No. 41.    


The CWS approved the request by the XML4IP Task Force to discontinue Task 

No. 53. 


The CWS noted the progress on Task No. 64 and delays in providing JavaScript Object 

Notation (JSON) schemas as well as the intention to present draft recommendations on JSON 

for IP data for consideration at the ninth session. 


The CWS also noted the workplan of the XML4IP Task Force including the proposed 

development of the centralized repository 

to share Offices’ customized schema components 

and the establishment of a collaborative work platform for Offices and XML developers to share 

experience and knowledge of implementing WIPO ST.96.  In relation to the update of XML 

schema components, the CWS noted that the following items intended for development in the 

area of patents: Patent Record, Patent Transaction, Patent Priority Document, Patent Request 

Form and Alloy Composition Data; and enhancement of some copyright components, e.g., 

RightsHolderType and OrphanWorkKindCode. 


The CWS requested that the XML4IP Task Force present a proposal at the ninth 

session for an appropriate platform to engage with external developers. 


The CWS noted that as of March 31, 2021, the WIPO ST.96 format (version 4.0 onwards) 

would be the only authoritative and supported source of structured data for Hague System 

bilateral data exchange from Offices to the International Bureau.  

Agenda Item 7 (c):  Report by the Blockchain Task Force (Task No. 59) 


Discussions were based on document CWS/8/15. 


The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the progress report on Task 

No. 59 reported by the Delegation of Russian Federation as the co-leader of Blockchain Task 





page 11 




The CWS noted the activities and the work plan of the Task Force, in particular, the Task 

Force members: 

  shared their initiatives and trials to use blockchain technology, including the 

decentralized verifiable identifier which was noted as a key for the IP community to move 

forward to a digital IP ecosystem together; 

  considered having subtasks, namely Regulatory, Governance, Technical Standard and 

Use-cases for more effective discussions, and agreed on the four topics taking into 

account the importance of the mutual efforts within the Task Force as the prerequisite 

requirement for obtaining harmonized results of the work;  

  recalled the importance of engagement by the IP private sector in the Task Force 

discussions as they play an important role in the IP ecosystem; agreed to consider a 

public and private partnership in exploring the potential use of blockchain technology for 

IP and developing the new Standard; and 

  reaffirmed that the Blockchain whitepaper for the IP ecosystem that the International 

Bureau is preparing and the new WIPO Standard should encompass all types of IP 

rights and the entire IP lifecycle.    


The International Bureau stated that the decentralized verifiable identifier is relevant to 

one of the 

fundamental questions on “how to manage and verify digital identifiers for people or 

entities”; and the whitepaper would include a mock-up for the decentralized identifier for IP 

ecosystem.  The International Bureau informed the CWS that it would support the Task Force to 

explore the best way to establish the public-private-partnership and to provide a platform for 

collaboration by the Blockchain and/or IP business experts from the Offices and the private 

sector as noted by the CWS at its seventh session.   


The CWS noted that the International Bureau plans to organize the second webinar on 

the Blockchain once the whitepaper is ready. 

Agenda Item 7 (d):  Report by the Name Standardization Task Force (Task No. 55) 

100.  Discussions were based on document CWS/8/16. 

101.  The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the progress report on Task 

No. 55 by the International Bureau as the co-leader of Name Standardization Task Force.  The 

Task Force began collecting examples from its Members of their practices for maintaining or 

improving the quality of applicant data.  This information is expected to form the basis of 

recommendations on data quality to support more effective name standardization techniques. 

102.  The CWS requested the Task Force to prepare proposed recommendations for 

quality of applicant data to support name standardization at the next session of the 

CWS, as indicated in paragraph 4 of document CWS/8/16. 

Agenda Item 7 (e):  Report by the 3D Task Force (Task No. 61) 

103.  Discussions were based on document CWS/8/17. 

104.  The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the progress report on Task 

No. 61 by the Delegation of Russian Federation as the leader of 3D Task Force.  This includes 

a preliminary draft standard for use of digital 3D models and images for patents, trademarks and 

industrial designs.  The Task Force expects to present a revised draft in 2021 for consideration 

of adoption by the CWS.  The CWS also noted the work plan of the Task Force for 2021. 



page 12 



105.  The Task Force proposed to study, in detail, search capabilities for digital 3D models, 

including existing practices, promising technologies, and criteria for comparison of three-

dimensional models and 3D images, in digital form.  A revision was proposed to the description 

of Task No. 61 to reflect this work, as presented in paragraph 13 of document CWS/8/17. 

106.  One delegation requested time to consider the draft and more discussion of survey 

methods to improve responses.  Another delegation suggested exploring search of 3D objects 

using 2D models. 

107.  During the session, the Secretariat proposed adding the word "digital" before "3D" in the 

description of Task No. 61, to better reflect the title of the draft standard being prepared. 

108.  The CWS approved the proposed modifications to the description of Task No. 61, 

which now reads:  "Prepare a proposal for recommendations on digital three-

dimensional (3D) models and images, including methods of search for 3D models and 

3D images." 

Agenda Item 7 (f):  Report by the Digital Transformation Task Force (Task No. 62) 

109.  Discussions were based on document CWS/8/18. 

110.  The CWS noted the content of the document, in particular the progress report on Task 

No. 62 by the Delegation of the United States of America as the leader of Digital Transformation 

Task Force and encouraged IPOs to more actively participate in the Task Force discussions.  A 

definition of electronic publication was presented by the Task Force. 

111.  One delegation noted that they still use WIPO Standard ST.17 extensively in their 

electronic publications, and they work with other IPOs who also use it.  The delegation 

suggested that ST.17 should not be archived.  The Task Force Leader noted that the Task 

Force will take this point into consideration. 

112.  The Secretariat received a suggestion to update Part 6 of the WIPO Handbook  

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