Data Mining: The Textbook

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Figure 8.9: Receiver operating characteristic

8.8.3 Common Mistakes

A common mistake in benchmarking outlier analysis applications is that the area under the ROC curve is used repeatedly to tune the parameters of the outlier analysis algorithm. Note that such an approach implicitly uses the ground-truth labels for model construction, and it is, therefore, no longer an unsupervised algorithm. For problems such as clustering and outlier detection, it is not acceptable to use external labels in any way to tune the algorithm. In the particular case of outlier analysis, the accuracy can be drastically overestimated with such a tuning approach because the relative scores of a small number of outlier points have a very large influence on the ROC curve.

8.9 Summary

The problem of outlier analysis is an important one because of its applicability to a variety of problem domains. The common models in outlier detection include probabilistic models, clustering models, distance-based models, density-based models, and information-theoretic models. Among these, distance models are the most popular, but are computationally more expensive. A number of speed-up tricks have been proposed to make these models much faster. Local variations of distance-based models generally tend to be more effective because of their sensitivity to the generative aspects of the underlying data. Information-theoretic models are closely related to conventional models, and explore a different aspect of the space-deviation trade-off than conventional models.

Outlier validation is a difficult problem because of the challenges associated with the unsupervised nature of outlier detection, and the small sample-space problem. Typically, external validation criteria are used. The effectiveness of an outlier analysis algorithm is quantified with the use of the receiver operating characteristic curve that shows the trade-off between the false- positives and false-negatives for different thresholds on the outlier score. The area under this curve provides a quantitative evaluation of the outlier detection algorithm.


8.10 Bibliographic Notes

A number of books and surveys have been written on the problem of outlier analysis. The classical books [89, 259] in this area have mostly been written from the perspective of the statistics community. Most of these books were written before the wider adoption of database technology and are therefore not written from a computational perspective. More recently, this problem has been studied extensively by the computer science community. These works consider practical aspects of outlier detection corresponding to the cases where the data may be very large, or may have very high dimensionality. A recent book [5] also studies this area from the perspective of the computer science community. Numerous surveys have also been written that discuss the concept of outliers from different points of view, methodologies, or data types [61, 84, 131, 378, 380]. Among these, the survey by Chandola et al. [131] is the most recent and, arguably, the most comprehensive. It is an excellent review that covers the work on outlier detection quite broadly from the perspective of multiple communities.

The Z-value test is used commonly in the statistical literature, and numerous extensions, such as the t-value test are available [118]. While this test makes the normal distribution assumption for large data sets, it has been used fairly extensively as a good heuristic even for data distributions that do not satisfy the normal distribution assumption.

A variety of distance-based methods for outlier detection are proposed in [319, 436], and distance-correction methods for outlier detection are proposed in [109]. The determination of arbitrarily-shape clusters in the context of the LOF algorithm is explored in [487]. The agglomerative algorithm for discovering arbitrarily shaped neighborhoods, in the section on instance-specific Mahalanobis distance, is based on that approach. However, this method uses a connectivity-outlier factor, rather than the instance-specific Mahalanobis distance. The use of the Mahalanobis distance as a model for outlier detection was proposed in [468], though these methods are global, rather than local. A graph-based algorithm for local outlier detection is discussed in [257]. The ORCLUS algorithm also shows how to determine outliers in the presence of arbitrarily shaped clusters [22]. Methods for interpreting distance-based outliers were first proposed in [320].

A variety of information-theoretic methods for outlier detection are discussed in [68,

102, 160, 340, 472 ]. Many of these different models can be viewed in a complementary way to traditional models. For example, the work in [ 102] explores probabilistic methods in the context of information-theoretic models. The works in [68, 472 ] use code books of frequent-patterns for the modeling process. The connection between frequent patterns and compression has been explored in [470]. The use of measures such as entropy and Kolmogorov complexity for outlier analysis is explored in [340, 305]. The concept of coding complexity is explored in [129] in the context of set-based sequences.

Evaluation methods for outlier analysis are essentially identical to the techniques used in information retrieval for understanding precision-recall trade-offs, or in classification for ROC curve analysis. A detailed discussion may be found in [204].

8.11 Exercises

  1. Suppose a particular random variable has mean 3 and standard deviation 2. Compute the Z-number for the values -1, 3. and 9. Which of these values can be considered the most extreme value?

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