Data Mining: The Textbook

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1-Data Mining tarjima



O =

wij (yi − yj )2


i=1 j=1

This objective function penalizes the distances between yi and yj with weight proportional to wij . Therefore, when wij is very large (more similar nodes), the data points yi and yj will be more likely to be closer to one another in the embedded space. The objective function O can be rewritten in terms of the Laplacian matrix L of weight matrix W . The Laplacian matrix L is defined as Λ − W , where Λ is a diagonal matrix satisfying Λii = n wij .

Let the n-dimensional column vector of embedded values be denoted by y = (y1 . . . yn)T . It can be shown after some algebraic simplification that the minimization objective function O can be rewritten in terms of the Laplacian matrix:

O = 2

T Ly





The matrix L is positive semidefinite with nonnegative eigenvalues because the sum-of-squares objective function O is always nonnegative. We need to incorporate a scaling con-straint to ensure that the trivial value of yi = 0 for all i, is not selected by the optimization solution. A possible scaling constraint is as follows:


= 1




The use of the matrix Λ in the constraint of Eq. 2.21 is essentially a normalization constraint, which is discussed in detail in Sect. 19.3.4 of Chap. 19.

It can be shown that the value of O is optimized by selecting y as the smallest eigen-vector of the relationship Λ1Ly = λy. However, the smallest eigenvalue is always 0, and it corresponds to the trivial solution where the node embedding y is proportional to the vector containing only 1s. This trivial eigenvector is non-informative because it corresponds to an embedding in which every node is mapped to the same point. Therefore, it can be discarded, and it is not used in the analysis. The second-smallest eigenvector then provides an optimal solution that is more informative.

This solution can be generalized to finding an optimal k-dimensional embedding by determining successive directions corresponding to eigenvectors with increasing eigenvalues. After discarding the first trivial eigenvector e1 with eigenvalue λ1 = 0, this results in a set of k eigenvectors e2, e3 . . . ek+1 , with corresponding eigenvalues λ2 ≤ λ3 ≤ . . . ≤ λk+1. Each eigenvector is of length n and contains one coordinate value for each node. The ith value along the jth eigenvector represents the jth coordinate of the ith node. This creates an n × k matrix, corresponding to the k-dimensional embedding of the n nodes.

What do the small magnitude eigenvectors intuitively represent in the new transformed space? By using the ordering of the nodes along a small magnitude eigenvector to create a cut, the weight of the edges across the cut is likely to be small. Thus, this represents a cluster in the space of nodes. In practice, the k smallest eigenvectors (after ignoring the first) are selected to perform the reduction and create a k -dimensional embedding. This embedding typically contains an excellent representation of the underlying similarity structure of the nodes. The embedding can be used for virtually any similarity-based application, although the most common application of this approach is spectral clustering. Many variations of this approach exist in terms of how the Laplacian L is normalized, and in terms of how the final clusters are generated. The spectral clustering method will be discussed in detail in Sect. 19.3.4 of Chap. 19.

2.5 Summary

Data preparation is an important part of the data mining process because of the sensitivity of the analytical algorithms to the quality of the input data. The data mining process requires the collection of raw data from a variety of sources that may be in a form which is unsuitable for direct application of analytical algorithms. Therefore, numerous methods may need to be applied to extract features from the underlying data. The resulting data may have significant missing values, errors, inconsistencies, and redundancies. A variety of analytical methods and data scrubbing tools exist for imputing the missing entries or correcting inconsistencies in the data.

Another important issue is that of data heterogeneity. The analyst may be faced with a multitude of attributes that are distinct, and therefore the direct application of data mining algorithms may not be easy. Therefore, data type portability is important, wherein some subsets of attributes are converted to a predefined format. The multidimensional


format is often preferred because of its simplicity. Virtually, any data type can be converted to multidimensional representation with the two-step process of constructing a similarity graph, followed by multidimensional embedding.

The data set may be very large, and it may be desirable to reduce its size both in terms of the number of rows and the number of dimensions. The reduction in terms of the number of rows is straightforward with the use of sampling. To reduce the number of columns in the data, either feature subset selection or data transformation may be used. In feature subset selection, only a smaller set of features is retained that is most suitable for analysis. These methods are closely related to analytical methods because the relevance of a feature may be application dependent. Therefore, the feature selection phase need to be tailored to the specific analytical method.

There are two types of feature transformation. In the first type, the axis system may be rotated to align with the correlations of the data and retain the directions with the greatest variance. The second type is applied to complex data types such as graphs and time series. In these methods, the size of the representation is reduced, and the data is also transformed to a multidimensional representation.

2.6 Bibliographic Notes

The problem of feature extraction is an important one for the data mining process but it is highly application specific. For example, the methods for extracting named entities from a document data set [400] are very different from those that extract features from an image data set [424]. An overview of some of the promising technologies for feature extraction in various domains may be found in [245].

After the features have been extracted from different sources, they need to be inte-grated into a single database. Numerous methods have been described in the conventional database literature for data integration [194, 434]. Subsequently, the data needs to be cleaned and missing entries need to be removed. A new field of probabilistic or uncertain data has emerged [18] that models uncertain and erroneous records in the form of prob-abilistic databases. This field is, however, still in the research stage and has not entered the mainstream of database applications. Most of the current methods either use tools for missing data analysis [71, 364] or more conventional data cleaning and data scrubbing tools [222, 433, 435].

After the data has been cleaned, its size needs to be reduced either in terms of numerosity or in terms of dimensionality. The most common and simple numerosity reduction method is sampling. Sampling methods can be used for either static data sets or dynamic data sets. Traditional methods for data sampling are discussed in [156]. The method of sampling has also been extended to data streams in the form of reservoir sampling [35, 498]. The work in [35] discusses the extension of reservoir sampling methods to the case where a biased sample needs to be created from the data stream.

Feature selection is an important aspect of the data mining process. The approach is often highly dependent on the particular data mining algorithm being used. For example, a feature selection method that works well for clustering may not work well for classification. Therefore, we have deferred the discussion of feature selection to the relevant chapters on the topic on clustering and classification in this book. Numerous books are available on the topic of feature selection [246, 366].

The two most common dimensionality reduction methods used for multidimensional data are SVD [480, 481] and PCA [295]. These methods have also been extended to text in

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